Spodochlamysmarahuaca Jameson & Ratcliffe, 2011

Bento, Matheus & Grossi, Paschoal Coelho, 2019, Description of the female of Spodochlamys marahuaca Jameson & Ratcliffe, 2011 (Melolonthidae, Rutelinae, Anatistini) and additional records for the Brazilian species of the genus, Acta Amazonica 49, pp. 193-196 : 194-195

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1809-4392201803571

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scientific name

Spodochlamysmarahuaca Jameson & Ratcliffe, 2011


Spodochlamysmarahuaca Jameson & Ratcliffe, 2011

Material examined: “ BRASIL, Amazonas, Juruá / Mineruazinho , 03°34’85’’S, 66°59’15’’W, 13-25.I.1996 / P. Buhrnheim; N. O. Aguiar et al. leg.” // “Armadilha/ Pensylvania/ Luz negra BLB” (♀, CERPE 000002 ; ♀ CZPB- CO000756, ♂ CZPB-CO000755) .

Description. Female ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ). Length 30.0– 30.5 mm; width 11.0– 13.3 mm. Coloration: Dorsal surface andlegs matte black, opaque; ventralsurfaceblackwith weakreddish reflections at middle. Head: Frons densely punctate; interocular width 4.1–4.3 times wider than transverse eye diameter. Frontoclypeal suture complete. Clypeusconfluently punctate or rugopunctate, punctures large; anterior margin weakly parabolic in dorsal view, weakly reflexed in lateral view. Ocular canthus cariniform. Ventral clypeal face slightly wider at middle than on sides, apex concave. Labrum length greater than two times the length of ventral faceof clypeus medially, vertically produced with respect to clypeal apex, weaklyand obtusely angulated at apex. Mentum convex, lacking longitudinal furrow, subquadrate, apex notched medially. Labial palpi 3-segmented, subapical palpomere with small dorsoapical projection. Antenna with club about 1.2 times longer than antenommeres 2–7 combined. Pronotum: surface coarsely rugopunctate; evenly convex in lateral view; anterior marginal bead absent medially; lateral margin densely crenulate; posterior margin weakly bisinuous, with complete bead. Scutellum: Surface densely punctate, wider than long, posterior angle rounded. Elytra: Surface densely and finely punctate; striae absent; sutural margin weakly rugose at base; lateralmargin moderately crenulate. Elytralepipleurongradually narrowed and incomplete. Apical umbone with a rounded, moderately developed tubercle. Sutural stria well defined at apex. Pygidium: Disc evenly rounded in lateral view, not protuberant; surface finely and confluently punctate at base and lateral margins, punctures minute; discdensely punctate. Venter: Mesoventral apex not produced, without process. Legs: Inner protarsal claw and outer claws on meso- and metatarsi narrowly split; protarsomere 5 with weaklydeveloped ventromedialridge. Protibia without ventralsubapical projection, with outermargin tridentate, proximal tooth reduced, inner margin more or less straight; protibial spur absent. Profemurwithout a ventromedial projection. Meso- and metatibia with apex expanded, outer margin with three acute spine-like teeth; meso- and metatibial spurs simpleandnot hooked; metatibia withone ventroexternal, transversal carina. Metatrochanter with apex not produced beyond posterior margin of metafemur.

Diagnosis. Thefemales of S. marahuaca canbedistinguished from males by (opposing to males): anterior margin of the clypeus weakly parabolic in dorsal view (broadly rounded in dorsal view); pronotum withlateralmargins rounded anteriorly (almost straight anteriorly); broader protibial teeth (narrower); inner protarsal claw narrowly split (inner claw simple); and protarsomere 5 with weakly developed, ventromedial ridge (moderately developed). They are also distinguished from the females of other species of the genus by thefollowing character combination: 1) dorsalcoloration matte black, opaque, without waxybloom and greenishorcupreous reflections on pronotum; 2) anterior bead of pronotum incomplete; 3) surface of pronotum coarsely rugose; 4) clypeusin frontal view noticeably convex medially; and 5) outermetatarsalclawnarrowlysplit.

Discussion. This is a distinctive species of Spodochlamys , possessing amatte black, opaque dorsal surface, and surface of thepronotum coarsely rugopunctate. Spodochlamysmarahuaca is similar to S. neblina (only the male known), but differs from it by the following combination of characters (opposing to S. neblina ): 1) elytra with apical umbone rounded (apical umbone more or less a pointed tubercle); 2) metatibial apical spur simple (weakly hooked); and 3) apex of metatibia with a spine-like tooth (lacking tooth).

Jameson and Ratcliffe (2011) were correct when they hypothesized that the hitherto unknown female had dark, opaque elytra. However, itis notrestricted tothe isolatedlocality of the type, as they previously believed. Here, we record this species for the first time in Brazil (new country record).

Three species of the genus are now known to occur in Brazil, and we present additional new records for two of them: S. caesarea is here registered to Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, and Alagoas states, whereas S. iheringi is additionally registered to the states of Roraima, Amazonas, Maranhão, and Tocantins ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 ). Ferreira et al. (2018) erroneously mentioned the occurrence of S. caesarea in São Paulo state based on Ohaus (1918), but instead, this species was recorded from São Paulo de Olivença municipality in southeastern Amazonas state.

Material examined. Spodochlamyscaesarea Burmeister. Amazonas: Presidente Figueiredo (♀, INPA) ; Maranhão: Reserva Biológica do Gurupi (♂, CERPE) ; Paraíba: João Pessoa (♂ ♀, CERPE) ; Pernambuco: Recife (♀, CERPE) , Igarassu (♂ ♀, EPGC) , Cabo de Santo Agostinho ( CEMT) , Camaragibe (♀, CERPE) ; Alagoas: Ibateguara (♀, CERPE) . Spodochlamys iheringi Ohaus. Amazonas: Coari (♂ CZPB) ; Roraima: Yanomami (♀, INPA) ; Pará: Redenção, Reserva Pinkaiti ( CEMT) , Barcarena (2♂, 2♀, EPGC) ; Maranhão: Balsas, Serrado Penitente (2♂, EPGC) , Carolina (♀, CERPE) ; Rondônia: Jirau, Porto Velho ( CEMT) , Candeias do Jamari (♂, CZPB) , São Domingos, Parque Natural de Porto Velho (♂ ♀, CERPE) ; Mato Grosso: Sinop (♂, EPGC) , Diamantino, Serra das Araras, Paranaíta, Porto Esperidião, Cotriguaçu, Comodoro, Chapada dos Guimarães, Itanhangá, Lucasdo Rio Verde, Novo Mundo ( CEMT, CERPE) ; Tocantins: Ponte Alta do Tocantins ( CEMT) ; Distrito Federal: Planaltina ( CEMT) .


Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazoonia, Colecao Sistematica da Entomologia










Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia

















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