Messor carpathous Menozzi, 1936

Salata, Sebastian & B, Lech Borowiec, 2019, Preliminary contributions toward a revision of Greek Messor Forel, 1890 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Turkish Journal of Zoology 43 (1), pp. 52-67 : 54-64

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1809-41

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scientific name

Messor carpathous Menozzi, 1936

stat. nov.

Messor carpathous Menozzi, 1936 new status

( Figures 1–4 View Figures 1–4 )

Messor oertzeni var. carpathous Menozzi, 1936: 277 View in CoL .

Messor denticulatus Santschi, 1927 View in CoL : Borowiec, 2014: 105 (misidentification).

Type material. Lectotype (present designation), top of the pin (w.): Piles | Scarpanto | 22.iv.1934 | C. Menozzi || M. oertzeni | v. carpathus | Typus! Menoz. | Menozzi deter. ( DSAB). Paralectotypes (2w.): two other workers on the same pin.

Nontype material. Dodecanese: Karpathos , Avlona (35.78039°N / 27.17842°E), 285 m, 19 V 2014, 1w. (pin), leg. S. Salata ( DBET); Karpathos, Agios Nikolaos (35.63563°N / 27.15231°E), 205 m, 20 V 2014, 7w. (pin), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps .

Differential diagnosis. Messor carpathous was described as a subspecies of M. oertzeni Forel, 1910 but it differs from it, and from related M. alexandri Tohmé & Tohmé, 1981 , in reduced or absent sculpture on vertex, temple, and genae and in propodeum with wide at base,

lobe-shaped projections, with blunt, rounded, and directed outwards tips. Messor carpathous can be also confused with M. hellenius Agosti & Collingwood, 1987 and some taxa of the M. structor group. It differs from M. hellenius in lack of psammophores; from M. muticus (Nylander, 1849) in lack of abundant standing setae on side of head and presence of lobe-shaped projections on propodeum; from M. mcarthuri Steiner et al., 2018 and M. varrialei Emery, 1921 in presence of lobe at the base of scape and propodeum with lobe-shaped projections; from M. clivorum (Ruzsky, 1905) in reduced or absent sculpture on vertex, temple, and genae.

Redescription. Worker (n = 10): HL: 2.627 ± 0.3 (2.032 –2.951); HW: 2.732 ± 0.4 (1.934 –3.147); SL: 1.928 ± 0.2 (1.657 –2.086); EL: 0.402 ± 0.06 (0.279 –0.459); EW: 0.353 ± 0.06 (0.262 –0.426); ML: 3.192 ± 0.4 (2.59–3.64); PSL: 0.434 ± 0.04 (0.344 –0.457); SDL: 0.373 ± 0.05 (0.256 – 0.429); PEL: 0.864 ± 0.09 (0.721 –0.951); PPL: 0.541 ± 0.07 (0.426 –0.623); PEH: 0.701 ± 0.09 (0.525–0.82); PPH: 0.586 ± 0.08 (0.459 –0.647); PNW: 1.598 ± 0.2 (1.279 – 1.770); PEW: 0.563 ± 0.08 (0.426 –0.648); PPW: 0.631 ± 0.1 (0.475 –0.787); HI: 103.5 ± 4.8 (95.2– 107.3); SI1: 73.8 ± 4.2 (70.5–82.9); SI2: 71.6 ± 7.5 (66.1–87.1); MI: 50.1 ± 1.2 (48.6–52.0); EI1: 88.1 ± 5.6 (77.3–94.1); EI2: 13.4 ± 0.6 (12.7–14.4); PI: 148.3 ± 8.2 (135.0–157.1); PPI: 77.4 ± 4.8 (72.0–86.4).

Color. Whole body uniformly dark brown, sometimes malar area and lateral sides of clypeus bright brown to brown ( Figures 1–4 View Figures 1–4 ). Head. Square, nearly as long as wide, lateral surfaces below and above eyes gently convex, posterior edges convex, occipital margin of head concave ( Figures 3 and 4 View Figures 1–4 ). Anterior margin of the clypeus slightly convex and dentate on its central part. Eyes small, oval, 1.1 times as long as wide. Antennal scape short, in lateral view its anterior part curved, 0.7 times as long as length of the head, in apex gradually widened, its base with distinct, triangular tooth, funiculus long ( Figures 3 and 4 View Figures 1–4 ). Surface of scape with very fine microreticulation, shiny, covered with thin, moderate dense, decumbent to erect setae. Mandibles rounded with thick, dense, longitudinal striae, shiny. Clypeus shiny with thick, longitudinal striae, area between striae rugulose. Frontal carinae short, not extending beyond frontal lobes. Antennal fossa shallow, with dense, thin, and weak roundly curved and longitudinal striae, area between striae smooth, shiny. Frontal lobes narrow, smooth with slight, dense longitudinal striation ( Figures 3 and 4 View Figures 1–4 ). Whole head shiny with very dense, fine and longitudinal striation, striae on central and anterior parts of frons and malar area stronger and thicker, vertex, temple and genae with striation weaker, in big workers sometimes strongly reduced or absent ( Figures 1–4 View Figures 1–4 ). The whole head surface covered by short, adpressed and thick setae; frons and vertex with a few additional erect, thick setae; ventral surface of head with dense layer of thin, erect, straight setae ( Figures 1–4 View Figures 1–4 ). Mesosoma. Short, 2 times as long as wide; metanotal groove present. Pronotum convex on sides. In lateral view promesonotum arched, propodeum positioned lower than promesonotum, its dorsum flat and leaning towards propodeal declivity, propodeum with very wide at base, lobe-shaped projections with tips blunt and rounded directed outwards ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ). Whole mesosoma shiny, with dense transverse striation, lateral sides of mesonotum with striation irregular or longitudinal; dorsum of promesonotum with reduced sculpture; mesosoma dorsum sometimes with striation irregular to longitudinal, area between propodeal lobes always with transverse striation ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ). Mesosoma dorsum with numerous thick, long, and straight setae ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ). Petiole. In lateral view, with moderate peduncle, node high, with anterior face slightly concave, posterior face convex and dorsum wide and rounded. Peduncle and petiolar node shiny, with dense reticulation, dorsum with sparser and thicker reticulation. Dorsal surface bearing sparse, ling, thick, erect setae ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ). Postpetiole. In lateral view, regularly convex, apical half with gently convex sides ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ), on the whole surface shiny, with dense reticulation, dorsum with microreticulation thicker and sparser. Dorsal surface bearing sparse, long, erect setae ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ). Gaster. Shiny and smooth, bearing numerous erect, thin, pale setae ( Figures 1 and 2 View Figures 1–4 ).

