Sceletophorus FRITSCH , 1894

Štamberg, Stanislav, 2013, Knowledge Of The Carboniferous And Permian Actinopterygian Fishes Of The Bohemian Massif - 100 Years After Antonín Frič, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 69 (3 - 4), pp. 159-182 : 165

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13191121

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scientific name

Sceletophorus FRITSCH , 1894


Genus Sceletophorus FRITSCH, 1894

T y p e s p e c i e s: Sceletophorus biserialis FRITSCH, 1894 .

I n c l u d e d s p e c i e s: Sceletophorus biserialis FRITSCH, 1894 ; Sceletophorus verrucosus ( FRITSCH, 1894) .

D i a g n o s i s: Frontals only are one third longer or of the same length as parietals. Dermopterotic and dermosphenotic present. Narrow strip of extrascapular bones posteriorly to parietal. Rostral part of head not conspicuously convex anteriorly. Parasphenoid well ossified, even in young specimens. One pair of posterolaterally directed processus ascendens posterior developed. Orbit large, lying well forward. Maxilla with a large maxillary plate, with equal ratio of length to height. Both upper and lower jaws bear robust, smooth, sharp-pointed teeth of identical size. Lower jaw strong. The preoperculum is not conspicuously curved anteriorly, it is inclined at an angle of 60 o – 70 o. The operculum is higher than long by 1/3 to 1/2 and it is 1/3 higher than the suboperculum. Operculum inclined at angle 60 o – 70 o. No more than six branchiostegal rays. Presupracleithrum present, cleithrum considerably elongated dorsoventrally. Lateral sensory canal very conspicuous. Scales very delicately sculptured with fine concentric ridges of enamel only in the oral region of the trunk. Dorsal fin of approximately the same size as the anal fin, but with shorter base. Lepidotrichia of all fins segmented and distally once or twice dichotomized.











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