Leseha Smith, 2019
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https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/jhr.72.38908 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CA13DAAB-A1DA-4057-ACF8-CAC7495BAEE6 |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/F8C3251E-EDF8-4EDC-86F8-D0B45E54B29A |
taxon LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:act:F8C3251E-EDF8-4EDC-86F8-D0B45E54B29A |
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Leseha Smith |
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Leseha Smith gen. nov.
Leseha vespa Smith & Nishida
Antenna with scape and pedicel each longer than broad. Mandibles evenly curved, each with one subapical tooth. Clypeus truncate to very shallowly emarginate. Malar space less than half diameter of an ocellus. Genal carina absent. Eyes large, converging below, lower interocular distance subequal to or slightly less than eye height. Head from above narrowing behind eyes; distance behind eyes half or less eye length. Epicnemium elongate, flat, on same level as mesepisternum and separated by a fine suture. Anal cross vein of forewing absent. Anal cell of hindwing sessile. Tarsal claws with one inner tooth about as long and broad as outer tooth and located near outer tooth; basal lobe absent.
The genus name is an arbitrary combination of letters; the gender is feminine.
Leseha is separated from other genera of Selandriinae by the bifid tarsal claw without a basal lobe ( Fig. 53 View Figures 51–55 ), mandibles each with one inner tooth, absence of a genal carina, and elongate, flat epicnemium. It is similar to Adiaclema , but Adiaclema has simple mandibles. The claws and epicnemium are similar to Liliacina , but Liliacina has a deeply circularly emarginated clypeus and mandibles are long and bent at almost a right angle. In existing keys ( Smith 2006) it will key to Andeana in couplet 22; however, the following will separate Leseha from Andeana (characters in parentheses): tarsal claws ( Fig. 53 View Figures 51–55 ) with long inner tooth, about as long and broad as outer tooth and situated next to outer tooth (inner tooth small, less than half length of outer tooth and situated near center of claw, as in Fig. 54 View Figures 51–55 ); eyes large ( Figs 17 View Figures 16–23 , 39 View Figures 38–44 ), lower interocular distance subequal to or slightly less than eye height (small, lower interocular distance greater than eye height, as in Fig. 51 View Figures 51–55 ); head in dorsal view ( Figs 18 View Figures 16–23 , 40 View Figures 38–44 ) narrowing behind eyes with distance behind eyes less than half eye length (head in dorsal view straight behind eyes, distance behind eyes more than half eye length, as in fig. 52); anal cell of hindwing sessile, as in Fig. 1 View Figures 1–8 (anal cell of hindwing with short petiole, as in Fig. 55 View Figures 51–55 ).
Hosts recorded for other Selandriinae are Entodontopsis leucostega (Brid.) W.R. Buck and Irel. ( Stereophyllaceae ) for Adiaclema chigiyae Smith ( Smith and Janzen 2003b); Blechnum occidentale L. ( Blechnaceae ) for Dochmioglene sp., and Lomariopsis vastita E. Fourn. ( Lomariopsidaceae ) for Dochmioglene crassa (Cameron) ( Smith et al. 2013).
Species included.
In addition to the two new species described here, the following four South American species also belong in this new genus.
Leseha cruralis (Konow), comb. nov.
Stromboceros cruralis Konow 1899: 296. ♀. "Peru (Callanga, Cuzco)"; Konow 1905: 98; Oehlke and Wudowenz 1984: 376 (holotype); Taeger et al. 2010: 532.
Material. Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru.
Notes. Two females at SDEI are labeled as types: the one labeled "Callanga, Cuzco, Peru," "Coll. Konow," “TYPE,” " Stromboceros cruralis Knw., Peru" is here designated lectotype. The other specimen from "Pachitea Peru" is not part of the type series since the locality was not mentioned by Konow.
Leseha cubitalis (Malaise), comb. nov.
Dochmioglene cubitalis Malaise 1954: 283. ♀, ♂. no locality in original description; Taeger et al. 2010: 487.
Material. Brazil (Santa Catarina).
Notes. Malaise (1954) did not designate a holotype; he stated "(10 ♀♀, numerous ♂♂)", so the exact number of specimens he had is unknown. The lectotype, here designated, is labeled "Brasilien, Nova Teutonia, 27°11'B., 52°23'L, Fritz Plaumann," "11 Mar. 1942," “TYPUS,” " Dochmioglene cubitalis sp. nov., R. Malaise det. 1952," "31 71," "Riksmuseum Stockholm" (NHRS).
Leseha joergenseni (Schrottky), comb. nov.
Stromboceros joergenseni Jörgensen 1913: 274. ♀, ♂. nomen nudum.
Siobla joergenseni Schrottky 1913: 702. ♀, “♂”? “Bompland”; Taeger et al. 2010: 540; Abrahamovich et al. 2010: 67 (two syntypes, male and female, at LP).
Material. Argentina, Brazil.
Notes. Jörgensen’s mention of this species predates Schrottky’s description, but Jörgensen gave no description, only "Junto con la especie anterior, pero acaso no tan comun." Schrottky stated “♀♂,” "22-IX-09, Bompland (Jorgensen Nr. 3)." DRS saw three females from La Plata (LP), no males. There are two females on the same pin with a label "Argentina, Bonpland, 22-IX-1909, P. Jorgensen," " Siobla joergenseni Schrottky, C. Schrottkky det. 1012." The lectotype, here designated, is the top specimen on this pin. The other female DRS saw has a different date, 20-IX-1910, and even though labeled as Siobla joergenseni , it belongs to the genus Plaumanniana .
Leseha limbata (Kirby). comb. nov.
Selandria limbata Kirby 1889: 141. ♀, ♂. "Theresopolis, Brazil"; Dalla Torre 1894: 143; Taeger et al. 2010: 540.
Stromboceros limbatus : Konow 1905: 98.
Material. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina).
Notes. The holotype, at BMNH, is a male labeled "Type H.T.," "B.M. Type Hym. 1.303," "B. M. Type Hym., Selandria limbata ( Kirby 1889)," "limbata type," “27/987,” "Theresopolis, 88-137." DRS could not find the female.
Leseha strigata (Enderlein), comb. nov.
Strongylogaster strigatus Enderlein 1920: 363. ♀. “Südbrasilien, Santa Catarina; Brasilien, Espiritu-Santo"; Taeger et al. 2010: 537.
Material. Brazil (Santa Catarina).
Notes. Enderlein saw two females, one from each of the localities, but DRS saw only one female from Santa Catarina. It is labeled "S. Catarina, Lüderwaldt,” “Type,” " Stromboceros strigatus Endl., type F, Dr. Enderlein det 1918," Muz. Zool. PAN Warszawa 12/75" and is here designated the lectotype.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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