Distribution. Greece, Karpathos – endemic species.

Biology. Poorly known. Workers were collected at twilight, in dry phrygana on Karpathos. Nest was in soil, area between nest entrances and its vicinity was covered with dense net of paths that were used by workers.

Messor concolor Santschi, 1927 new status

( Figures 5–8 View Figures 5–8 )

Messor semirufus var. concolor Santschi, 1927: 229 View in CoL (= Messor barbarus semirufus var. concolor Emery, 1908: 448 View in CoL , unavailable name).

Messor barbarus semirufus var. concolor View in CoL : Emery, 1908: 448;

Messor barbarus semirufa v. concolor View in CoL : Emery, 1921a: 72;

Messor semirufus var. concolor View in CoL : Santschi, 1927: 229; Menozzi, 1929: 146.

Type material. Lectotype (present designation) (w.): M. semirufus And. | v. concolor Em. | SANTSCHI det. 1926 || Crete | Rettimno |(Cecconi) || M. meridionalis | And. | concolor Em. || TYPE || Sammlung | Dr. F. Santschi | Kairouan || ANTWEB |CASENT0913219 ( NHMB); Syntype (w): M. semirufus And. | v. concolor Em. | SANTSCHI det. 1926 || Crete | Rettimno | (Cecconi) || M. meridionalis | And. | concolor Em. || TYPE || Sammlung | Dr. F. Santschi | Kairouan || ANTWEB | CASENT0913220 ( NHMB); Syntype (w): M. barbarus | semirufus | v. concolor Em. || Creta (Cecconi) | Kalives || concolor | cotype || SYNTYPUS | Messor barbarus | semirufus | var. concolor | des. EMERY, 1908 || MUSEO GENOVA | coll. C. Emery | (dono 1925) | ANTWEB |CASENT0904126 ( MSNG).

Nontype material. Crete, Chania prov., Imbros Gorge (35.2°N / 24.16666°E), 234 m, 8 V 2013, 16w., leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps .

Differential diagnosis. Messor concolor , a member of the M. semirufus group, is characterized by smooth and shiny head sculpture, lack of rugosity between striation on mesosoma and low number of erect setae on mesosoma dorsum and first gastral tergite. From most members of the semirufus group it differs in almost uniform body coloration with mesosoma not or only partly paler colored than head and gaster. There are four Mediterranean known taxa with similar body coloration: M. semirufus (André, 1883) , M. nahali Tohmé & Tohmé, 1891 , M. ebeninus Santschi, 1927 and M. dentatus Santschi, 1927 . Messor concolor can be easily distinguished from them, and from other species of the M. semirufus group, in having dull gaster with very dense microreticulation.

Redescription. Worker (n = 15): HL: 1.952 ± 0.1 (1.711 –2.145) GoogleMaps ; HW: 1.984 ± 0.2 (1.71–2.216); SL: 1.519 ± 0.11 (1.316 –1.684); EL: 0.349 ± 0.03 (0.316 –0.381); EW: 0.265 ± 0.03 (0.197 –0.295); ML: 2.316 ± 0.1 (2.099 –2.592); PSL: 0.325 ± 0.03 (0.289 –0.368); SDL: 0.306 ± 0.024 (0.268 –0.342); PL: 0.771 ± 0.08 (0.658 –0.974); PPL: 0.398 ± 0.02 (0.342 –0.447); PH: 0.532 ± 0.04 (0.474 –0.632) GoogleMaps ; PPH: 0.554 ± 0.05 (0.474 –0.657); PNW: 1.226 ± 0.08 (1.079 –1.368); PW: 0.409 ± 0.03 (0.342 –0.487); PPW: 0.498 ± 0.04 (0.421 –0.579); HI: 101.7 ± 2.3 (98.4–105.6); SI1: 77.9 ± 2.7 (73.9–82.6); SI2: 76.7 ± 3.7 (70.8–83.8); MI: 75.4 ± 2.3 (71.5–78.9); EI1: 75.8 ± 6.3 (62.5–84.6); EI2: 13.5 ± 0.7 (11.5–14.4); PI: 141.4 ± 7.9 (130.2–161.1); PPI: 72.8 ± 4.8 (65.1–83.3).

Color. Whole body uniformly brown to dark brown, sometimes mesonotum and propodeum with brighter brown to reddish brown pigmentation. Legs and antennae brown to dark brown, flagellum sometimes brighter than scape ( Figures 5–8 View Figures 5–8 ). Head. Square, nearly as long as wide, lateral surfaces below and above eyes gently convex, posterior edges convex, occipital margin of head concave ( Figures 5–8 View Figures 5–8 ). Anterior margin of the clypeus slightly convex and dentate on its central part. Eyes moderate, oval, 1.3 times as long as wide. Antennal scape short, in lateral view curved, 0.8 times as long as length of the head, in apex gradually widened, its base with distinct, triangular tooth, funiculus long ( Figures 5–8 View Figures 5–8 ). Surface of scape with very fine microreticulation, shiny, covered with thin, moderate dense, decumbent to erect setae. Mandibles rounded with thick sparse, longitudinal striae, shiny. Clypeus shiny with thick, longitudinal striae, area between striae shiny. Frontal carinae short, not extending beyond frontal lobes. Antennal fossa shallow, with sparse, thin and weak roundly curved striae, area between striae with sparse and fine microreticulation, shiny. Frontal lobes narrow, smooth with slight, dense longitudinal striation ( Figures 7 and 8 View Figures 5–8 ). Whole head shiny with very sparse and fine microreticulation, only single longitudinal wrinkles appear on the anterior part of frons center and malar area ( Figures 7 and 8 View Figures 5–8 ). The whole head surface covered with short, adpressed, and thick setae; frons and vertex with a few additional erect, thick setae; ventral surface of head with dense layer of thin, erect, straight setae ( Figures 5–8 View Figures 5–8 ). Mesosoma. Short, 1.8 times as long as wide; metanotal groove deep. Pronotum convex on sides. In lateral view promesonotum arched in profile, propodeum positioned lower than promesonotum and slightly arched, propodeum with very small tooth-like projections, its ventral surface slightly concave ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ). Whole mesosoma shiny, with dense transverse striation. Sometimes dorsum of pronotum with reduced sculpture ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ). Mesosoma dorsum with less than 10 thick, long, and straight setae ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ).

