Linguimaera tias Krapp-Schickel, 2003

Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81 : 71

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4115.1.1

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scientific name

Linguimaera tias Krapp-Schickel, 2003


Linguimaera tias Krapp-Schickel, 2003

( Fig. 59 View FIGURE 59 )

Maera mastersi .— Barnard, 1972b: 108, figs 55–56.— Sheard, 1936: 177, fig. 3.— Sheard, 1937: 24.

Maera mastersii .— Hale, 1929: 215, fig. 213.— Chilton, 1916: 367.— Chilton, 1925: 317.— Hurley, 1954: 603.— Lowry & Fenwick, 1983: 236.

Linguimaera tias Krapp-Schickel, 2003: 277 View Cited Treatment , figs 13–15.— Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005: 238, 247.— Krapp-Schickel, 2008: 22.

? Moera mastersi .— Chilton, 1911: 564.— Chilton, 1921: 72.

not Megamoera mastersii Haswell, 1879b: 265 , pl. 1, fig. 1.

Material examined. New South Wales: 1 specimen, AM P.97880, east of Bermagui (36°26′S 150°14′06″E), 119– 122 m, 5 September 1994, benthic sled, coll. P.B. Berents, RV Southern Surveyor (SS05/94/155) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P.62906, Black Rock , south of Smoky Cape (30°56′58″S 153°04′32″E), 13 m, under stones, airlift on SCUBA, 13 February 2002, coll. R.T. Springthorpe ( NSW 1870 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

South Australia: 2 specimens, SAMA C6504, northern side of Point Ellen Reef , Vivonne Bay, Kangaroo Island (35°59′13″S 137°12′25″E), 2.5 –7.5 m, boulders, sand, 26 January 1989, coll. W. Zeidler and K. Gowlett- Holmes GoogleMaps ; 2 specimens, SAMA C6503, Headland near Chinaman’s Hat Island, Yorke Peninsula (35°17′19″S 136°55′04″E), just below low water mark, 6 November 1976, coll. W. Zeidler and I.C. Kowanko GoogleMaps ; 6 specimens, SAMA C7866, western side of Whittlebee Point , east of Ceduna (32°19′59″S 133°11′59″E), depth unknown, 7 March 1993, coll. W. Zeidler , K. L. Gowlett-Holmes and B. McHenry GoogleMaps .

Western Australia: 4 specimens, AM P.79363, reef west of groyne, 2 km south of Cape Peron (32°16′S 115°41′E), 6 m, deep channels in limestone reef, sponges, gorgonaceans from cave in reef, 26 December 1983, coll. J.K. Lowry (WA 295) GoogleMaps ; 13 specimens, AM P.79415, near Mistaken Island, Vancouver Peninsula , King George Sound (35°04′S 117°56′E), 6 m, seagrass, 13 December 1983, coll. R.T. Springthorpe (WA 121) GoogleMaps ; 4 specimens, AM P.79468, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour, Albany (35°03′S 117°53′E), 1.5 m, seagrass Poisidonia australis , January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings (site 5) GoogleMaps ; 5 specimens, AM P.79467, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour, Albany (35°02′S 117°55′E), 1.5 m, seagrass Posidonia australis , January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings (site 4) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P.79464, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour, Albany (35°02′S 117°55′E), 1.5 m, seagrass Posidonia australis , January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings (site 4) GoogleMaps ; 3 specimens, AM P.79462, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour (35°03′S 117°53′E), depth unknown, seagrass Posidonia australis , 15 January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings, D. Walker and F.E. Wells GoogleMaps ; 2 specimens, AM P.79465, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour, Albany (35°02′S 117°55′E), 1.5 m, seagrass Posidonia simulosa , January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings (site 10) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P.79463, Bramble Point , Princess Royal Harbour, Albany (35°02′S 117°55′E), 1 m, seagrass Posidonia sinuosa , January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings (site 12) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P.79466, Quaranup , Princess Royal Harbour, Albany (35°03′S 117°55′E), 2.5 m, January 1988, coll. P.A. Hutchings (site 3). GoogleMaps

Tasmania. 2 specimens, AM P. 97881, 100 m north of Fleurieu Point, Freycinet Peninsula (42°10′S 148°15′E), 10 m, green algae including Halophila sp., airlift, 30 April 1991, coll. S.J. Keable & R.T. Springthorpe on the Flying Scud (TAS 322) GoogleMaps ; 1 specimen, AM P. 97882, off Hannant’s Bight , Cape Sorell (42°11.5′S 145°11.3′E), 16 m, pebbles & fine sediment, airlift, 27 April 1991, coll. R.T. Springthorpe & P.M. Berents on the Flying Scud (TAS 287). GoogleMaps

Type locality. Shelly Beach , Otago Harbour, New Zealand.

Remarks. Linguimaera tias was recorded here as co-occuring in samples with L. leo , similar to findings by Krapp-Schickel, 2008.

Distribution. New Zealand: Otago Harbour, Shelly Beach ( Barnard 1972b). Australia, Victoria: Port Phillip Bay, Western Port, Portland Bay, Cape Northumberland, Bass Strait ( Krapp-Schickel 2003). South Australia: Sellicks Beach; Kangaroo Island; Yorke Peninsula ( Sheard 1936; current study). Western Australia: Albany; Cape Peron; King George Sound (current study).


Royal Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of New South Wales


South Australia Museum














Linguimaera tias Krapp-Schickel, 2003

Hughes, Lauren E. 2016

Linguimaera tias

Krapp-Schickel 2008: 22
Lowry 2005: 238
Krapp-Schickel 2003: 277

Maera mastersi

Barnard 1972: 108
Sheard 1937: 24
Sheard 1936: 177

Maera mastersii

Lowry 1983: 236
Hurley 1954: 603
Hale 1929: 215
Chilton 1925: 317
Chilton 1916: 367

Moera mastersi

Chilton 1921: 72
Chilton 1911: 564

Megamoera mastersii

Haswell 1879: 265
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