Lasioglossum dorchini Pauly, 2013

Pauly, Alain, Levy, Karmit, Noël, Grégoire, Sonet, Gontran, Boevé, Jean-Luc & Mandelik, Yael, 2020, Lasioglossum dorchini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) a new species of bee from Israel, Belgian Journal of Entomology 105, pp. 1-24 : 1-24

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13589490

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scientific name

Lasioglossum dorchini Pauly

sp. nov.

Lasioglossum dorchini Pauly sp. nov.

DIAGNOSIS. Close to L. leptocephalum . The female differs by the less slender head ( Fig. 2 View Fig ), the larger clypeus, the first tergum more densely punctuated in the middle (sparsely punctated in the middle in L. leptocephalum ) ( Fig. 3 View Fig ), the third tergum pubescent only on its base, with very fine setae on the apical half (nearly completely covered with plumose setae in L. leptocephalum ) ( Figs 4 View Fig , 5 View Fig ), the legs dark brown (pale brown in L. leptocephalum ) ( Fig. 6 View Fig ), the less long propodeum ( Fig. 7d View Fig versus Fig. 11d View Fig ). The male differs from L. leptocephalum (which is known only by the type series of L. krugeri Blüthgen, 1930 ) by the less abundant tomentum and the shorter erect setae on the terga ( Fig. 8e View Fig compared to Fig. 12d View Fig ) and the shorter propodeum ( Fig. 8c View Fig compared to Fig. 12c View Fig ).


Colouration. Body with metallic bronze-green reflections, apical margins of terga largely amber ( Figs 1a View Fig , 4b View Fig ), sometimes almost entirely amber; sterna completely amber ( Fig. 6b View Fig ). Legs black, end of the femurs and basal half of the basitarsi of the hind legs brown ( Fig. 6b View Fig ). Flagellum brown below. Mandibles dark brown. Tegulae pale yellow translucent ( Fig. 7b, c View Fig ).

Structure, punctation and pubescence. Head very elongate (length/width = 1.19) ( Figs 2b View Fig , 7a View Fig ). Clypeus and supraclypeal area long ( Fig. 2b View Fig ); vertex narrow (vertex width/ intertegular distance = 0.68), finely striated ( Fig. 7b View Fig ); frons densely and finely punctuated ( Fig. 2b View Fig ); apical half of the clypeus and lower adjacent part of the eyes black and smooth, with sparse punctures ( Fig. 2b View Fig ); genae densely striate. Mesosoma. Pronotum angles obtuse. Scutum and scutellum densely and finely punctuated, puncture interspaces equal a point diameter, the surface dull and completely striated ( Fig. 7c View Fig ). Propodeum not carinate, short (propodeal/metanotal length = 1.4), wrinkled on the basal half, micro-tessellated on the apical half ( Fig. 7d View Fig ). Metasoma. First

tergum finely and rather densely punctuated, puncture interspaces equal two puncture diameters, the inclined base finely striate ( Fig. 3b View Fig ). Sides of inclined base of tergum 1 and on the bases of terga 2 to 4 with grey plumose tomentum ( Fig. 4b View Fig ). Middle of the tergum 3 with short weakly branched setae, without plumose hairs ( Fig. 5b View Fig ). Legs. Hind tibial spur with 3 long oblique teeth ( Fig. 7e View Fig ).

MALE. Length 6 mm.

Colouration. Head and mesosoma with blue-green metallic reflections, metasoma black without or with very weak metallic reflections ( Fig. 1b View Fig ). Apical margins of terga hyaline fulvous ( Fig. 8e View Fig ). All tarsi, basal and apical parts of hind tibiae pale yellow ( Fig. 8f View Fig ). Apical third of the clypeus pale yellow ( Fig. 8a View Fig ). Underside of flagellum ocraceous ( Fig. 8g View Fig ). Tegulae pale yellow translucent ( Fig. 8b View Fig ).

Structure, punctation and pubescence. Head long (length/width=1.12). Flagellomeres 1,5 time longer than wide ( Fig. 8g View Fig ). Mesosoma. Scutum and scutellum densely and finely punctuate, puncture interspaces dull and equal to a puncture diameter ( Fig. 8b View Fig ). Propodeum not carinate, the propodeal area relatively short (propodeal/metanotal length=1.25), with some wrinkles reaching posterior margin ( Fig. 8c View Fig ). Metasoma. Surface of the terga shiny, with punctures fine and comparatively dense (puncture interspaces equal 1.5–2 puncture diameter) ( Fig. 8d, e View Fig ).