Petiole. In lateral view, with moderate peduncle, node high, with anterior face concave, posterior face straight and dorsum steep arched. Peduncle and petiolar node shiny, with sparse microreticulation, dorsum with sparser reticulation. Dorsal surface bearing sparse, ling, thick, erect setae ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ). Postpetiole. In lateral view, regularly convex, apical half with gently convex sides ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ), on the whole surface shiny, with sparse microreticulation, dorsum with microreticulation reduced. Dorsal surface bearing sparse, long, erect setae ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ). Gaster. Gaster matt, with dense microreticulation, bearing erect, thin, pale setae ( Figures 5 and 6 View Figures 5–8 ).

Distribution. Most recent data confirms certain presence of this species on Crete, and, in our opinion, M. concolor should be treated as a species endemic to this island. However, based on literature data, this taxon was also recorded from Bulgaria and former Yugoslavia ( Agosti and Collingwood, 1987), Turkey ( Santschi, 1921; Schaff, 1924; Baroni Urbani, 1964; Agosti and Collingwood, 1987), Syria and Lebanon ( Tohmé and Tohmé, 1981). Due to long-lasting misinterpretation of features considered to be specific for this species all literature records should be interpreted with high caution. In our collection, we have numerous samples collected from the Balkans and Asia Minor, and in none of them we could observe such dense gaster microreticulation as on specimens collected on Crete. Therefore, based on collected evidences, we consider M. concolor to be a Cretan endemic species, but cannot exclude the possibility that it could be an Aegean species (sensu Fattorini, 2000). See also Comments.

Biology. Poorly known. Workers were collected at midday, in the dry riverbed located in Imbros Gorge. Area was overgrown by phrygana. Most probably, as in all Cretan Messor species, nest was located in soil.

Comments. Species described from Crete ( Emery, 1908), in the original description M. concolor was distinguished from other members of the Messor semirufus group based on matt gaster surface. Unfortunately, this feature was wrongly interpreted, what resulted in very complicated taxonomical history of this taxon. Messor concolor was treated as a subspecies of M. semirufus ( Baroni Urbani, 1964) , its junior synonym ( Baroni Urbani, 1974), valid species ( Tohmé and Tohmé, 1981), and finally as a junior synonym of M. wasmanni ( Collingwood and Agosti, 1996) . Study on type specimens and new material led us to the conclusion that the Cretan specimens with matt gaster surface maintain their separateness. Hence, we consider M. concolor a separate species, endemic to Crete.

Messor creticus sp. nov.

( Figures 9–12 View Figures 9–12 )

Messor caducus (Motschoulsky, 1839) View in CoL : Borowiec and Salata, 2012: 512 (misidentification).

Type material. Holotype (w.): Collection L. Borowiec | Formicidae | LBC-GR00505 || GREECE W Crete, 1034 | Omalos Plateau | 35°20′N / 23°53′E | 3 V 2011. L. Borowiec ( DBET); paratypes (22w., 1g.): the same locality as holotype ( DBET, NHMC). GoogleMaps

Nontype material. Greece, Crete. Chania Prov.: Gramvousa peninsula, (35.56667°N / 23.58333°E), 80 m, 12 VII 1997, 1w. (EtOH), leg. P. Lymberakis ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Korfos or Kefala , (34.83333°N / 24.1°E), 55 m, 14 VI 1997, 1w. (EtOH), leg. K. Paragamian ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Omalos , (35.31667°N / 23.9°E), 1122 m, 05 V 2014, 3w. (EtOH) leg. S. Salata, ( DBET) GoogleMaps . Heraklion Prov.: Rouvas Forest loc. 1, (35.15°N / 24.93333°E), 1316 m, 06 V 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Rouvas Forest loc. 2, (35.15°N / 24.83333°E), 1089 m, 28 III 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps . Lasithi Prov.: above Kalimaki loc. 3, (35.11667°N / 25.43333°E), 1240 m, 25 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Chamaitoulo , (35.03333°N / 26.2°E), 180 m, 06 VIII 2000, 2w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Chamaitoulo , (35.03333°N / 26.2°E), 180 m, 12 X 2000, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Chamaitoulo , (35.03333°N / 26.2°E), 180 m, 16 III 2001, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Simaiakis ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Dikti mt. , (35.11667°N / 25.46667°E), 1450 m, 05 VIII 2000, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Simaiakis ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Dikti mt. , (35.11667°N / 25.46667°E), 1450 m, 09 I 2001, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Simaiakis ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Milatos , (35.3°N / 25.58333°E), 310 m, 12 VII 2000, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( NHMC) GoogleMaps . Rethymno Prov.: Nida platou, (35.2°N / 24.83333°E), 1370 m, 01 V 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; road to Nida platou, (35.25°N / 24.88333°E), 1166 m, 25 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Afentis Christos , (35.23333°N / 24.7°E), 650 m, 21 X 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. E. Nikolakakis ( NHMC) GoogleMaps ; Moni Preveli , (35.15°N / 24.46667°E), 15 m, 26 VIII 1996, 2w. (EtOH), leg. M. Maroukli ( NHMC) GoogleMaps .

Locus typicus. Greece, Crete, Omalos Plateau.

Etymology. Created based on the Latin name of Crete [Creta].

Differential diagnosis. Messor creticus is most similar to M. caducus and is easily distinguished from most of Mediterranean Messor in having mostly smooth and shiny head surface, more than 10 thick, erect setae on promesonotal dorsum, sparse and short erect setae on the first gastral tergite and presence of additional reticulation between striae covering surface of mesosoma. From M. caducus , it differs in lack of distinct psammophores. M. creticus has ventral head surface covered with long, thin setae that are only slightly curved on their upper part and do not form a shape characteristic for psammophores.

