Diphelypaea coccinea (M. Bieb.) Nicolson (1975: 654)

Piwowarczyk, Renata, Pedraja, Óscar Sánchez, Moral, Gonzalo Moreno, Fayvush, George, Zakaryan, Narine, Kartashyan, Nune & Aleksanyan, Alla, 2019, Holoparasitic Orobanchaceae (Cistanche, Diphelypaea, Orobanche, Phelipanche) in Armenia: distribution, habitats, host range and taxonomic problems, Phytotaxa 386 (1), pp. 1-106 : 14-18

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.386.1.1

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scientific name

Diphelypaea coccinea (M. Bieb.) Nicolson (1975: 654)


1. Diphelypaea coccinea (M. Bieb.) Nicolson (1975: 654) View in CoL . Type:—CAUCASUS (lectotype designated here):—1. „ Orobanche coccinea , / Phelypaea Tournerfof. / Ex Caucaso [m. Marschall von Bieberstein. Collected by Güldenstedt north of Tiflis (Tbilisi) in the Republic of Georgia]”. – 2. „ Orobanche coccinea M.B. / Typus! / XI.1968 Tzvelev 1968” (LE s.n.!) ( Cullen 2010: 384). Basionym:— Orobanche coccinea M. Bieberstein (1798: 58) . Homotypic synonyms:— Phelypaea coccinea (M. Bieb.) Poiret (1804: 268) ; Anoplanthus coccineus (M. Bieb.) Walpers (1844: 481) . Heterotypic synonyms:— Phelypaea foliata Lambert (1811: 260) . Anoplanthus biebersteinii Reut. in Candolle (1847: 42); Phelypaea bayerni Novopokr. in Grossheim (1949: 730). Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 .

Notes: — The LE material is very interesting and allowed us to designate some lectotypes of the accepted name and its synonyms. So, the first sheet of LE that we studied seems to contain three gatherings and four labels, the first of them on the left-hand of the sheet is formed by six specimens of a single gathering of the “ Caucaso ”; we chose as a lectotype the second on the left, this specimen shows a stem with three scattered leaves and a single flower, the rest are isolectotypes. Additionally, this first sheet contains two more gatherings with their labels, one is from “ Tauria (Crimea)” collected by Steven 1816 and the other from “ Sobla (Crimea)” ( Stapf 1915: 294), on the Steven’s gathering we designated the lectotype of the Anoplanthus biebersteinii , because this material was one of the materials mentioned by Reuter in his protologue .

Anoplanthus biebersteinii (Reut. in Candolle 1847: 42). Type :— CRIMEA (lectotype designated here):—„Tauria Steven 1816 [m. Marschall von Bieberstein]” ( LE s.n.! [the sheet contains two specimens, the specimen with flower is designated as the lectotype]) .

Phelypaea bayerni Novopokr. in Grossheim (1949: 730). Type:—CAUCASUS (lectotype designated here):—1. „ Anoplanthus biebersteinii Reut. ... Bayern: Hb. Caucasici ”. – 2. „ Phelypaea Biebersteinii / Dr. G. de Beck”. – 3. „I. Novopokrovskij. Notae criticae. Phelypaea bayerni Novopokr., 1948 . 18-V ” ( LE s.n.!); isolectotypes: 1. „ Bayern: Hb. Caucasici ” ”. – 2. „ Phelypaea Biebersteinii / Dr. G. de Beck”. – 3. „ I. Novopokrovskij. Notae criticae. Phelypaea bayerni Novopokr., 1948 . 18- V ”. – 4. „ Phelypaea coccinea Poir ... 1954.XII.20 Tzvelev” ( LE s.n.!), ibidem ( LE s.n.!) .

Distribution: —Mainly in the N, NE, E part of Armenia (Tavush, Gegharkunik, and Lori provinces), rarely in central (Kotayk province) or southern (Vayots Dzor and Syunik provinces) ( Fig. 8).

General distribution: —Caucasus ( Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), the Ukraine (Crimea) and perhaps in northern Iran.

Habitat: —Rocky slopes, steppes, dry meadows, edges of forests, rarely oak forests,usually (800)1500‒1900(2300) m.

Hosts: —Parasitic mainly on species of the genus Psephellus Cass. [ Centaurea sect. Psephellus (Cass.) DC. ] and also on Centaurea s. str. ( Asteraceae ) as C. pseudoscabiosa Boiss. & Buhse subsp. pseudoscabiosa , C. pseudoscabiosa subsp. glehnii (Trautv.) Wagenitz , and occasionally (in Jermuk) on Klasea coriacea (DC.) Holub [ Serratula coriacea DC. ] ( Asteraceae ).

Phenology: —Flowering May–June (July), fruiting July–August.

