Hydriastele wendlandiana (F.Muell.) Wendland & Drude (1875: 209)

Petoe, Peter, Heatubun, Charlie D. & Baker, William J., 2018, A monograph of Hydriastele (Areceae, Arecaceae) in New Guinea and Australia, Phytotaxa 370 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.370.1.1

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scientific name

Hydriastele wendlandiana (F.Muell.) Wendland & Drude (1875: 209)


1. Hydriastele wendlandiana (F.Muell.) Wendland & Drude (1875: 209) View in CoL . Kentia wendlandiana Mueller (1870: 102) . Type:— AUSTRALIA. Northern Territory: Liverpool River, 1867, Gulliver s.n. (holotype MEL!, isotypes BRI!, K!)

Hydriastele wendlandiana var. microcarpa Wendland & Drude (1875: 210) View in CoL . Type:— AUSTRALIA. Queensland: O’Connell River, Nernst s.n. (holotype MEL!).

Nenga geelvinkiana Beccari (1877: 28) View in CoL . Adelonenga geelvinkiana (Becc.) Beccari (1885: 82) View in CoL . Hydriastele geelvinkiana (Becc.) Burret (1937b: 484) View in CoL . Type:— INDONESIA. Papua Province: Geelvinck Bay, April 1875, Beccari s.n. (holotype FI!, isotype K!).

Hydriastele douglasiana Bailey (1897: 232) View in CoL . Type:— AUSTRALIA. Queensland: Cape York Peninsula, Somerset, Polo Creek, June 1897, Jardine View in CoL s.n. (holotype BRI!; see Baker & Loo [2004]).

Kentia microspadix Warb. ex Schumann & Lauterbach (1900: 206) View in CoL . Adelonenga microspadix (Warb. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb.) Beccari (1914: 26) View in CoL . Hydriastele microspadix (Warb. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb.) Burret (1937b: 484) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Baker & Loo [2004]):— PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Madang Province: Hatzfeldhafen, Warburg s.n. (FI!).

Ptychosperma beccarianum Warb. ex Schumann & Lauterbach (1900: 208) View in CoL , nom. nud.

Hydriastele beccariana Burret (1928: 292) View in CoL . Type:— INDONESIA. Papua Province: Noord-Rivier   GoogleMaps [Lorentz River], 4°37’S, 138°43’E, 25 August 1907, Versteeg 1662 (holotype B†, isotypes BO, FI!, K!, L!).

Hydriastele carrii Burret (1936d: 326) View in CoL . Type:— PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 1935, Carr s.n. (holotype B†). Neotype (designated by Petoe et al. [2018]):— PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Central Province: Koitaki, 22 August 1935, Carr 12657 (K!, isoneotypes A!, L!, NY!, SING!).

Hydriastele rostrata Burret (1937b: 484) View in CoL . Type :— Cultivated in Bogor Botanic Gardens ex New Guinea, V1 4, April–May 1936, Furtado SFN 31139 (holotype B†, isotypes A!, K!, L!, SING).

Hydriastele lepidota Burret (1939: 204) View in CoL . Type   GoogleMaps :— PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Western Province   GoogleMaps : Tarara, Wassi Kussa River, 8°55’S, 141°55’E, January 1937, Brass 8701A (holotype A!, isotypes BRI, L).

Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 (line drawing). Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 (photo plate). Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 (map).

Solitary or clustering palm forming clumps of as many as 10 stems, slender to moderate, to 17 m tall, bearing 5– 12 leaves per crown. Stem 2–10 cm in diam. Leaf 1–2.5 m long including petiole; sheath 40–73 cm long; petiole (2–) 10–80 cm long; leaflets 12–30 per side, usually irregularly arranged with a group of closely spaced leaflets in different planes in the middle of rachis, ± cuneate, truncately praemorse apically, with ramenta usually present on the basal portion of the abaxial side of the midrib. Inflorescence (16–) 21–50 cm long including 2.5–7 cm peduncle, with (1–)2(–3) orders of branching, protogynous; primary branches 8–15, to 46 cm long, bearing up to 5 rachillae each; triads opposite and decussate. Staminate flower 8–10 × 3–5 mm in bud; stamens (5–)6(–8). Pistillate flower 1.8–3 × 1.8–2.5 mm in bud, with free sepals and free, ± rounded, low petals. Fruit 7–9(–11) × 6–8 mm when ripe, globose to ovoid, purple to reddish, with inconspicuous stigmatic apical remains lacking encircling dark sclerotic zone. Seed 5–7 × 5–6.2 mm, globose to ovoid; endosperm homogeneous to ruminate.