Description. Worker (n = 15): HL: 1.975 ± 0.2 (1.658 – 2.289); HW: 2.092 ± 0.22 (1.789 –2.461); SL: 1.487 ± 0.1 (1.316 –1.632); EL: 0.383 ± 0.03 (0.342 –0.447); EW: 0.272 ± 0.03 (0.237 –0.316); ML: 2.364 ± 0.2 (2.039 –2.774); PSL: 0.349 ± 0.04 (0.289 –0.421); SDL: 0.345 ± 0.04 (0.276 – 0.408); PL: 0.695 ± 0.07 (0.605 –0.829); PPL: 0.434 ± 0.04 (0.368 –0.487); PH: 0.506 ± 0.05 (0.434 –0.579); PPH: 0.547 ± 0.06 (0.461 –0.645); PNW: 1.253 ± 0.1 (1.026 –1.447); PW: 0.424 ± 0.06 (0.342 –0.566); PPW: 0.551 ± 0.09 (0.421–0.75); HI: 104.1 ± 5.5 (100.3–109.1); SI1: 75.7 ± 4.5 (62.1–82.4); SI2: 73.4 ± 3.7 (68.5–79.4); MI: 71.2 ± 2.9 (63.6–74.2); EI1: 71.2 ± 3.5 (65.5–76.9); EI2: 13.9 ± 0.7 (13.1–15.3); PI: 137.5 ± 4.2 (130.0–143.2); PPI: 79.7 ± 4.0 (73.6–85.7).

Color. Head and gaster black, sometimes malar area and mandibles brick–reddish. Mesosoma brick–reddish with darker coloration on sutures or in the same coloration as gaster. Petiole and postpetiole black, sometimes peduncle brick–reddish. Antennae dark brown, with brick–reddish scape apex. Legs in the same coloration as mesosoma or black ( Figures 9–12 View Figures 9–12 ). Head. Square, nearly as long as wide, lateral surfaces below and above eyes gently convex, posterior edges convex, occipital margin of head concave ( Figures 11 and 12 View Figures 9–12 ). Anterior margin of the clypeus slightly convex and dentate on its central part. Eyes moderate, oval, 1.4 times as long as wide. Antennal scape short, in lateral view curved, 0.8 times as long as length of the head, in apex gradually widened, its base with distinct, triangular tooth, funiculus long ( Figures 11 and 12 View Figures 9–12 ). Surface of scape with very sparse punctation, shiny, covered with thin, moderate dense, decumbent to erect setae. Mandibles rounded with thick sparse, longitudinal striae, shiny. Clypeus shiny with thick, longitudinal striae, area between striae shiny. Frontal carinae short, not extending beyond frontal lobes. Antennal fossa shallow, with sparse, thin, and weak roundly curved striae, area between striae with sparse and fine microreticulation, shiny. Frontal lobes narrow, smooth with slight, dense longitudinal striation ( Figures 11 and 12 View Figures 9–12 ). Whole head shiny with very sparse and fine microreticulation, only single, thin, longitudinal wrinkles appear on the anterior part of frons center and malar area ( Figures 9–12 View Figures 9–12 ). The whole head surface covered with short, adpressed to suberect, and thick setae; frons and vertex with a few additional erect, thick setae; ventral surface of head with dense layer of thin, erect, slightly curved setae ( Figures 9–12 View Figures 9–12 ). Mesosoma. Short, 1.9 times as long as wide; metanotal groove deep. Pronotum convex on sides. In lateral view promesonotum arched in profile, propodeum positioned lower than promesonotum, its dorsum flat and leaning towards its declivity, propodeum with very low lobe-like projections or unarmed, its ventral surface slightly concave ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ). Whole mesosoma shiny, with dense striation, transverse on sides and irregular to transverse on dorsum. Area between striae with irregular rugosity ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ). Mesosoma dorsum with at least 10 thick, long, and straight setae ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ). Petiole. In lateral view, with moderate peduncle, node high, with anterior face concave, posterior face straight and dorsum steep arched. Peduncle and petiolar node shiny, with dense reticulation, dorsum with sparser reticulation. Dorsal surface bearing sparse, ling, thick, erect setae ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ). Postpetiole. In lateral view, regularly convex, apical half with convex sides ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ), on the whole surface shiny, with dense reticulation, dorsum with reticulation reduced. Dorsal surface bearing sparse, long, erect setae ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ).

Gaster. Shiny, with sparse microreticulation, bearing more than 10 erect, thin, pale setae ( Figures 9 and 10 View Figures 9–12 ).

Distribution. Greece, Crete – endemic species.

Biology. Alpine species, recorded only form areas located above 1000 m. Nesting in soil, most often in humid, open areas, e.g., pastures or fields. Workers most active at nightfall, collecting seeds from ground or herbs. Colonies monogynous.

Messor structor group

Messor structor group was revised recently ( Steiner et al., 2018) and five species of the group were collected in Greece. All past records of Messor cf. clivorum , Messor muticus , Messor structor and Messor orientalis from Greece should be verified by study of preserved materials. We reexamined the following material from Greece:

Messor ibericus Santschi, 1931

Messor structor var. ibericus Santschi, 1931: 4 View in CoL (= Messor barbarus ssp. structor var. iberica Emery, 1922: 92 , unavailable name).

Messor structor ( Latreille, 1798) View in CoL : Borowiec and Salata, 2012: 514 (misinterpretation).

Messor cf. structor View in CoL : Borowiec and Salata, 2014: 511, 2017b: 214, 2018a: 8; Bračko et al., 2016: 23.

