Pison ovale Pulawski, 2018

Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2018, A Revision of the Wasp Genus Pison Jurine, 1808 of Australia and New Zealand, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-584 : 320-323

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13159946

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pison ovale Pulawski

sp. nov.

Pison ovale Pulawski , species nova

Figures 764 View FIGURES -771.

NAME DERIVATION.– Ovalis (neuter: ovale ), Latin neuter adjective meaning oval, with reference to the shape of male sternum VIII.

RECOGNITION. – Pison ovale is an all black species with three submarginal cells, the second recurrent vein interstitial with the second intersubmarginal vein or nearly so, tegula partly impunctate and asetose, and setae appressed on tergum I and sinuous on the lower gena. The female differs from the other species with the setae appressed on tergum I in having the clypeal lamella divided by an arcuate sulcus into a dorsal and a ventral portion ( Fig. 765 View FIGURES ); the two portions are in slightly different planes. The male can be recognized by a unique combination of three sternal characters ( Fig. 767 View FIGURES ): a shiny, somewhat convex, transverse area on each side of sterna III and IV at about midlength; erect setae (about as long as midocellar diameter) on posterior part of sterna III-VII; and the lateral margin of sternum VIII rounded, slightly raised over the flat ventral surface (surface all punctate except basally, punctures of two distinct sizes), and the apical margin slightly emarginate (practically rounded in some specimens), with the apicolateral corner rounded ( Fig. 768 View Figures 768-770 ). A subsidiary recognition feature is the propodeum in which the lateral carina between the spiracle and the propodeal dorsum is either absent or short, rudimentary.

DESCRIPTION.– Frons dull, punctures less than one diameter apart. Occipital carina joining hypostomal carina. Labrum minimally, shallowly emarginate. Anteromedian pronotal pit transversely elongate, almost twice as long as midocellar diameter. Propleural punctures several diameters apart (except near margins). Scutum not foveate along flange, without longitudinal ridges adjacent to posterior margin; scutal punctures less than one diameter apart, interspaces microsculptured. Tegula enlarged. Mesopleural punctures well defined, less than one diameter apart. Postspiracular carina rudimentary. Metapleural sulcus practically not costulate between dorsal and ventral metapleural pits. Propodeum at most with rudimentary longitudinal carina between side and posterior surface; dorsum obliquely ridged (punctate between ridges); side punctate, interspaces merging into minute, irregular ridges; posterior surface ridged and punctate (except for median sulcus). Punctures of tergum I averaging more than one diameter apart at center of horizontal part. Sterna punctate throughout, punctures well defined.

Setae silvery, both appressed and erect on frons and gena, appressed on scutum and tergum I, appressed setae oriented ventrolaterally on each side of upper frons (between dorsal end of middle carina and midocellus); sinuous on lower gena; largely concealing integument on clypeus; erect setae on frons ranging from 0.9 to 1.3 × midocellar diameter, on lower gena as long as 1.0 × midocellar diameter. Apical depressions of terga with silvery, setal fasciae.

Clypeal lamella divided by arcuate sulcus into dorsal and ventral portions ( Fig. 765 View FIGURES ), the two portions are in slightly different planes; free margin of lamella obtusely angulate ( Fig. 764 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 2.0 × apical width, of flagellomere IX 1.2-1.3 × apical width. Mandible: trimmal carina with small incision that delimits small tooth shortly beyond midlength ( Fig. 764 View FIGURES ). Length 7.6-9.0 mm; head width 2.5-2.8 mm.

♂.– Upper interocular distance equal to 0.76-0.82 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 1.3-1.4 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 1.0-1.3 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 0.92-0.96 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeal lamella acutely angulate ( Fig. 766 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.8-2.0 × apical width, of flagellomere X 1.1-1.2 × apical width. Sterna III and IV with shiny, somewhat swollen, transverse area on each side at about midlength ( Fig. 767 View FIGURES ); posterior part of sterna III-VIII with erect setae (about as long as midocellar diameter). Sternum VIII with lateral margin rounded, slightly raised over ventral surface, surface flat, all punctate except basally (punctures of two distinct sizes); apical margin slightly emarginate (practically rounded in some specimens), with apicolateral corner rounded ( Fig. 768 View Figures 768-770 ). Genitalia: Figs. 769, 770 View Figures 768-770 . Length 7.0- 9.2 mm; head width 2.3-2.8 mm.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 771).– New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia.

RECORDS.– HOLOTYPE: ♂, AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: 6 km NE Bilpin in Blue Mountains , 10 Apr 1983, N.W. Rodd ( AMS).