Distribution:— Widespread in New Guinea, parts of Queensland and Northern Territory in Australia, and in between islands.

Habitat:— Primary or secondary lowland rainforest in a variety of subhabitats, and premontane primary rainforest, on limestone and shales, limestone karst and volcanic soils, 0–1000 m.

Uses:— Used for flooring, roofing, bed construction, arrows and spears, harpoons and chicken coop. The young shoots are consumed. Locally planted as an ornamental.

Vernacular names:— Kantrabel, Inpsal (Kanum), Honggomi, Patani, Sanggum (Wondama), Sal (Amele), Kitat (Daga), Kenege (Kutubu), Upo (Meko), Lai (Matbat), Sirata (Sayal), Kelkal (Aru Islands), Bil (Mianmin), Koeyauw (Yei), Befer (Marap), Kava Kava (Patep, Buangs), Sapuh (Maprik), Morr (Gal), Salvaik (Sempi), Fabu (Ambakanja), Ndzip (Timbunke), Kanyaweni (Konti-unai), Kaikinei (Woi).

Conservation status:— Least Concern (LC; Petoe et al. 2018).

Specimens examined:— Locality and date info lacking: Wally 1040 (K!). AUSTRALIA. Northern Territory: Liverpool River , 1867, Gulliver s.n. (BRI, K!, MEL!); Arnhem Land , Gulumarri , Elcho Island , 11°56’S, 135°49’E, 18 July 1975, Latz 6269 (CANB, DNA, K!, NSW); Arnhem Land , Giddy River Crossing , 12°22’S, 136°42’E, 20 June 1972, Maconochie 1550 (DNA, K!); Arnhem Land, N side of Tomkinson R. ca. 13 km S of Maningrida, 12°10’S, 134°15’E, 1974, Rodd 2912 (DNA, K!); Robins Falls , 105 km SSE of Darwin, 13°21’S, 131°7’E, 1974, Rodd 2908 (K!, NSW); Same locality as preceding, 13°21’S, 131°7’E, 1974, Rodd 2909 (K!, NSW); Queensland: Coconut creek , 8 km upstream from Beagle North Camp ca. 45 km NNE of Aurukun, 50 m, 12°57’S, 141°49’E, 27 May 1982, Clarkson 4356 (BRI, K!); Cape Sidmouth, 13°24’S, 143°35’E, 1876, Candie s.n. (K!); Cape York , 1875, Hill 5 (K!); Cape York Peninsula, Somerset, Polo Creek , June 1897, Jardine s.n. (BRI!); Cape York Peninsula, Bamaga Mission, 11.2 km SW of Cape York, E to mill and beyond, stony red hill, 10°53’S, 142°24’E, 24 October 1965, Smith 12413 (BRI, K!, L!); Cape York Peninsula, Newcastle Bay , 2.5 miles south of Somerset , 20 m, 10°47’S, 142°33’E, 9 May 1948, Brass 18722 (A, K!, L!); Cape York Peninsula, Iron Range, 150 m, 12°43’S, 143°12’E, 18 June 1948, Brass 19250 (A, K!, L!). INDONESIA. Maluku Province: Aru Islands , Pulau Trangan, 6 km south of Sia , 10 m, 6°50’S, 134°17’E, 22 October 1994, van Balgooy 6588 (K!, L!); Papua Province: Noord R., 4°37’S, 138°43’E, 25 August 1907, Versteeg 1662 (B†, BO, FI!, K!, L!); Geelvinck Bay , April 1875, Beccari s.n. (FI!, K!); Keerom Regency, Arso Distr. , Tami river , Yusfowor, 100 m, 2°51’S, 140°48’E, 11 March 2002, Gusbager 1 (K!, LAE, MAN); Central Mamberamo Regency , Taritatu River , 6 km SW of Bernhard camp, 1050 m, 3°30’S, 139°5’E, March 1939, Brass 13045 (A!, L!); Nabire Regency, Samabusa, 10 m, 3°18’S, 135°35’E, 10 February 2001, Heatubun 343 (AAU, K!, MAN); Nabire Regency, Km-45 road PT, Kaltim Hutama, 100 m, 3°28’S, 134°52’E, 2 February 2001, Heatubun 333 (AAU, K!, MAN); Nabire Regency, Napan, Makimi, Sungai Musairo, 5 m, 3°3’S, 135°45’E, 3 May 1985, Mogea 5529 (BO, K!, L); Mamberamo Raya Regency, Albatross Biv., 75 m, 2°18’S, 138°2’E, November 1926, van Leeuwen 11201 (K!, L!); Mimika Regency, Timika, Km 64.5 on road to Tembagapura, 380 m, 4°18’S, 136°59’E, 7 February 1998, Dransfield 7654 (BH, BO, K!, L, MAN); Yapen Islands Regency, Yapen