
Du, Zhaohui, Li, Houhun & Wang, Shuxia, 2011, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) from Hainan Province, China, Zootaxa 3044, pp. 49-64 : 49-50

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.200914


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scientific name



Key to species of Promalactis View in CoL from Hainan Province based on external characters

1 Forewing with white markings.......................................................................... 2

- Forewing with black or deep gray markings and white lines or streak............................................ 13

2 Forewing without basal fascia or streak (fig. 12)........................................ P. multimaculella Lvovsky

- Forewing with basal fascia/e or streaks.................................................................... 3

3 Forewing with two basal streaks (fig. 3)................................................. P. apicisetifera sp. nov.

- Forewing with one or two basal fasciae.................................................................... 4

4 Forewing with one basal fascia........................................................................... 5

- Forewing with two basal fasciae.......................................................................... 8

5 Forewing with a black fascia from below costal patch to before tornus (Wang et al. 2009, fig. 9).... P. semantris (Meyrick) View in CoL

- Forewing without fascia from below costal patch to before tornus.............................................. 6

6 Forewing deep ochreous yellow (fig. 6)...................................................... P. clavata sp. nov.

- Forewing ochreous brown............................................................................. 7

7 Antennal flagellum with basal third white, median third white ringed with dark brown, distal third grayish black (fig. 1)...................................................................................... P. rostriformis sp. nov.

- Antennal flagellum with basal several flagellomeres white, remaining ones white ringed with dark brown on dorsal surface, dark brown on ventral surface (fig. 7)..................................................... P. lunularis sp. nov.

8 Forewing with second fascia reaching costa................................................................ 9

- Forewing with second fascia near costa.................................................................. 10

9 Forewing ochreous (fig. 4)............................................................ P. hainanensis sp. nov.

- Forewing ferruginous (fig. 8)............................................................. P. c a r i n a t a sp. nov.

10 Forewing with a white apical spot........................................................................ 11

- Forewing without white apical spot..................................................................... 12

11 Forewing with apical spot divided into four small ones by dark scales (fig. 11) …................ P. jezonica (Matsumura) View in CoL

- Forewing with apical spot not divided ( Wang 2006, Pl. 3, 45)...................................... P. simplex Wang

12 Forewing with a grayish white stripe from below costal spot to before tornus (fig. 5)............... P. tauricornis sp. nov.

- Forewing without stripe from below costal spot to before tornus (fig. 2)........................ P. fascispinata sp. nov.

13 Forewing with one broad deep gray fascia from costal 2/3 to tornus (fig. 10).................... P. uncignatha sp. nov.

- Forewing without fascia, with three large black costal patches downward crossing midwing ............................ 14

14 Head with vertex and frons yellow (fig. 9).................................................... P. serrata sp. nov.

- Head with vertex whitish yellow, frons shiny gray (Wang et al. 2009, fig. 2)..... P. similinfulata Wang, Kendrick & Sterling











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