Sintula spiniger (Balogh, 1935)

Grbić, Gordana, Hänggi, Ambros & Krnjajić, Slobodan, 2021, Spiders (Araneae) Of Subotica Sandland (Serbia): Additional Arguments In Environmental Protection, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67 (1), pp. 15-61 : 32-33

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Sintula spiniger (Balogh, 1935)


Sintula spiniger (Balogh, 1935) View in CoL

Material: 15.10.2014 F 1f; 30.10.2014 F 2mm 4ff; 27.4.2014 M1 1f; 30.10.2014 M1 2mm; 30.09.2014 M2 1f; 30.10.2014 M2 1m 1f; 13.06.2014 M3 2ff; 16.09.2014 M3 1f; 30.09.2014 M3 1m 1f; 30.10.2014 M3 7m 1f; 30.10.2014 W3 1 m; 27.04.2014 W4 2 ff; 30.10.2014 W4 2 mm.

Determination: BALOGH & LOKSA 1947, MILLER 1968, GNELITSA 2012.

Global distribution: Southern and eastern Europe.

Habitat: In leaf litter of open deciduous forests. On rock and sandy steppes.

Note: Very rarely found ( NENTWIG et al. 2020). The habitat preference and biology of this species is still not clear. In Bulgaria, it could be found in mountains up to 1000 m (habitats Quercetum, Carpinetum) and is considered very rare, but in Slovakia, it is not rare in dry calcareous grassland with shrubs ( GNELITSA 2012). In Hungary, the species was found in sandy steppes (Festucetum vaginatae danubiale) ( SZINETÁR et al. 2009). In Ukraine, Sintula spiniger was found in a mixed forest, pine forest, at a river bank and flood–land forest ( GNELITSA 2012). In our study, this species was found in 5 different habitats: (F), (M3), (M1), bium, D–F = female epigyne, D = ventral, E = dorsal, F = aboral. Scale bars: 0.5 mm for A–B,

0.1 mm for C, 0.4 mm for D–E, 0.1 mm for F

(M2), and (W3) (W4). According to NENTWIG et al. (2019), it is distributed around Serbia, but in total, just in a few countries of central and Eastern Europe. S. spiniger is well described by GNELITSA (2012), and we just add some photos of this very characteristic species ( Fig. 11 View Fig ). The species is listed as endangered species in the Czech and Slovakian Red List of species.













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