Island , Jalan trans Yapen, 700 m, 1°45’S, 136°15’E, 26 October 1998, Maturbongs 613 (BO, FTG, K!, L, MAN); Yapen Islands Regency, Yapen island , Konti-unai village , near trans-yapen main road, 700 m, 1°45’S, 136°5’E, 21 October 1998, Maturbongs 596 (BO, K!, L, MAN, NY); Yapen Islands Regency, Yapen island , Konti-unai village , 600 m, 1°45’S, 136°5’E, 21 October 1998, Maturbongs 591 (BO, FTG, K!, L, MAN); Yapen Islands Regency, Yapen Island , Konti-unai village , trans-Yapen main road, 800 m, 1°45’S, 136°5’E, 21 October 1998, Maturbongs 600 (BO, FTG, K!, MAN); Jayapura Regency, Tanjung Elmo, on the edge of Sentani lake , 90 m, 2°37’S, 140°30’E, 19 September 1998, Maturbongs 575 (BO, FTG, K!, MAN); Jayapura Regency, Angkasa, Cyclops Mts. , Jayapura, 385 m, 2°31’S, 140°43’E, 9 August 1998, Heatubun 269 (BO, FTG, K!, MAN); Jayapura Regency, Cyclops Mts. , Jayapura, 190 m, 2°30’S, 140°30’E, 16 August 1998, Heatubun 281 (BO, FTG, K!, L, MAN, NY); Jayapura, North Cyclops Mts. , 20 m, 2°30’S, 140°32’E, 31 January 2001, Desianto 08 (AAU, K!, MAN); Jayapura, Dessa Tami-Monding, mouth of the river Tami , 15 m, 2°37’S, 140°55’E, 16 March 1956, Kalkman 3399 (CANB!, L); Jayapura and vicinity, 7 July 1938, 2°37’S, 140°40’E, Brass 8963 (A!); Jayapura and vicinity, 100 m, 2°32’S, 140°42’E, June 1938, Brass 8982 (A!, BRI, L!); Jayapura and vicinity, 60 m, 2°32’S, 140°42’E, June 1938, Brass 8891 (A!, BRI, L!); Merauke Regency, Kwell village , 30 September 2000, 7°10’S, 140°50’E, Maturbongs 652 (AAU, BO, K!, MAN); Merauke Regency, Yanggandur village , Wasur, 2000, 8°32’S, 140°52’E, Maturbongs 658 (AAU, BO, K!, MAN); West Papua Province: Rajah Ampat Regency, N Misool Island , about 20 km W of Waigama Village near Motlol Camp, 10 m, 1°53’S, 129°44’E, 22 January 2002, Maturbongs 701 (BO, FTG, K!, L, LAE, MAN); South Sorong Regency , Sayal village , Maampow forest , 10 m, 1°28’S, 131°53’E, 21 February 2003, Heatubun 416 (BO, K!, MAN); Sorong, Makbalim, Aimas (SP4), 50 m, 1°4’S, 131°24’E, 1 July 1997, Heatubun 152 (K!); Manokwari Distr. , mountains S of Arfak Plains, steep ridges between the Arfak plains and Gunung Itsiwei, 625 m, 0°51’S, 133°37’E, 26 April 1994, Sands 6354 (BO, K!, MAN); Manokwari Distr. , Tatbei Ridge above Warmare, 495 m, 0°47’S, 133°58’E, 24 August 1995, Zona 688 (BO, FTG, K!, MAN); Manokwari Regency, Manokwari Distr. , Warmare, Prafi River Valley , 375 m, 0°47’S, 133°58’E, 25 August 1995, Zona 690 (BO, FTG, K!, MAN); Manokwari Regency, Manokwari, Cultivated, in the front of a mosque within the university area, Amban, 120 m, 0°51’S, 134°4’E, 13 August 1995, Keim 3 (K!); Teluk Wondama Regency, Wasior Distr. , Wandammen Peninsula, near Dotir village , 11 km north of Wasior , near the confluence of the Mawoi River and the Yois River , 50 m, 2°37’S, 134°29’E, 20 February 2000, Baker et al. 1043 (BO, K!, MAN); Teluk Wondama Regency, Wasior Distr. , Vicinity of Wosimi river, Sikama river , 3 km SE of Senderawoi village, 26 km SSE of Wasior, 150 m, 2°57’S, 134°34’E, 26 February 2000, Baker et al. 1065 (MAN, BO, K!, L); Teluk Wondama Regency, Wasior Distr. , Wandammen peninsula, near Wondiwoi Village , ca. 9 km south of Wasior , 2°48’S, 134°32’E, 23 February 2000, Rustiami 36 (BO, K!, L, MAN); Teluk Bintuni Regency, Merdey Subdistr., 600 m, 1°35’S, 133°20’E, 2 August 1998, Wally 844 (BO, K!, MAN). PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Central