Typhlodromips baculiductus, Carvalho, Adeilma Nascimento De, Oliveira, Aníbal Ramadan, Argolo, Poliane Sá & Ferragut, Francisco, 2017

Carvalho, Adeilma Nascimento De, Oliveira, Aníbal Ramadan, Argolo, Poliane Sá & Ferragut, Francisco, 2017, Three new species of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Bahia State, Brazil, Zootaxa 4272 (1), pp. 142-150 : 143-145

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4272.1.8

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scientific name

Typhlodromips baculiductus

sp. nov.

Typhlodromips baculiductus n. sp. Ferragut & Carvalho

Diagnosis. Female dorsal shield mostly striated or reticulated, with areolate areas between setae z4, z5 and s4. Dorsal setal pattern 10A:9B. Seventeen pairs of dorsal smooth setae, except Z4 and Z5 serrated; setae s4, Z4 and Z5 with swollen and hyaline points. Six pairs of dorsal solenostomes, without gland gd5. Peritremes reaching j1. Sternal shield with three pairs of setae, almost quadrate. Ventrianal shield pentagonal, smooth, with three pairs of pre-anal setae and pre-anal pores gv3 crescentic. Fixed digit of chelicera with nine teeth, movable digit with three teeth. Genu II with seven setae. Swollen macrosetae present on all legs. Complex spermatheca with an incomplete ring surrounding the major duct; major duct partially sclerotised and tubular; atrium well-developed; calyx funnelshaped flaring distally.

FEMALE ( Figs 1–5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) (seven females measured)

Dorsal surface. Dorsal shield 310 (310, 303–321) long, 183 (191, 183–195) wide. Shield weakly sclerotised, laterally striated with slight reticulation between j1 and Z4 and areolate elements in the region enclosed by setae z4, z5 and s4. Surface smooth behind S4–Z4. Seventeen pairs of smooth setae except Z4 and Z5, which are serrated. All setae placed on tubercles and pointed, except s4, Z4 and Z5 with swollen and hyaline apex. Seta j1 22 (22, 21–24), j3 20 (20, 18–21), j4 12 (14, 12–15), j5 13 (14, 12–15), j6 17 (16, 15–18), J2 19 (21, 18–22), J5 12 (12, 12–14), z2 16 (17, 15–18), z4 18 (18, 16–18), z5 15 (16, 15–18), Z1 20 (21, 21–23), Z4 36 (36, 36–38), Z5 63 (67, 63–69), s4 26 (26, 24–27) S2 25 (26, 24–30), S4 19 (20, 18–21), S5 14 (15, 14–18), r3 13 (14, 12–15), R1 15 (16, 15–18). Six pairs of dorsal solenostomes, gd1, gd2, gd4, gd6, gd8, gd9. Pore gd6 almost imperceptible, gd9 anteromediad and next to S5. Peritremes reaching setae j1.

Ventral surface. Ventral shields weakly sclerotised. Sternal shield almost quadrate and smooth, with three pairs of setae and straight posterior margin. Distance st1–st3 54 (57, 54–60), distance st2–st2 58 (61, 58–63). Seta st4 on metasternal platelets. Genital shield 70 (74, 70–75) wide. Ventrianal shield pentagonal, with irregular lateral margins, longer than wide, 99 (107, 99–113) long, 82 (90, 82–95) wide at level of ZV2. Surface smooth. Three pairs of pre-anal setae; pre-anal (gv3) pores well-developed and crescentic, distance between them 14 (15, 14–15). Four pairs of setae surrounding the shield, JV5 smooth and with swollen tips, 41 (43, 39–47) long.

Chelicerae. Fixed digit 25 (24, 24–25), movable digit 25 (26, 24–27). Fixed digit with nine teeth, two subapical and smaller and seven larger in comb-like alignment; movable digit with three teeth.

Insemination apparatus. Proximal part of major duct tubular, well sclerotised and apparently rigid, with an incomplete ring encircling the duct, which appears broad and membranous in the distal part. Atrium globular, welldeveloped. Calyx funnel-shaped, flaring distally, 9 (10, 9–10) long.

Legs. Tarsus of leg I tanned. Genu II with seven setae; 2 2/0 2/0 1. Swollen macrosetae present on all legs; Macrosetae on genu I 20 (21, 20–21), genu II 15 (16, 15–18), genu III 22 (22, 21–23). Leg IV with macrosetae on genu 34 (34, 33–36), tibia 13 (13, 12–15) (no longer than other setae) and basitarsus 39 (39, 34–42).

MALE ( Figs 6–7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) (one male measured)

Dorsal surface. Dorsal shield pattern as in female. Dorsal shield 240 long and 158 wide. Seventeen pairs of smooth setae except for Z4 and Z5, which are serrated. Seta j1 15, j3 17, j4 14, j5 14, j6 12, J2 18, J5 9, z2 15, z5 12, Z1 20, Z4 24, Z5 54, s4 21, S5 12, r3 14, R1 15. Six pairs of solenostomes arranged as in female. Peritremes extending to level of setae j1.

Ventral surface. Ventrianal shield subtriangular, reticulate mainly anterior to pre-anal setae; 105 long and 147 wide at anterior corners. Three pairs of pre-anal setae; pre-anal (gv3) pores crescentic, distance between them 12. Seta JV5 27.

Chelicerae. Fixed digit with seven teeth, movable digit with one tooth. Spermatodactyl 26 long.

Legs. Swollen macrosetae present on all legs; Macrosetae on genua I, II and III, 15 long. Leg IV with macrosetae on genu 27, tibia 12 and basitarsus 30. Chaetotaxy of genua II and III as in female.

Type Material: Holotype female, six paratype females and one paratype male collected from Piper dilatatum L.C Ricch (Piperaceae) , Almadina , Bahia, Brazil, 14°47'47" S, 39°10'0" W, 14 January 2015, 1 October 2016, 172 m a.s.l. (above sea level) . Holotype and paratypes deposited in the collection of Acari at Laboratory of Entomology, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus - BA, Brazil .

Etymology: The specific name baculiductus is derived from the Latin baculum meaning rode, cane or stick and ductus or duct, referring to the rigid and bacillary part of major duct in the spermatheca.

Remarks: Typhlodromips baculiductus belongs to the lugubris species group defined by Chant & McMurtry (2005), characterised by having the spermatheca with calyx elongate, funnel-shaped or tubular. The new species resembles T. amilus De Leon , T. furcus Lofego, Demite & Feres , T. gonzalezi Moraes & Mesa and T. paramilus Nuvoloni & Lofego , in that they have a reticulated dorsal shield, calyx of spermatheca funnel-shaped and macrosetae of leg IV with knobbed tips. Typhlodromips baculiductus differs from T. amilus , T. furcus , and T. gonzalezi by having the dorsal shield partially reticulated instead of evenly reticulated; setae s4, Z4, and Z5 have swollen and hyaline apices, whereas they are pointed in the others (not confirmed in T. amilus ). The new species is most closely related to T. paramilus . It differs from the latter by having seta S2 pointed, not swollen—and seven instead of ten setae on genu II. Typhlodromips baculiductus is distinctive and different from all the mentioned taxa in its spermathecal apparatus, by having the proximal part of the major duct tubular and rigid in appearance, with a sclerotised incomplete ring encircling the duct.















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