Euconnus (Napochus) feeneyi feeneyi, Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2015

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2015, Taxonomy of ' Euconnus complex'. Part III. Morphology of Euconnus subgenus Napochus and revision of the Australian species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 3925 (1), pp. 1-24 : 20

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3925.1.1

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scientific name

Euconnus (Napochus) feeneyi feeneyi

sp. nov.

Euconnus (Napochus) feeneyi feeneyi sp. n.

( Figs. 31–32 View FIGURES 24 – 34 , 47–50 View FIGURES 47 – 54 , 55–56 View FIGURES 55 – 56 , 63 View FIGURES 57 – 64 )

Type material studied. Holotype: AUSTRALIA (Queensland): ♂, three labels: " 11.45S 142.35E QLD / Heathlands 22Mar. - / 25Apr.1992 T.McLeod / MALAISE #1 barracks / closed scrub(=heath)" [white, printed], " ANIC / specimen" [green, printed], " Euconnus / ( Napochus ) / feeneyi feeneyi m. / det. P. JAŁOSZYŃSKI, '15" [red, printed] ( ANIC). Paratypes (57 ♂♂): 3 ♂♂, same data as for holotype; 1 ♂, same data as for holotype except "dump open forest"; 7 ♂♂, " 11.51S 142.38E QLD / 12km SSE Heathlands / 22.Mar-25.Apr 1992 / T.McLeod, closed / forest,MALAISE#3&#4" [white, printed]; 6 ♂♂, " 11.45S 142.35E QLD / Heathlands 26Jan. - / 29Feb.1992 P.Feehney / MALAISE #2 dump / open forest" [white, printed]; 3 ♂♂, " 11.45S 142.35E QLD / Heathlands 26Jan. - / 29Feb.1992 P.Feehney / MALAISE #1 barracks / closed scrub(=heath)" [white, printed]; 12 ♂♂, " 11.45S 142.35E QLD / Heathlands 1-21Mar. / 1992 P.Feehney / MALAISE #2 dump / open forest" [white, printed]; 6 ♂♂, " 11.45S 142.35E QLD / Heathlands 25Apr. - / 7June 1992 T.McLeod / MALAISE #2 dump / open forest" [white, printed]; 10 ♂♂, " 11.51S 142.38E QLD / 12km SSE Heathlands / 1 -21Mar. / 1992 / P.Feehney closed / forest MALAISE #3#4" [white, printed]; 2 ♂♂, " 11.51S 142.38E QLD / 12km SSE Heathlands / 26Jan-1 Mar 1992 / P.Feehney. closed / forest MALAISE #3#4 [white, printed]; 6 ♂♂, " 11.39S 142.27E QLD / Cockatoo Ck. Xing / 17km NW Heathlands / 1-21 Mar. 1992 / P.Feehney / MALAISE #5 open forest" [white, printed]; 1 ♂, " 11.39S 142.27E QLD / Cockatoo Ck. Xing / 17km NW Heathlands / 22 Mar-25 Apr 1992 / T.McLeod, open forest / MALAISE #5" [white, printed] (all paratypes with green printed labels " ANIC specimen" or "Aust. nat. Ins. Coll."; specimens in ANIC and cPJ).

Diagnosis. BL 1.00– 1.38 mm; aedeagus in ventral view with long and narrow ventral apical projection gradually broadening from base to subapical region, external lateral projections broad and with rounded apices.

Description. Body of male ( Figs. 31–32 View FIGURES 24 – 34 ) strongly convex but with slightly flattened elytral dorsum, elongate, with long appendages, BL 1.00– 1.38 mm (mean 1.18 mm); glossy, uniformly light brown; vestiture slightly lighter than cuticle.

Head short rhomboidal, broadest at eyes, HL 0.20–0.26 mm (mean 0.23 mm), HW 0.23–0.30 mm (mean 0.25 mm); vertex and frons confluent, convex; supraantennal tubercles feebly marked; eyes large, strongly convex and coarsely faceted. Punctures on vertex and frons fine and inconspicuous; setae long, dense, suberect to erect, additionally tempora and vertex with long and dense bristles directed posteriorly. Antennae short, AnL 0.43–0.60 mm (mean 0.52 mm); antennomeres I–II slightly elongate, III–VII slightly transverse and VIII–X strongly transverse, antennomere XI about as long as broad or slightly longer than wide.

Pronotum in dorsal view subtrapezoidal, broadest at base and strongly narrowing anteriorly, PL 0.25–0.33 mm (mean 0.29 mm), PW 0.28–0.35 mm (mean 0.32 mm); antebasal pits and transverse groove distinct. Punctures on pronotal disc fine; setae fine and on sides obscured by dense, long and thick bristles.

Elytra suboval and slightly flattened or even slightly impressed along suture in anterior third, broadest nearly in or slightly anterior to middle, EL 0.55–0.80 mm (mean 0.66 mm), EW 0.43–0.60 mm (mean 0.53 mm), EI 1.14–1.36; basal impressions shallow but distinct, humeri elongate; apices separately rounded. Punctures on elytral disc fine and shallow; setae long, sparse and strongly erect. Hind wings well-developed, twice as long as elytra.

Legs long and slender; unmodified.

Aedeagus ( Figs. 47–50 View FIGURES 47 – 54 ) stout, AeL 0.18 mm, in ventral view with abruptly delimited and short apical part; ventral apical projection strongly elongate and narrow, from base or from sub-basal region gradually broadening to subapical region and with round apex with variously distinct tip, in ventral view not reaching apex of dorsal apical projection; only dorsal apical projection curved dorsally; internal lateral projections long and pointed, slightly convergent distally; external lateral projections broad and with rounded apical parts. Parameres broad, in lateral view apical parts slightly broadened, each with 2 long apical setae.

Female. Unknown or indistinguishable from similar species (see discussion).

Distribution. N Queensland ( Fig. 63 View FIGURES 57 – 64 ).

Remarks. Despite the surprising variability of the body shape and length, the aedeagi of the holotype and 56 out of 57 paratype males of Euconnus feeneyi feeneyi are uniform and if any variation was observed, it can be attributed to various distortions during preserving and preparation. In one male, however, illustrated in Fig. 31 View FIGURES 24 – 34 , the aedeagus differs in the shape of internal lateral projections ( Figs. 49–50 View FIGURES 47 – 54 ). They are much more slender and have different shape than those in the holotype. All other details, as the shape of the ventral and dorsal apical projections and external lateral projections, are the same as in the aedeagus of the holotype. External characters and measurements of this specimen fall within the variability range of all other specimens, and this unique beetle was collected together with others, with broader external projections (i.e., 12km SSE Heathlands, 11.51S 142.38E, 26.i.-1.iii.1992, closed forest, Malaise trap, P. Feeney leg.). It is possible that in this specimen the internal projections are twisted and in ventral view showing a different surface than those in all remaining specimens. This problem requires further study, and the specimen, included here in the type series of Euconnus feeneyi feeneyi , was provided with an additional white label "aedeagus with different external lateral projections".


Australian National Insect Collection















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