Province: Koitaki, 22 August 1935, Carr 12657 (A!, K!, L!, NY!, SING!); Abau Distr. , Waeana Swamp, 5 km E of More River Bridge, 30 m, 10°2’S, 148°32’E, 23 February 2004, Gideon 20333 (K!, UPNG); 12 km N of Amazon Bay, 60 m, 10°11’S, 149°32’E, 14 June 1969, Pullen 7588 (CANB!, L!, LAE); Mori river , Cape Rodney, 15 m, 10°0’S, 148°32’E, 28 August 1969, Pullen 8137 (CANB!, LAE); Kairuku Subdistr., Maipa irstrip, 50 m, 8°20’S, 146°33’E, 4 September 1962, Darbyshire 880 (CANB!, LAE); East Sepik Province: Maprik Subdistr., Wewak-Angoram Area , Prince Alexander range, SE side of Mt. Turu above Ambakanja Village , 600 m, 3°37’S, 143°22’E, 20 August 1959, Pullen 1520 (CANB!); 31 km N of Ambunti, 80 m, 3°56’S, 142°48’E, 12 August 1966, Heyligers 1537 (CANB!); Maprik Subdistr., Prince Alexander Range, southern side of Mt. Turu , 700 m, 3°38’S, 143°20’E, 25 August 1959, Pullen 1601 (CANB!, LAE); 5 miles N of Timbunke, 30 m, 4°7’S, 143°31’E, 12 September 1959, Pullen 1713 (CANB!, L!, LAE); old airstrip at But, 75 m, 3°24’S, 143°14’E, 1 August 1959, Pullen 1387 (CANB!, L!, LAE); Ambunti , Waskuk Hills, area around Langu and Garuka Villages, 100 m, 4°11’S, 142°44’E, 28 June 1995, Regalado 1431 (A, K!, L); Gulf Province: Kikori Distr. , TFI logging concession near Morere village , 38 km NE of Kikori, 120 m, 7°10’S, 144°29’E, 22 November 2000, Baker et al. 1106 (AAU, K!, LAE, NY); Madang Province: Hatzfeldhafen, Warburg s.n. (FI!); Madang, Baitabag Village ; Baitabag village conservation area, near to Christensen Research Institute, 30 m, 5°8’S, 145°46’E, 10 January 1996, Baker et al. 566 (BH, BO, K!, KEP); North Ambenob , Baiteta Village , 100 m, 5°1’S, 145°45’E, 11 January 1996, Baker et al. 573 (BH, FTG, K!, L); Ohu Village Conservation Area , 150 m, 5°12’S, 145°41’E, 9 November 1996, Barfod 350 (AAU!, K!); Baitabag Village , 2 November 1999, 5°8’S, 145°46’E, Cizek 18 (K!); Josephstaal FMA area, along footpath towards Morasapa, W of expedition Camp 1 (‘Kumamdeber’) and to lower slopes N of the trail, 160 m, 9°38’S, 149°20’E, 29 July 1999, Takeuchi 13523 (A!, K!); near Merap Village , 10 m, 4°45’S, 145°40’E, 9 October 1958, Pullen 1193 (CANB!, LAE); Lower Ramu , half mile north of Josephstaal airstrip, 75 m, 4°44’S, 145°1’E, 4 October 1958, Pullen 1100 (L!, LAE, CANB!); Milne Bay Province: Raba Raba Subdistr., Kwagira River , Peria Creek , 50 m, 9°42’S, 149°23’E, 30 August 1953, Brass 24255 (A, CANB!, L!, LAE); Raba Raba Subdistr., Kwagira River , Peria Creek , 50 m, 9°38’S, 149°20’E, 5 July 1972, Essig 55219 (CANB!, LAE); end of logging road, 0 m, 10°22’S, 150°7’E, 2 March 2000, Barfod 458 (AAU, BRI, CANB, K!, LAE); Rossel Island , Abaleti, 100 m, 11°22’S, 154°9’E, 29 September 1956, Brass 28256 (A!, K!, L!, LAE); Morobe Province: Kanialia Wildlife Management Area , shoreline along Bulili ridge near Lababia, ultrabasics, 0 m, 7°18’S, 147°8’E, 20 February 2001, Takeuchi 15142 (A!); NW of Waria River, near Yai Village , 200 m, 7°57’S, 147°35’E, 7 June 2001, Takeuchi 13213 (A, K!); below Red Hill, along Lae-Bulolo road 18 miles W of Lae, 30 m, 6°50’S, 146°36’E, 3 September 1964, Hartley 13082 (A, CANB!, L!, LAE); Busu River , 6°30’S, 146°55’E, 15 October 1957, White 9553 (K!, L!, LAE); Along Bulolo road, near Markham Bridge, 15 m, 6°45’S, 147°0’E, 15 September 1971, Essig 55001 (BH, CANB!, L, LAE); Oomsis, 