Nicorhynchus capito ( Seeley, 1870 ) Holgado & Pêgas, 2020

Holgado, Borja & Pêgas, Rodrigo V., 2020, A taxonomic and phylogenetic review of the anhanguerid pterosaur group Coloborhynchinae and the new clade Tropeognathinae, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (4), pp. 743-761 : 747-748

publication ID 10.4202/app.00751.2020

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scientific name

Nicorhynchus capito ( Seeley, 1870 )

comb. nov.

Nicorhynchus capito ( Seeley, 1870) comb. nov.

Holotype: CAMSM B54625 , a fragmented anterior portion of the rostrum displaying the alveoli from the 1st to the 4th pair of the right teeth ( Fig. 2 View Fig ).

Type locality: Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, England.

Type horizon: Cambridge Greensand (Cenomanian, fossils Albian in age).

Material.— Holotype of Ornithocheirus reedi (Cambridge Greensand) , described by Seeley (1870) and currently lost; and CAMSM B54434 ( SOM: fig. S1) from the type locality and horizon.

Emended diagnosis.—Coloborhynchine characterised by the following autapomorphies: anterior margin of the rostrum slightly concave in lateral view; a roughly rhomboidal depression on the deltoid facet above the first pair of upper teeth; angular dorsal margin of the anteroventral depression beneath the first pair of upper teeth.

Remarks.— Rodrigues and Kellner (2008, 2013) considered “ Ornithocheirus ” capito to be a valid species, but excluded it from the genus Coloborhynchus . Here, we note several similarities between “ Ornithocheirus ” capito and other coloborhynchines, attesting its placement within the Coloborhynchinae. Firstly, it can be seen from the holotype and referred specimen that, although incomplete, the lateral margins of the lateral expansion of the premaxilla in ventral view are straight and parallel to each other, indicating the presence of a square­shaped expansion as characteristic of the Coloborhynchinae. It further exhibits an abrupt, perpendicular angle between the ventral and anterior faces of the rostral tip, again as in coloborhynchines. Rodrigues and Kellner (2013) did note some similarities between “ Ornithocheirus ” capito and Uktenadactylus wadleighi , regarding the concave dorsal margin of the premaxillary crest in lateral view and the presence of a sulcus on the anterodorsal surface of the premaxillary crest.

The holotype of “ Ornithocheirus reedi ” is herein regarded as conspecific with Nicorhynchus capito , following previous suggestions ( Unwin 2001; Rodrigues and Kellner 2013). It shares with the holotype of N. capito a concave anterodorsal margin of the premaxillary crest, a slightly concave anterior margin of the rostrum in lateral view; and a deltoid facet higher than wide, though not extending as far dorsally as in N. fluviferox or N. cf. capito ( NHMUK PV R481). Furthermore, this specimen bears a palatal depression (as in N. fluviferox ); a roughly rhomboidal depression on the deltoid facet above the first pair of upper teeth; and an angular dorsal margin of the anteroventral depression beneath the first pair of upper teeth. CAMSM B54434 is also regarded as most likely belonging to N. capito . This specimen exhibits a sulcus on the dorsal surface of the rostrum, a slightly higher than wide deltoid facet though not extending as far dorsally as in N. fluviferox or N. cf. capito ( NHMUK PV R481); and a faint depression posterior to the second pair of alveoli; thus conforming to Nicorhynchus capito . Its dorsal surface is keeled, though not high, suggesting the presence of an ontogenetically incipient crest.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.— Type locality and horizon only.


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Natural History Museum, London

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