Sterna with oblique setae apically ( Fig. 8f View Fig ). Genitalia. Gonocoxites with gonostyli and ventral membranes illustrated in Fig. 8h. View Fig

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. Lasioglossum dorchini is known only from the central coastal plain of Israel (one specimen from Acre in the northern coastal plain). The type locality in Nahal Alexander National Park is characterized by semi-stabilized sand dunes typical of Israel’s central coastal plain (KUTIEL, 2001) ( Figs 15–18 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ). The park was planted in part with non-native Eucalyptus trees in the mid 1960s, mainly E. camaldulensis Dehnh. The natural shrubland flora is dominated by Artemisia monosperma Delile , Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb and Ephedra aphylla Forssk. Bees were collected in the north western part of the park, during spring (February-April). Most specimens were captured with pan traps and some others were collected with nets while visiting flowers of Asteraceae ( Crepis aculeata (DC.) Boiss. , Senecio glaucus L., and S. leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter ).

TYPE MATERIAL (456 specimens; SMNHTAU, RBINS). Holotype ♀: ISRAEL, Nahal Alexander, 32.401 34.882, 1.V.2016, leg. K. Levy (AP 304) (GenBank MT221620 ) ( SMNHTAU). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. ISRAEL, Nahal Alexander, 31.III.2016, 1♂, 1♀; 3.IV.2016, 1♀; 5.IV.2016, 3♂, 27♀; 6.IV.2016, 1♂, 9♀; 7.IV.2016, 4♀; 20.IV.2016, 1♀; 21.IV.2016, 1♂, 22♀; 24.IV.2016, 6♂, 30♀; 25.IV.2016, 10♀; 1. V.2016, 1♀; 5. V.2016, 1♀; 4.III.2017, 5♀; 9.III.2017, 4♀; 10.III.2017, 35♀; 23.III.2017, 2♀; 31.III.2017, 1♀; 3.IV.2017, 4♀; 4.IV.2017, 23♀; 6.IV.2017, 10♀; 10.II.2018, 14♀; 11.II.2018, 46♀; 14.II.2018, 30♀; 15.II.2018, 12♀; 16.II.2018, 87♀; 7.III.2018, 10♀; 8.III.2018, 7♀; 9.III.2018, 1♀; 16.III.2018, 1♀; 17.III.2018, 2♀; 4.IV.2018, 1♂, 5♀; 5.IV.2018, 2♀; 6.IV.2018, 2♂, 14♀; 7.IV.2018, 1♂, 4♀; 8.IV.2018, 1♀, all. leg. K. Levy ( SMNHTAU, RBINS). – Giv'at Homera Nature Reserve, 31.935 34.743, 6.II.2015, pan trap, 2♀, leg. G. Pisanty (202534, 202559) ( SMNHTAU). – Palmahim, 31.927 34.730, 6.II.2015, pan trap, 2♀, leg. G. Pisanty (202520) ( SMNHTAU). – 'En Sarid, 32.273 34.928, 5.IV.2012, leg. O. Afik ( SMNHTAU). – Cesarea, 30.IV.1963, 1♀, leg. Kugler ( SMNHTAU). – Holon, 1.III.1986, 1♀, leg. E. Shney-Dor ( SMNHTAU). – Holon, 32.002 34.787, 4. V.1978, 1♀, leg. M. Kaplan ( SMNHTAU). – Holon Dunes, 31.998 34.787, 1.III.1986, 1♀, leg. E. Shney-Dor ( SMNHTAU). – Tel-Aviv Swamp, 31.935 34.743, 9.IV.1981, 1♀, leg. Freidberg ( SMNHTAU). – Acre, 30.IV.1963, 1♂, leg. Kugler ( SMNHTAU). – Berekhat Ya'ar, North, 32.412 34.898, 23. V.2003, 1♂, leg. A. Freidberg ( SMNHTAU). – Nizzanim, 31.722 34.603, 13. V.2003, 1♂, leg. L. Freidman ( SMNHTAU). – 17 km SSW Tel Aviv, Dünen W Kefar, N31.41 E35.28, 13. V.1996, 1♀, leg. O. Niehuis (col. Ebmer) (specimen examined and identified by Ebmer as L. sinaiticum ). – Sharon Plain, Netanya shore, 32.286 34.841, 1♀, 27.IV.2009, at 9 am, leg. A. Dorchin.

ETYMOLOGY. This new species is dedicated to Achick Dorchin, bee specialist at the Tel Aviv University, who discovered the first specimen I examined of this species.


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