Revised material. Crete: Chania prov. , Aradena Gorge (35.21667°N / 24.06667°E), 580 m GoogleMaps , 30 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Chania prov. , 3 km S of Askifou (35.26666°N / 24.16666°E), 800 m GoogleMaps , 1 V 2007, 3w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Chania prov., Gavdos (34.8°N / 24.1°E), 58 m GoogleMaps , 14 VI 1997, 1w. (EtOH), 27 VIII 1997, 1w. (EtOH), leg. K. Paragamian ( NHMC); Chania prov., Imbros Gorge (35.2°N / 24.16667°E), 234 m GoogleMaps , 8 V 2013, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Chania prov., Karga (35.45°N / 24.18333°E), 22 m GoogleMaps , 25 XI 1995, 1w. (EtOH), leg. P. Lymberakis ( NHMC); Chania prov., Kato Daratso n. Chania (35.5°N / 23,96666°E), 23 m GoogleMaps , 30 IV 2011, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Chania prov., Khora Sfakion (35.2°N / 24.13333°E), 6 m GoogleMaps , 1 V 2007, 2w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Chania prov., Kourna Lake (35.31667°N / 24.26667°E), 30 m GoogleMaps , 10 VII 1997, 2w. (EtOH), leg. P. Lymberakis ( NHMC); Chania prov., Kourna Lake (35.31666°N / 24.28333°E), 95 m GoogleMaps , 3 V 2007, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Chania prov., Neo Chorio vic. (35.41667°N / 24.13333°E), 50 m GoogleMaps , 4 V 2015, 1w., leg. G. Bračko (GB); Chania prov. , Plemeniana n. Kandanos (35.31666°N / 23,71666°E), 339 m, 2 V 2011,4g, 3w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET), 293 m GoogleMaps , 3 V 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Chania prov., Therisso Gorge (35.43333°N / 23,98333°E), 339 m GoogleMaps , 1 V 2011, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Heraklion prov., Agios Eirini (35.26667°N / 25.15°E), 130 m GoogleMaps , 30 IV 2014, 2g, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Heraklion prov., Alagni-Patsideros road (35.16667°N / 25.21667°E), 463 m GoogleMaps , 24 IV 2014, 1g, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Heraklion prov., Almyros river (35.33469°N / 25.05441°E), 297 m GoogleMaps , 3 VI 2012, 1w. (EtOH), leg. E. Aspradaki ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Apesokari-Miammou (34.98333°N / 24.93333°E), 350 m GoogleMaps , 4 VIII 1999, 2w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Archanes (35.23333°N / 25.13333°E), 768 m GoogleMaps , 28 III 2014, 1g, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Heraklion prov., Avgeniki (35.18333°N / 25.01667°E), 227 m GoogleMaps , 5 V 2014, 1g., 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Heraklion prov., Kali Limnes (34.95°N / 24.78333°E), 76 m GoogleMaps , 29 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Heraklion prov., Keratokampos (35.98333°N / 25.36667°E), 0 m GoogleMaps , 28 IX 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Lentas (34.93333°N / 24.93333°E), 100 m GoogleMaps , 3 II 2000, 2w. (EtOH), leg. E. Nikolakakis ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Omalos Viannou (35.06667°N / 25.43333°E), 1100 m GoogleMaps , 28 IX 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Panagia Almyri (35.06667°N / 24.98333E), 350 m GoogleMaps , 2 VII 2000, 2w. (EtOH), leg. E. Nikolakakis ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Platia Peramata (34.93333°N / 24.81667°E), 450 m GoogleMaps , 8 VI 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( NHMC); Heraklion prov., Rouvas Forest loc. 1 (35.15°N / 24.93333°E), 1316 m GoogleMaps , 8 V 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Heraklion prov., Skotina (35.28333°N / 25. 3°E), 125 m GoogleMaps , 9 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Lasithi prov., Dikti Mt. (35.11667°N / 25.46667°E), 1450 m GoogleMaps , 5 VIII 2000, 1w. (EtOH), 9 I 2001, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Simaiakis ( NHMC); Lasithi prov., Moni Kapsa (35.01667°N / 26,05°E), 1 m GoogleMaps , 22 IV 2014, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Lasithi prov., Myrtos (35.03333°N / 25.56667°E), 100 m GoogleMaps , 23 VII 1999, 2w. (EtOH), 23 IX1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg.M. Papadimitrakis, 31 I 2000, 2w. (EtOH) leg. E. Nikolakakis ( NHMC); Lasithi prov., Praisos (35.11667°N / 26.56667°E), 193 m GoogleMaps , 10 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Selakano (35.08333°N / 25.55°E), 800 m GoogleMaps , 5 V 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( NHMC); Lasithi prov. , 3 km S of Ziros (35.05°N / 26.13333°E), 552 m GoogleMaps , 10 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Fourfouras (35.21666°N / 24.71666°E), 578 m GoogleMaps , 14 V 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Frati (35.2°N / 24.46666°E), 297 m GoogleMaps , 7 V 2013, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Karoti , 12 km E Georgioupoli (35.33333°N / 24.35°E), 110 m GoogleMaps , 30 IV 2007, 2w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Rethymno prov., Kato Malaki (35.28333°N / 24.4°E), 235 m GoogleMaps , 15 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Katsifou Gorge (35.2°N / 24.38333°E), 57 m GoogleMaps , 15 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Kissos (35.2°N / 24.38333°E), 623 m GoogleMaps , 9 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Kourtaliotiko Gorge (35.18333°N / 24.45°E), 158 m GoogleMaps , 6 V 2013, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Rethymno prov., Mariou (35.18333°N / 24.41667°E), 210 m GoogleMaps , 6 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Moni Preveli (35.15°N / 24.46667°E), 15 m, 9 V GoogleMaps 26 VIII 1996, 6w. (EtOH), leg. M. Maroukli ( NHMC); Rethymno prov., Moni Preveli (35.15°N / 24.45°E), 200 m GoogleMaps , 7 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Preveli beach (35.15333°N / 24.475°E), 5 m GoogleMaps , 1 VIII 2006, 1w. (EtOH), leg. G. Bračko (GB); Rethymno prov. , road to Preveli beach loc. 2 (35.16666°N / 24.46666°E), 48 m GoogleMaps , 7 V 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Rodakino-Selia rd. (35.2°N / 24.33333°E), 301 m GoogleMaps , 8 V 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Selli-Oros rd. (35.28333°N / 24.5°E), 473 m GoogleMaps , 11 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Setoures (35.26667°N / 24.38333°E), 305 m GoogleMaps , 15 V 2013, 21w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Velonado vic. (35.25°N / 24.36667°E), 373 m GoogleMaps , 14 V 2013, 3w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET), 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Rethymno prov., Vistagi (35.23333°N / 24.68333°E), 563 m GoogleMaps , 16 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC); Dodecanese: Agia Kyriaki n. Astypalaia (36.5473°N / 26.4027°E), 7 m GoogleMaps , 11 VI 2005, 2w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( NHMC); Kalymnos , NW of Vathy (36.9843°N / 26.9896°E), 70 m GoogleMaps , 9 VI 2005, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( NHMC); Pacheia (36.5677°N / 27.0679°E), 88 m GoogleMaps , 6 VI 2005, 2w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( NHMC); Rhodes , 1 km W of Kattavia (35.95°N / 27.73333°E), 39 m GoogleMaps , 5 VII 2008, 2w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Rhodes, Kiotari (36.03333°N / 27.95°E), 12 m GoogleMaps , 9 VII 2008, 4w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Rhodes, Mesanagros (36°N / 27.81666°E), 257 m GoogleMaps , 8 VII 2008, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Ionian Islands: Kephalonia, Peratata vic. (38.9514058°N / 20.55038°E), 211 m GoogleMaps , 24 VI 2014, 2g, 2w. (pin) 2w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu, Acharavi (39.793°N / 19.793°E), 10 m GoogleMaps , 6 VII 2011, 15w, leg. W.Żyła ( USMB); Korfu, Ag . Stefanos (39.75733°N / 19. 64634°E), 28 m GoogleMaps , 5 VI 2013, 5w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu , N of Ag. Stefanos (39.76338°N / 19.65213°E), 88 m GoogleMaps , 5 VI 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu, Dassia (39.68333°N / 19.83333°E), 5 m GoogleMaps , 4 VIII 2002, 1w. (EtOH), leg. G. Bračko (GB); Korfu, Doukades (39.70075°N / 19.75055°E), 174 m, 8 VI 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu, Ipsos (39.69833°N / 19.83833°E), 0 m GoogleMaps , 27 VII 2004, 2w. (EtOH), leg. G. Bračko (GB); Korfu, Klimatia (39.74123°N / 19.78953°E), 311 m, 6 VI 2013, 1g, 1w. (pin) 2w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu, Old Perithia (39.76159°N / 19.87412°E), 467 m GoogleMaps , 10 VI 2013, 4g, 2w. (pin) 12g., 55w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu, Pandokrator (39.70075°N / 19.75055°E), 785 m GoogleMaps , 19 VII 2011, 1w. (EtOH), leg. Trichas & Kardaki ( NHMC); Korfu, Pandokrator (39.74749°N / 19.86375°E), 736 m GoogleMaps , 7 VI 2013, 7w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korfu, Petaleia vic. (39.75°N / 19.83333°E), 650 m GoogleMaps , 4 VIII 2002, 1w. (EtOH), leg. G. Bračko (GB); Korfu, Vistonas (39.68549°N / 19.71453°E), 422 m, 8 VI 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Zakynthos , 580 m SW of Lithakia (37.71491°N / 20.8242°E), 225 m GoogleMaps , 7 V 2018, 1w. (pin) 4w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Zakynthos , 600 m E of Ag. Leon (37.77045°N / 20.72959°E), 600 m GoogleMaps , 9 V 2018, 4w. (pin) 3w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Zakynthos, Argassi (37.76182°N / 20.92704°E), 10 m GoogleMaps , 4 V 2018, 2w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) ; Macedonia: Drama, Mt. Falakro (41.2939°N / 24.0948°E), 1300 m GoogleMaps , 6 VII 1996, 4w. (EtOH), leg. K. Vardinoyannis ( NHMC); Pieria, Olympus Mts., Leptokaria-Karia rd. (40.02968°N / 22.49219°E), 901 m GoogleMaps , 2 IX 2012, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Pieria, Olympus Mts., Leptokaria-Karia rd. loc. 2 (39.99038°N / 22.4392°E), 803 m GoogleMaps , 2 IX 2012, 9w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Pieria, Olympus Mts., Platamonas castle (40.0057°N / 22.59873°E), 106 m GoogleMaps , 4 IX 2012, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) ; Peloponnese: Ahaia, Aroania Mts. , Mesorroughi (38.11046°N / 22.28297°E), 1022 m GoogleMaps , 29 VIII 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korinthia, Evrostina-Sarandapiho rd. (38.04323°N / 22.22.38926°E), 1232 m , 1 IX 2013, 1w. (pin) 1g., 17w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korinthia, Gerania Mts., Pisia-Schinos rd. loc. 2 (38.03169°N / 23.0053°E), 566 m GoogleMaps , 26 VIII 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET); Korinthia, n. Sarandapiho (38.0275°N / 22.39346°E), 1389 m GoogleMaps , 1 IX 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) .