150 m, 6°41’S, 146°48’E, 18 April 1959, Brass 29249 (K!, L!, LAE); Anamapi Creek , Dengalu, Wau Subdistr., 1050 m, 7°10’S, 146°39’E, 18 January 1964, Millar 23072 (A, BRI!, K!, L, LAE!); Lae , Wafok, near Nadzab, 500 m, 6°33’S, 146°42’E, 30 January 1996, Baker et al. 607 (FTG, K!, LAE); Oomsis, near Lae , 100 m, 6°45’S, 147°0’E, 1 March 1959, White 10460 (BRI!, K, LAE!); Oomsis, near Lae , 450 m, 6°45’S, 147°0’E, July 1958, White 10194 (A, K!, LAE); Lae , 6°44’S, 147°0’E, 21 July 1939, Clemens 10465 (K!, MICH); Sandaun Province: Vanimo Distr. , Krisa Village , Kilimeri CD, 2°51’S, 141°16’E, 21 May 1999, Klappa 151 (K!); Bewani, 0 m, 3°1’S, 141°8’E, 19 March 2000, Barfod 501 (AAU, BRI, CANB, K!, LAE); Wutung Subprovince, Oenake Range, foothills of Mt. Bougainville, 530 m, 2°37’S, 141°0’E, 7 September 1982, Kerenga 56434 (CANB, K!, L!, LAE); Telefomin, Kak Valley , Gentry transect on slope above Nenem SE of Mianmin, 940 m, 5°8’S, 141°35’E, 27 October 1993, Frodin 3154 (K!); near Ambunti , 90 m, 4°14’S, 142°52’E, 8 June 1966, Hoogland 10241 (BH, BRI, CANB, K!, L!, LAE); Southern Highlands Province: Mubi River , Lake Kutubu divide near Tage, 900 m, 6°21’S, 143°18’E, 27 September 1961, Schodde 2284 (A, CANB!, L!, LAE); Mt. Bosavi , near Bosavi Mission (also known as Dudessa or Ludessa Village ), WWF Integrated Conservation and Development Project Area , 750 m, 6°28’S, 142°53’E, 5 February 1996, Baker et al. 632 (BH, K!, LAE); Lake Kutubu , Wanunuku, near Tugiri, WWF Integrated Conservation and Development Project Area , 900 m, 6°21’S, 143°13’E, 13 February 1996, Baker et al. 667 (BH, K!, LAE); Western Province: Tarara, Wassi Kussa River , 8°55’S, 141°55’E, January 1937, Brass 8701A (A!, BRI); 2 miles north of Kiunga , 90 m, 6°5’S, 141°18’E, 11 September 1967, Pullen 7302 (CANB!, L!, LAE); Oroville Camp, Fly River , 30 m above D’Albertis Junction , 5°43’S, 141°7’E, August 1936, Brass 7402 (A!, BRI); Gaima, Lower Fly River , 8°19’S, 142°59’E, November 1936, Brass 8333 (A!, BRI, L!); Lake Daviumbu , Middle Fly River , 7°36’S, 141°17’E, August 1936, Brass 7592 (A!, BRI, L!); Tarara, Wassi Kussa River , 8°55’S, 141°55’E, January 1937, Brass 8701 (A!, BRI, L!); North Fly Distr. , Tabubil-Kiunga road, 11km SE of Tabubil, 360 m, 5°20’S, 141°17’E, 11 December 2000, Baker et al. 1127 (AAU, K!, LAE, NY). CULTIVATED. MALAYSIA. Sarawak: Kuching Semenggoh Arboretum, 2 May 1981, Dransfield 5987 (K!). INDONESIA. West Java: Bogor Botanic Gardens ex New Guinea, V 1 4, April – May, 1936, Furtado SFN 31139 (A!, B†, K!, L!, SING); SINGAPORE. Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn Y 152B, 18 September 1979, Mohd Shah s.n. (K!); Singapore Botanic Gardens, Palm Valley , Lawn W, Acc. no.: w/25/88/92, 27 April 2001, Loo 305 (K!); Singapore Botanic Gardens, Palm Valley , Lawn W, Acc. no.: Y152, 27 April 2001, Loo 306 (K!); UNITED KINGDOM. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Acc. no.: 079-64.07901, Womersley s.n. (K!); Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Acc. no.: 486-66.48601 (K!); Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Acc. no.: 486-66.48601 (K!); UNITED STATES. Florida: Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami-Dade county , Coral Gables, Plot 112. 79-257A, 4 April 2001, Zona 890 (K!); same locality as preceding, Plot 143. 81-608A, 4 April 2001, Zona 896 (K!) GoogleMaps .

