Cremastus madagascarienscis Enderlein 1921

Rousse, Pascal, Villemant, Claire & Seyrig, Andre, 2011, Ichneumonid wasps from Madagascar. V. Ichneumonidae Cremastinae, Zootaxa 3118, pp. 1-30 : 7-8

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.201206


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scientific name

Cremastus madagascarienscis Enderlein 1921


Cremastus madagascarienscis Enderlein 1921

( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Diagnosis. Cremastus madagascarienscis is easily distinguished by its mottled color pattern and long ovipositor. Description. FEMALE. L: 3.4.

Head. Temples short, head distinctly constricted behind eyes. Vertex densely punctate-shagreened, ocellar triangle transverse distinctly depressed centrally, lateral ocelli distant from each other and the eye by about 1.5x and 0.8x their greatest diameter, respectively. Frons, face shining, moderately punctate-shagreened, clypeus smoother. Face medially protruding with a small diamond-like protuberance just below toruli. Clypeus slightly transverse (Ci = 1.6), convex and rounded with lamellar apical rim. Genae long (MLMi = 1). Mandibular teeth equal. Orbits and mandibles covered with fine white pilosity. Antenna with 28 flagellomeres.

Mesosoma . Mesonotum densely punctate-shagreened, notauli distinct. Scutoscutellar grove deep and longitudinally striated. Scutellum laterally hairy, its lateral carina distinct from base to middle. Dorsal margin of pronotum and mesopleura shining and densely punctate. Metapleura more matt. Propodeum shining, coriaceus and punctate, area superomedia opposite to truncate, twice longer than wide, slightly narrowed at apex; area petiolaris much larger than superomedia, wrinkled apically. Propodeum and metapleuron with fine white adpressed pilosity. Tarsal claws pectinate at base. Fore wing with rs-m basal to 2m-cu by 0.3x its length, pterostigma enlarged. Hind wing with Cu + cu-a straight, Cu1 absent.

Metasoma. Tergite I at apex and tergites 2–3 finely shagreened and aciculate. Ovipositor long (OTi = 2.2) and almost straight.

Color. Head ivory white with ocellar triangle black, occiput black-brown and variable black and/or rufotestaceous markings on median face, clypeus and posterior margins of temples. Flagellum rufotestaceous with ventral face clearer. Mesosoma varying from rufotestaceous to dark brown, with yellow markings on ventral margin of pronotum, lateral margin of mesoscutum, notaulus, tegula, scutellum. Legs 1–2 brown yellow and 3 brown with white markings on fore and middle coxae, dorsal apex of hind coxa, dorsal margin of trochanters, dorsal apex of femurs, dorsal margin of tibiae; tibial spurs white. Tergites I–II black, the following rufo-testaceous. Ovipositor sheath dark brown. Wings hyaline, pterostigma brown, its anterior margin yellowish.

MALE. L: 3.4, 3.5 (3.4–3.8) (4 specimens). Similar to female, genitalia typical of the genus. Yellow markings of mesosoma more or less distinct.

Comments. The original description of this species was based on a unique male. One female and three males have since been collected, enabling a fuller description.

Distribution records. Madagascar (Majunga, Antananarivo and Toliara provinces).

Material examined. HOLOTYPE 3 ( IZW MIZ 187255) “ Madagascar, Majunga [Mahajunga], Hammerstein S.”, 1918, antennae broken. Others specimens examined 1Ƥ ( CAS), Antananarivo, 46 km NE of Ankazobe: Ambohitantel 18° 11.88’ S, 47° 16.89’ E, sclerophyl forest- 700m, Malaise trap MA- 27–14, 20. I/1. II/2004, Irwin & Harin'Hala colls.; 13 ( MNHN EY 3507), same locality, same date, Irwin & Harin'Hala colls., 13 ( CAS) Tulear [Toliara] Prov., Andohahela Nat. Park, Ihazofotsy Parcelle III, 24° 49.85’ S, 46° 32.17’ E, dry spiny forest 800 m, Malaise trap MA-02–21–022– 12/XII/2002, Irwin Parker & Harin’Hala colls.; 13 ( CAS) Tulear [Toliara] Prov. Mikea Forest, NW of Manombo, 22° 54.80’ S, 43° 28.93’ E, Spiny forest - 37m, Malaise trap MA-02–18B-16, 8–18/III/2002, Irwin & Harin'Hala colls.


Institut Zoologii


California Academy of Sciences


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle















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