Comments. The most common species of the Messor structor group, well distinguished by small gynes. Noted from various types of habitats, mostly open such as pastures, roadsides, stone hills, ruderal places in villages but also inside open pine forests, olive plantations, open oak forests from sea coast up to 1450 m a.s.l.

Messor mcarthuri Steiner et al., 2018

Messor mcarthuri Steiner, Csősz, Markó, Gamisch, Rinnhofer, Folterbauer, Hammerle, Stauffer, Arthofer & Schlick-Steiner, 2018: 401 .

Messor muticus (Nylander, 1849) : Borowiec and Salata, 2012: 514 (part).

Messor orientalis (Emery, 1898) View in CoL : Borowiec and Salata, 2012: 515 (part), 2017b: 214; Bračko et al., 2016: 23.

Revised material. Crete: Chania, Agia Irini Gorge (35.31667°N / 23.83333°E), 587 m, 1 V 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Akrotiri Peninsula, Stavros (35.59003°N / 24.10081°E), 20 IV 2016, 9w. (EtOH), leg. G. Hebda ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Diktamos Gorge n. Stilos (35.43333°N / 24.1°E), 160 m, 4 V 2011, 3w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Imbros Gorge (35.2°N / 24.16667°E), 234 m, 8 V 2013, 1g, 4w, leg. L. Borowiec & S. Salata ( DBET, SSC) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Kallikratis (35.25°N / 24.25°E), 950 m, 7 X 2001, 3w. (EtOH), leg. I. Stathi ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Kandanos-Floria rd. (35.35°N / 23.73333°E), 588 m, 2 V 2011, 2w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Koutsomatados-Mili rd. (35.38333°N / 23.66666°E), 308 m, 2 V 2011, 1g, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Omalos (35.31667°N / 23.9°E), 1122 m, 3 V 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Chania, Therisso Gorge (35.46666°N / 23.98333°E), 128 m, 1 V 2011, 1g, 3w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Almiros Gorge (35.33333°N / 25.03333°E), 42 m, 2 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Asimi (35.03333°N / 25.08333°E), 258 m, 5 V 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Ethia plateau (34.98333°N / 25.2°E), 683 m, 3 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion , 4 km E of Ganies (35.98333°N / 24.96667°E), 383 m, 15 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, archeological site Gotrys (35.05°N / 24.93333°E), 151 m, 3 V 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Houdetsi (35.16667°N / 25.15°E), 426 m, 22 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Kato Kastelliana-Tsoutsouros road (35°N / 25.26667°E), 390 m, 23 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Katofigi (35.08333°N / 25.4°E), 560 m, 12 IV 2014, 6w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Miamou (34.96667°N / 24.93333°E), 494 m, 24 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Panastros (35.11667°N / 24.98333°E), 545 m, 3 V 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Pigaidakia (34.98333°N / 24.85°E), 450 m, 1 VI 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( SSC) GoogleMaps , 3 II 2000, 1w. (EtOH), leg. E. Nikolakakis ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Rouvas Gorge (35.13333°N / 24.9°E), 455 m, 26 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Roza’s Gorge (35.21667°N / 25.43333°E), 316 m, 3 IV 2014, 1g, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Skalavokambos (35.28333°N / 24.93333°E), 562 m, 15 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Stoli-Louves road (35.03333°N / 25.01667°E), 197 m, 3 V 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Tilissos - Moni road (35.28333°N / 25°E), 261 m, 15 IV 2014, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Heraklion, Xanias-Miliarades road (35.08333°N / 25.38333°E), 504 m, 15 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, above Kalimaki loc. 3 (35.11667°N / 25.43333°E), 1240 m, 22 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Adravasti-Karidi road (35.11667°N / 26.2°E), 498 m, 8 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Agia Fotia (35.18333°N / 26.16667°E), 21 m, 7 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Agia Fotia-Paleokastro rd. (35.2°N / 26.16667°E), 2 m, 7 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Cha Gorge (35.08333°N / 25.81667°E), 150 m, 1 II 2000, 4w. (EtOH), leg. E. Nikolakakis ( SSC) GoogleMaps , 123 m, 5 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Chochlades Gorge (35.13333°N / 26.23333°E), 76 m, 8 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Dead’s Gorge (35.08333°N / 26.25°E), 15 m, 9 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Exo Lakkonia (35.21667°N / 26.65°E), 156 m, 4 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Hametoulo (35.05°N / 26.18333°E), 520 m, 10 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; lata ( SSC); Lasithi, Kalamafka (36.06667°N / 26.65°E), 472 m, 12 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Kato Symi loc. 3 (35.05°N / 25.4833°E), 818 m, 12 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Krista Gorge (35.15°N / 25.63333°E), 243 m, 4 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Lasithi Plateau, Kato Metohi (35.16667°N / 25.41667°E), 810 m, 9 IV 2014, 1g., 12w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Lasithi Plateau, Plati (35.16667°N / 25.43333°E), 831 m, 16 IV 2014, 4w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Limnakarou plato (35.13333°N / 25.46667°E), 1130 m, 28 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Milatos (35.3°N / 25.58333°E), 170 m, 11 X 2000, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Chatzaki ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Mohlos (35.16667°N / 25.9°E), 9 m, 6 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Moni Toplou Gorge (35.21667°N / 26.2°E), 151 m, 8 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Orino (35.06667°N / 25.9°E), 523 m, 10 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Pahia Ammos (35.1°N / 25.8°E), 0 m, 5 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Perma- Koutounari road (35.01667°N / 25.83333°E), 0 m, 11 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Platanos- Lastros road (35.15°N / 25.88333°E), 339 m, 5 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Roza’s Gorge loc. 2 (35.21667°N / 25.45°E), 664 m, 1 IV 