Dissocladella Pia

SCHLAGINTWEIT, FELIX, RASHIDI, KOOROSH, YARAHMADZAHI, HAMED, HABIBIMOOD, SHARAM, AMIRSHAHKARMI, MAHNAZ, AHMADI, HOSSAIN & KHOKAN, HOSSAIN, 2019, Dissocladella? Chahtorshiana Rashidi & Schlagintweit N. Sp., A New Dasycladale (Green Algae) From The Paleocene Of Iran, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 15 (2), pp. 3-13 : 5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2019.02.01



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Dissocladella Pia


Genus Dissocladella Pia View in CoL in Rao & Pia, 1936, emend. Bassoullet & al., 1978

Remarks: The genus Dissocladella Pia has often been used as a waste-paper basket in the past to include dasycladaleans with two orders of laterals among swollen primaries (club-shaped) (e.g., Sokač and Nikler, 1973; Jaffrezo, 1975). With the cylindrical to slightly claviform thallus, the club-shaped primaries, arranged perpendicular to the axis Dissocladella appears the nearest genus exhibiting two orders of laterals where the specimens from the Paleocene of Iran can be assigned (e.g., Jaffrezo, 1975; Bucur et al., 2010). Some reservations are due to other morphologies of the primaries showing only slight and more or less continuous widening. These differences might refer to different parts of the thallus with fertile regions (swollen primaries) as has for example been demonstrated for Suppiluliumaella schroederi by Barattolo (1984). The type-species D. savitriae is unique among all species of the genus due to its outer thallus annulation leading to ring-shaped fragments ( Rao and Pia, 1936). This feature however has never been considered as being of generic importance (e.g., Radoičić et al., 2005), otherwise Dissocladella would represent a monospecific taxon.

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