Conservation status: —Least Concern (LC). The species has rather wide distribution in Armenia (5 floristic regions). Two subpopulations grow in Sevan and Dilijan National Parks. Populations are usually small, ca. 10 shoots, rarely a few dozen (like Drakhtik) or a few hundred (e.g. Jermuk, Saralanj).

Notes: —Possible confused with Diphelypaea tournefortii (Desf.) Nicolson (1975: 654) (see comments in this species and Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ), as well as with D. boissieri (Reut.) Nicolson (1975: 654) occured in the Balkans ( Albania, Greece, Macedonia), and Western Asia ( Turkey, Syria [Mount Cassius, nowadays Hatay Province, Turkey], Iraq and Iran), parasitises Centaurea sp. , and occasionally Cousinia sp. ( Iraq). It differs from D. coccinea mainly in that corolla-lobes are orbicular, overlapping and anthers hairy, however this requires further research. D. coccinea occurring in Armenia within one population was variable regarding lobe shape, most individuals have lanceolate, subacute lobes, but sometimes also subequal and orbicular, as well as anthers that are glabrous or sparsely hairy. Individuals growing in shady places at forest edges may achieve a longer stem, e.g. in Jermuk.

Diphelypaea helenae (Popl.) Tzvelev in Fedorov (1981: 319) described from Crimea (LE!) is included within D. coccinea , and was probably only a color variation (corolla and stem orange yellow), and both have the same host.