2014, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Selakano (35.08333°N / 25.55°E), 800 m, 23 VII 1999, 1w. (EtOH), leg. M. Papadimitrakis ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Lasithi, Sfaka-Tourloti road (35.15°N / 25.93333°E), 237 m, 7 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Aidonobori (35.31667°N / 24.91667°E), 528 m, 16 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Ampelakiou (35.35556°N / 24.67944°E), 464 m, 10 V 2013, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Episkopi beach (35.35°N / 24.35°E), 0 m, 30 IV 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Fourfouras (35.21666°N / 24.21667°E), 578 m, 14 V 2013, 1w. (pin) leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps 3w. (EtOH) leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Frati (35.2°N / 24.46666°E), 297 m, 7 V 2013, 1g, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Kallikratiano Gorge (35.2°N / 24.21667°E), 441 m, 8 V 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Argiroupolis vic. (35.28333°N / 24.33333°E), 197 m, 13 V 2013, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Vilandredo vic. (35.25°N / 24.31667°E), 354 m, 13 V 2013, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Oros (35.28333°N / 24.5°E), 591 m, 10 V 2013, 2w. (pin), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps 2w. (EtOH) leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Orthes Gorge (35.33333°N / 24.68333°E), 318 m, 28 IV 2014, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Plakias (35.18333°N / 24.38333°E), 4 m, 5 V 2013, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Plakias - Akrotiri Kakomouri (35.16667°N / 24.4°E), 28 m, 5 V 2013, 5w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Potamoi Darn n. Veleones (35.26666°N / 24.58333°E), 210 m, 11 V 2013, 3w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Spili-Gerakari rd. loc. 1 (35.2°N / 24.55°E), 763 m, 9 V 2013, 1g, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Vistagi (35.23333°N / 24.68333°E), 563 m, 16 V 2013, 6w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Rethymno, Saktouria (35.11667°N / 24.61667°E), 450 m, 1 IX 1999, 2w. (EtOH), leg. E. Nikolakakis ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Dodecanese: Karpathos, Agios Loukas (35.6008°N / 27.15275°E), 250 m, 18 V 2014, 1w, leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Agnondia (35.59422°N / 27.16741°E), 165 m, 18 V 2014, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Avlona (35.78039°N / 27.17842°E), 285 m, 19 V 2014, 1w, leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Karpathos city (35.50667°N / 27.21631°E), 26 m, 24 V 2014, 2w, leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Katodhi (35.57519°N / 27.18209°E), 205 m, 18 V 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Lastos (35.57795°N / 27.1444°E), 724 m, 18 V 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Olympos (35.72448°N / 27.16972°E), 429 m, 19 V 2014, 1w, leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Karpathos, Panaghia (35.69998°N / 27.16666°E), 302 m, 20 V 2014, 2w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Kos, Aspri Petra (36.71857°N / 26.9741°E), 236 m, 6 VII 2015, 15w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Kos, Kardamena city (36.78363°N / 27.14107°E), 7 m, 9 VII 2015, 3w. (pin) 28w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Kos, Paleo Pili (36.8357°N / 27.19018°E), 78 m, 7 VII 2015, 7w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Kos, Pili (36.84185°N / 27.1557°E), 78 m, 7 VII 2015, 1w. (EtOH), leg. S. Salata ( SSC) GoogleMaps ; Dodecanese, Kos, Zia (36.84555°N / 27.20493°E), 328 m, 7 VII 2015, 3w, leg. S. Salata ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Rhodes, Faliraki (36.337°N / 28.204°E), 7 m, 21 VI 2015, 2w, leg. W. Żyła ( USMB) GoogleMaps ; Rhodes, Faliraki vic. (36.334°N / 28.205°E), 6 m, 21 VI 2015, 4w, leg. W. Żyła ( USMB) GoogleMaps ; East Aegean Islands: Lesbos, Anaxos Skoutarou (39.31839°N / 26.14776°E), 4-28 m, 7 VI 2015, 1w. (pin) 16w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos, Antissa vic. (39.23841°N / 25.99782°E), 74 m, 8 VI 2015, 3w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos, Argennos (39.35494°N / 26.2661°E), 548 m, 12 VI 2015, 4w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos, Ipsilometopo (39.32012°N / 26.24461°E), 485 m, 11 VI 2015, 10w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos, Ligona Valley (39.32012°N / 26.21009°E), 229 m, 11 VI 2015, 3w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos, Mt. Olympos (39.06958°N / 26.34976°E), 814 m, 10 VI 2015, 1g, 1w. (pin) 120w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos , 3.4 km NE of Skalochori (39.27923°N / 26.10926°E), 292 m, 9 VI 2015, 2w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Lesbos, rd. Sykaminia-Vigla (39.35468°N / 26.30483°E), 395 m, 12 VI 2015, 17w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Samos , 1.7 km S of Agios Konstantinos (37.79064°N / 26.83246°E), 285 m, 5 VI 2017, 1w. (pin) 19w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Samos, Mili (37.67975°N / 26.86006°E), 40 m, 3 VI 2017, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Samos, 850 m W of Mili (37.6814°N / 26.83246°E), 155 m, 3 VI 2017, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Samos, Pandroso (37.73165°N / 26.82803°E), 670 m, 8 VI 2017, 8w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Macedonia: Halkidiki, Kassandra, Cap Paliouri (39.91666°N / 23.7°E), 38 m, 29 VIII 2009, 2g, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Halkidiki, Kassandra, Kassandrino-Polihrono rd. (40°N / 23.43333°E), 100 m, 29 VIII 2009, 1w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Pieria, Olympus Mts., Petra vic. (40.17741°N / 22.32991°E), 584 m, 7 IX 2012, 23w. (EtOH), leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Thessaly: Larissa, Ossa Mts., Evaggelismos-Elatia rd. (39.81762°N / 22.53357°E), 189 m, 6 IX 2012, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Larissa, Ossa Mts., Omoli-Stomio rd. loc. 1 (39.88933°N / 22.66243°E), 27 m, 8 IX 2012, 1w, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps ; Thrace: Rodopi, Drymi (41.21394°N / 25.5734°E), 189 m, 2 IX 2015, 1m, leg. L. Borowiec ( DBET) GoogleMaps .

