Kingdonella biruensis, Chen & Zhang & Li, 2024

Chen, Jianyu, Zhang, Yulong & Li, Xinjiang, 2024, Two new species of the genus Kingdonella Uvarov, 1933 (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) and the first reported male of Kingdonella qinghaiensis Zheng, 1990, ZooKeys 1205, pp. 253-265 : 253-265

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1205.127999

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scientific name

Kingdonella biruensis

sp. nov.

Kingdonella biruensis sp. nov.

Fig. 2 View Figure 2

Type material.

Holotype: China • 1 ♂; Xizang, Biru ; 93.91 ° N, 31.27 ° E, 8. VIII. 2009, coll. Daochuan Zhang and Yulong Zhang; Catalogue number: # 090808001 .

Paratypes: China 8 ♂ 8 ♀, same data as the holotype; Catalogue number: # 090808002 — # 090808017 .


The species is named after Biru, the type locality.


The new species Kingdonella biruensis sp. nov. resembles K. pienbaensis in having the male epiproct with large denticles, but it can be distinguished by the characters presented in Table 3 View Table 3 .


Male: body medium-sized (Fig. 2 A, B View Figure 2 ), head shorter than pronotum, and frons slightly oblique in profile. Frontal costa distinct and concave on the level of median ocellus (Fig. 2 D View Figure 2 ). Vertical diameter of eyes 1.1 times that of transverse and equal to subocular furrows. Antennae filiform, with 23 segments, slightly longer than the head and pronotum combined; length of middle segment (12 th segment) 1.2 times its width (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ). Pronotum rough, nearly straight on anterior margin and slightly depressed on median posterior margin. Median carina distinct, slightly cut by 1 st and 3 rd transverse sulci; lateral carinae strongly distinct, lateral carinae parallel before 1 st transverse sulci and later gradually expanding outward; prozona 2.1 times of metazona in length. Prosternal process conical and slightly sharp at apex. Mesosternal interspace at least 1.7 times wider than long (Fig. 2 E View Figure 2 ). Metasternal lobes separated and distinct. Tegmina and wings absent. Upper carina of hind femur smooth. Hind femur 3.8 times longer than wide. Outer side of upper basal lobe of hind femur distinctly longer than lower one. Hind tibia with nine spines on inner and eight spines on outer side; external apical spine absent. Arolium between claws large, wide, round, reaching apex of claws. Posterior margin of 10 th abdominal tergite without distinct furcula (Fig. 2 E View Figure 2 ). Tympanal organ absent. Epiproct nearly triangular, longer than wide, bending inward at proximal part to form an obtuse angle terminally; epiproct with large denticles on the middle of both sides, denticles base wider than half of the distance between two denticles base, bluntly rounded at apex; epiproct with longitudinal groove basally, disappearing in the middle. Cerci process conical, sharp at apex, and not reaching tip of epiproct. Subgenital plate long, sharp-cornered, and bluntly rounded at apex (Fig. 2 E View Figure 2 ). In phallic complex, length of apical valves of penis slightly exceeds that of cingulum valves; apodemes longer than basal valves of penis, terminating in sword-like ends. Llateral view of basal valves of penis reveals a reniform shape and distal apodemes (Fig. 4 G – I View Figure 4 ). Bridge of epiproct straight, thin, and elongated; ancorae angular, extending forward, with non-sharp tips; anterior projections extending forward but not surpassing ancorae length; lateral plates straight and posterior projections extending outward. Lophi large and flaky, extending towards medial sides, protruding noticeably in overall plane. In dorsal view, they appear trapezoidal, with evident tumor protrusions along the edge (Fig. 4 J – L View Figure 4 ). Female: body robust, larger than male in size (Fig. 2 G, H View Figure 2 ). Vertical diameter of eyes 1.1 times that of the transverse diameter and 0.9 times that of subocular furrows. Mesosternal interspace at least 2.8 times wider than long (Fig. 2 I View Figure 2 ). Ovipositor margin smooth, with a hook-like apex (Fig. 2 J View Figure 2 ). Other characteristics resemble those of the male.


Body yellow or reddish-brown. Upper part of pronotum lobes darker in color than lower part. Two black spots on each of inner and outer sides of hind femur. Ventral face of hind femur black on outer side, red on basal 2 / 3 of inner and black on apical 1 / 3 of inner sides (Fig. 2 K View Figure 2 ). Upper lateral genicular lobe black. Lower lateral genicular lobe dark yellow. Hind tibia purple above and dark brown below, with a lighter spot near the base of hind tibia. All tarsi yellowish, and sometimes 1 st tarsomere purple.


Shown in Table 4 View Table 4 .