Notes:— Hydriastele wendlandiana is a widespread and common understorey to midstorey palm distinguished by its leaves with 12–30 irregularly arranged, truncately praemorse leaflets on each side of the rachis, leaf sheaths longer than 40 cm, inflorescences bearing 8–15 primary branches, and variable endosperm condition. Hydriastele wendlandiana is most similar to H. kasesa , but that species differs in being of a generally shorter stature, having leaves with 6–13 leaflets on each side of the rachis, leaf sheaths that do not exceed 30 cm in length, and inflorescences bearing 5–10 primary branches. Rarely, leaflets of H. wendlandiana are regularly arranged prompting comparison with H. variabilis and H. rheophytica , but H. variabilis usually has shorter inflorescences (10–25 cm long as opposed to normally 21–50 cm in H. wendlandiana ), and H. rheophytica has pliable stems and flexible leaves. In addition, both H. variabilis and H. rheophytica have basal leaflets that are obliquely praemorse or pointed at their tips, rather than truncately praemorse.

Petoe et al. (2018) describe the taxonomy and morphology of H. wendlandiana in more detail.

In addition to being a nomen nudum, the name Ptychosperma beccarianum Warb. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb. was also linked to a specimen of mixed gathering ( Burret 1928) shown by Baker & Loo (2004) to contain fragments of Hydriastele wendlandiana and Rhopaloblaste ceramica Burret (1928: 288) . Although not strictly a synonym due to its being invalidly published, we nonetheless justify listing Ptychosperma beccarianum as such here, in order to effectively pin down the name.














Hydriastele wendlandiana (F.Muell.) Wendland & Drude (1875: 209)

Petoe, Peter, Heatubun, Charlie D. & Baker, William J. 2018

Hydriastele lepidota

Burret, M. 1939: )

Hydriastele rostrata

Burret, M. 1937: )

Hydriastele carrii

Burret, M. 1936: )

Hydriastele beccariana

Burret, M. 1928: )

Kentia microspadix Warb. ex

Burret, M. 1937: )
Beccari, O. 1914: )
Schumann, K. M. & Lauterbach, C. 1900: )

Ptychosperma beccarianum Warb. ex

Schumann, K. M. & Lauterbach, C. 1900: )

Hydriastele douglasiana

Bailey, F. M. 1897: )

Nenga geelvinkiana

Burret, M. 1937: )
Beccari, O. 1885: )
Beccari, O. 1877: )

Hydriastele wendlandiana var. microcarpa

Wendland, H. & Drude, O. 1875: )
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