Comments. Described from Greece and western Turkey. In Greece, prefers lowlands and highland habitats up to 820 m a.s.l. Nests were observed in various open habitats like pastures, stone hills, roadsides, sides of oak forests, olive plantations, ruderal areas in tourist resorts but also in limestone gorges or stream valleys with open deciduous forests.

Messor ponticus Steiner et al., 2018

Messor ponticus Steiner, Csősz, Markó, Gamisch, Rinnhofer, Folterbauer, Hammerer, Stauffer, Arthofer & Schlick-Steiner, 2018: 399 .


Natural History Museum Bucharest


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 'Giacomo Doria'


Natural History Museum, Rangoon


Sacramento State University














Messor carpathous Menozzi, 1936

Salata, Sebastian & B, Lech Borowiec 2019

Messor mcarthuri Steiner, Csősz, Markó, Gamisch, Rinnhofer, Folterbauer, Hammerle, Stauffer, Arthofer & Schlick-Steiner, 2018: 401

Steiner FM & Csosz S & Marko B & Gamisch A & Rinnhofer L & Folterbauer C & Hammerle S & Stauffer C & Arthofer W & Schlick-Steiner BC 2018: 401

Messor cf. structor

Borowiec L & Salata S 2018: 8
Borowiec L & Salata S 2017: 214
Bracko G & Kiran K & Karaman C & Salata S & Borowiec L 2016: 23
Borowiec L & Salata S 2014: 511

Messor caducus (Motschoulsky, 1839)

Borowiec L & Salata S 2012: 512

Messor structor ( Latreille, 1798 )

Borowiec L & Salata S 2012: 514

Messor muticus (Nylander, 1849)

Borowiec L & Salata S 2012: 514

Messor orientalis (Emery, 1898)

Bracko G & Kiran K & Karaman C & Salata S & Borowiec L 2016: 23
Borowiec L & Salata S 2012: 515

Messor oertzeni var. carpathous

Menozzi C 1936: 277

Messor structor var. ibericus

Santschi F 1931: 4
Emery C 1922: 92

Messor semirufus var. concolor

Santschi F 1927: 229
Emery C 1908: 448

Messor semirufus var. concolor

Menozzi C 1929: 146
Santschi F 1927: 229

Messor barbarus semirufa v. concolor

Emery C 1921: 72

Messor barbarus semirufus var. concolor

Emery C 1908: 448
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