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Australian Capital Territory: Black Mountain , 8 Jan 1988, M.E. Irwin (1 ♂, UCD) . New South Wales: 6 km NE Bilpin , 10 Apr 1983, N.W. Rodd (1 ♂, AMS); Clarence, 17 Jan 1979 ,

2 Feb 1979, and 13 Dec 1983, N.W. Rodd (3 ♂,

AMS); Gibraltar Range National Park , 6 Oct 1992 ,

D. Bickel (1 ♂, ANIC); Gilgandra Flora Reserve at

31°39.7ʹS 148°46.3ʹE, 30 Dec 2011, V. Ahrens and

W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀, CAS); Iluka, 13 Nov 1990 ,

N.W. Rodd (1 ♂, AMS); 15 mi. W Mullaley , 5 Dec

1971, C.G. Roche (1 ♂, CAS); Nadgee Nature

Reserve 10 km S Newton’s Beach, E.A. Sugden,

4 Dec 1986 (2 ♂, UCD) and 15 Jan 1987 (1 ♂,

ANIC); 40.5 km SW Narrabri at 30°37.7ʹS

149°34.1ʹE, 5 Jan 2012, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♂, CAS); Pearl Beach, 8 Feb 1985 , D.B.

McCorquodale (1 ♂, ANIC); Whiskers 7 km WNW

Hoskinstown at 35°24ʹS 149°23ʹE, 1 Jan 1993 and

2 Feb 1993, M.S. Upton (2 ♂, ANIC); Wollemi Figure 771. Collecting localities of Pison ovale Pulaw- National Park (northern edge) at 32°23.4ʹS ski, sp. nov .

150°24.8ʹE, 7 and 8 Dec 2012, V. Ahrens and W.J.

Pulawski (2 ♂, CAS) . Queensland: Batavia Downs at 12°40ʹS 142°39ʹE, 22 June – 23 Aug 1992, P. Zborowski and J.C. Cardale (1 ♂, ANIC) ; 4 km NE Batavia Downs at 12°39ʹS 142°42ʹE, 18 June – 22 July 1992, P. Zborowski and E.S. Nielsen (1 ♂, ANIC) ; 7 km S Batavia Downs at 12°43ʹS 142°42ʹE, 19 June – 22 July 1992, P. Zborowski and E.S. Nielsen (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Brisbane Botanic Gardens at 27°27.8ʹS 152°58.1ʹE, 20 Oct 2006, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♂, CAS) ; near Brisbane Forest Park at 27°26.0ʹS 152°55.4ʹE, 19 Oct 2006, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀, 3 ♂, CAS) ; Brisbane: Karawatha Forest at 27°38.6ʹS 153°04.2ʹE, 12 Dec 2006, W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) ; Carnarvon National Park , 22-25 Oct 1979, H.E. Evans, M.A. Evans, and A. Hook (1 ♀, QMB) ; Coen at 13°57ʹS 143°12ʹE, 13 Sept – 20 Oct 1993, P. Zborowski and D. Rentz (1 ♂, ANIC) ; 5 km NE Leyburn , 26 Dec 1987, M. Irwin (1 ♀, CAS) ; 8-15 km E Mareeba , 17 May 1987, H.E. and M.A. Evans (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Mount Walsh National Park via Biggenden , 17 Oct 1975, H. Frauca (1 ♀, ANIC) ; 1 km N Rounded Hill near Hope Vale Mission at 15°17ʹS 145°13ʹE, 5-6 Oct 1980, J.C. Cardale (1 ♂, ANIC) ; 13 km SE Weipa at 12°40ʹS 143°00ʹE, 15 Aug – 12 Sept 1993, P. Zborowski and S. Shattuck (3 ♂, ANIC) ; Woodgate 35 km E Childers, 7 Nov 1984, N.W. Rodd (1 ♂, AMS) . Tasmania: 1 km SSE Gladstone at 40°58ʹS 148°01ʹE, 29 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale (1 ♂, ANIC) ; 5 km SE Harford at 41°15ʹS 146°36ʹE, 19 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Mount William National Park at 40°52ʹS 148°10ʹE, 19 Jan 1992, G. and A. Daniels (1 ♂, QMB) ; The Lea at 42°56ʹS 147°19ʹE, 5 Feb 1983, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale (1 ♂, ANIC) . Western Australia: Israelite Bay , 10 Dec 1974, S. Barker (1 ♂, SAM) ; 36 km ESE Minnie Creek Homestead at 24°02ʹS 115°42ʹE, 2 Sept 1980 C.A. Howard and T.F. Houston (1 ♂, WAM) ; NE foot of Whoogarup Range in Fitzgerald River National Park , 1-3 Jan 1979, T.F. Houston (1 ♂, WAM) .


University of California, Davis


Australian National Insect Collection


California Academy of Sciences


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


South African Museum


Western Australian Museum













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