Specimens examined: — ARMENIA. Gegharkunik prov.: Sevan Lake, Chkalovka x Norashen, N slope, right of the road, 27June 1951, R.Karapetyan (ERE); prope Zod [Sotk]in montibus 7000’‒7500’, 26 July 1928, A.Schelkovnikov & E. Kara-Murza (ERE); area SW of Lake Sevan, 5.6 km SSW of Gandzak, 3 km W of Sarukhan, S of gorge of river Gridzor, 2185–2285 m, 40°17’5”N, 45°05’35”E, 14 June 2010, G. Fayvush, L. Pignotti, H. Ter-Voskanian, E. Venturi, V. Fayvush & E. Vitek (ERE); W slope of the Lake Sevan near Drakhtik, 40°33’05,6”N, 45°12’18,6”E, 1936 m, 7 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Semyonovka and Tsovagyugh, rocky grasslands, on slope with southwestern exposure, 40°38’29”N, 44°55’24”E, 2050 m, 7 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Rip. Guenei, prope Babadjan- Dara, in fauc. Arychlych, 6500–6800’ [between Jil and Pambak villages, 40°23’39”N, 45°30’07”E], 7 July 1928, A. Schelkovnikov & E. Kara-Murza (ERCB); Rip. Gunei, prope Sordja, Ada-Tapa, in fruticetis [prope Shorzha vil., Ardanish peninsula, 40°28’49”N, 45°18’47”E], 25 June 1928, A. Schelkovnikov & E. Kara-Murza (ERCB); ibidem (MW); Shorza, 200 m, 22 June 1929, P. Smirnov (MW); Zar, E slope, 14 June 1960, V. Manakyan (ERCB); distr. Nor-Bajazet. In monte Utsch-Tapalar [Gegharkunik marz, Gavar distr., Gegham range, m. Uch-Tapalar, 40°17’N, 44°55’E], 15 July 1929, O. Zedelmeyer & T. Hejdemann (ERCB); Rip. Gunei, prope Sadanachac [now vil. Areguni, 40°20’14”N, 45°36’36”E], in fauc. Kuru-dara 7800’, 17 July 1928, A. Schelkovnikov & E. Kara-Murza (ERCB); Rip. Guenei, prope Sordja, Ada-Tapa, in fruticetis, 6500–7500’, in decliv. N-O [Armenia, Gegharkunik marz, Ardanish peninsula, 40°28’49”N, 45°18’47”E], 25 June 1928, A. Schelkovnikov & E. Kara-Murza (ERCB, ERE); W slope of the Lake Sevan near Drakhtik, 40°33’05,6”N, 45°12’18,6”E, 1936 m, 7 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Kotayk prov.: NNE of Fantan, small hills, 40°24’24”N, 44°42’21”E, 1835 m, 6 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Fantan, 6 July 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 4 July 1973, Dildaryan & Bazukyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Tsagkhadzor, 24 June 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Zar – Kankyan, Hadis Mt., 14 June 1960, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERCB); Kotayk marz, v. Dalaklu [Zovashen, 40°18’26”N, 44°44’42”E], 11 June 1951, T. Tsaturyan (ERCB); Lori prov.: Kirovakan city [Vanadzor], vicinity of cemetery, left side of the river, 5 June 1975, E. Gabrielyan & A. Jankun (ERCB); vicinity of Kirovakan [Vanadzor], Dimats [actually it is a part of Vanadzor], Sarum-sakhlu mountains [it is a local name of hills], 14 June 1977, E. Gabrielyan (ERE); vicinity of Kirovakan city [Vanadzor], left side of Pambak river, gorge with forest rest, vicinity of cemetery, 30 May 1975, E. Gabrielyan & K. Tamanyan (ERCB); vicinity of Dzhelal-Ogly [Stepanavan town], gorge of river Kamenka [Dzoraget], northern edge of the cliff, among rocks], 5 June 1922, A. Schelkovnikov (ERCB); Syunik distr.: Kapan distr., on the mountain in front of David-Bek village, [39°19’15”N, 46°29’38”E], 29 May 1975, M. Oganesyan, G. Fayvush & H. Aslanyan (ERCB); Zangezur, Kapan distr., Arachadzor forestry, 1900 m, oak forest, [39°15’51”N, 46°22’20”E], 9 June 1987, I. Gabrielyan (ERCB); Tavush prov.: Idjevan, forest, E slope above city, 11 June 1949, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERE); 10 km of Idjevan, forest, 25 June 1965, E. Gevorkyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Tavush prov. Aygedzor, 40°49’40”N, 45°30’37”E, 801 m, 30 May 2006, N. Kartashyan (ERE); Dilijan – forest edge near the last road curve, [40°41’48”N, 44°51’59”E], 7 June 1967, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as Phelipaea helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan – Golovino, forest [now it is a part of Dilijan], [40°42’09”N, 44°51’34”E], 20 June 1962, B. Bramyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan, Golovino, S slope of mount, in forest, 5 July 1973, Mamulova & Bazukyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by A. Melikyan]; Dilijan, forest, 26 June 1973, Melikyan & Grigoryan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Norashen, [with Psephellus ], 21 June 1973, O. Ovsepyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Norashen, 12 June 1971, G. Saakyan (ERCB); [Dilijan National Park], lake Pars lich, [40°45’06”N, 44°57’44”E], 1964, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan, Bldan-chaj river [now it is inside Dilijan town, there is student’s base], forest, [40°44’36”N, 44°49’42”E], 10 June 1975, K. Avakyan (ERCB); Idjevan distr., Revazlu vil. [Ditavan], Carpinus orientalis-Cornus mas forest, [40°58’43”N, 45°12’09”E], 17 June 1964, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERCB); Idjevan distr., Geli-Beran, 11 June 1954, T. Tsaturyan (ERCB) [as P. bayerinii ]; 4 km SE of Noemberyan in direction to Jujevan, 16 June 1960, B. Bramyan (ERCB); Berd distr., Norashen vil. [40°52’36”N, 45°27’37”E], 12 June 1971, G. Sahakyan (ERCB); Armenian SSR, Tavush marz, Noyemberyan distr., left side of Voskepar river, Corylus colurna grove, [41°02’53”N, 44°58’55”E], 18 June 1964, Ja. Mulkidjanjan & A. Pogosyan (ERCB) [as P. bayernii by Ja. Mulkidjanjan]; Dilijan, 18 June 1969, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by T. Tsaturyan]; Krasnoselsk distr. [Idjevan distr.], Akhnabadzh gorge, [40°43’47”N, 45°05’32”E], 23 June 1954, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERCB); Krasnoselsk distr. [Idjevan distr.], Tarsachay gorge, yew reserve [now Akhnabad yew grove reserve on the Dilijan National Park], near church, [40°43’47”N, 45°05’32”E], 23 June 1954, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERCB); Idjevan distr., Uzun-Tala [Getahovit], trail in Carpinus orientalis community, 28 May 1971, Z. Artjushenko (ERCB); Vayots dzor prov.: N of Jermuk, slopes on the edges of Quercus forest, in the forest, 39°51’19”N, 45°41’48”E, 2110 m, 22 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Jermuk, forest, 30 July 1974, M. Maslakyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by S. Grigoryan]; ArmSSR, Vayots Dzor marz (Daralaghez), Elegis river gorge, between Kavushugh and Gjulliduz [Hermon and Vardahovit], oak forest, on Psephellus , 1700 m, [39°53’15”N, 45°28’12”E], 11 July 1968, Ja. Mulkidjanjan, K.K. Browicz, T.N. Popova & B. Arevshatyan (ERCB) [as P. helenae by Ja. Mulkidjanjan]; E of Saralanj, slope, hills, edges of forest, meadows, near main road, 39°42’31”N, 45°40’24”E, 1940 m, 14 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC).

Locations difficult to determine: Olginskoye [probably it is in Lori region, somewhere near Stepanavan, or in Gegharkunik region somewhere near Sevan-Dilidjan, or in Syunik region somewhere near Sisian], 1 June 1927, B . Serdjukov ( ERE) .


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