Vitruvius dobby Roca-Cusachs, Rider & Kment, 2024

Roca-Cusachs, Marcos, Rider, David A., Kment, Petr & Jung, Sunghoon, 2024, Revision of Vitruvius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with the description of a new species from Cambodia and Thailand, Zootaxa 5486 (3), pp. 419-434 : 426-430

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5486.3.5

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scientific name

Vitruvius dobby Roca-Cusachs, Rider & Kment

sp. nov.

Vitruvius dobby Roca-Cusachs, Rider & Kment , new species

( Figures 2C View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5 View FIGURE 5 & 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, “ Thailand. Phetchabun Nam Nao NP., Tham Pra Laad Forest Unit, 16°44.963′N 101°27.833′E, 7–14.viii. 2006, 711 m, N. Hongyothi & L. Janteab leg., Malaise trap T424, DAR_0545” // Vitruvius dobby Roca-Cusachs, Rider & Kment [printed, red label] ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: THAILAND: Same data as holotype except, DAR_0544 (1♂, MRCB; MRCUCE0073 ) GoogleMaps ; Phetchabun, Khao Kho NP., 16°39.589′N, 101°08.185′E, 8–18 January 2007, 168 m, mixed deciduous, Pan trap T1386, S. Chachumnan & S. Singtong leg., DAR_0532 (1♂, DARC) GoogleMaps ; Ubon Ratchathani, Pha Taem NP., 15°37.210′N, 105°36.918′E, Entrance of Huay Pok Substation , Malaise trap T2172, L. Sapsiri leg., DAR_0529 (1♂, DARC) GoogleMaps ; Chiangmai, Chiangdao hill resort, 28 October 2018, V. Ustinov leg. (1♀, MRCB) . CAMBODIA: Kampong Speu, Chambok 11°21′25″N, 104°7′9″, Day coll., 4.–8.v.2015, leg. J. Constant & V. Sougnez, I.G. 33.022 (1♂ 1♀, ISNB, 1♂, NMPC); Kampong Speu, Chambok 11°21′25″N, 104°7′9″, pitfall trap, leg. J. Constant & V. Sougnez, I.G. 33.022 (1♂, ISNB) ; Pursat Prov., Phnom Samkos, Wildlife Sanct. Forest , 11.–17.v.2005, leg. K. Smets & I. Var (1♀, ISNB) ; Praeh Vihear Prov., BeTreed Adventures , 13°29′44″N 104°42′36″E, GTI Project, 16.–21.x.2017, leg. J. Constant & X. Vermeersch, I.G. 33.551 (1♀, ISNB; 1♀ NMPC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Very similar to V. insignis , somewhat smaller head, pronotal humeri less protruding, with apical angles slightly more rounded, and by the anterolateral borders of the pronotum more at an obtuse angle (declivent) to longitudinal body axis ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). The genital capsule ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ) is narrower (clearly less than two times wider than base over dorsal rim insertion), posterolateral angles acute, projecting caudally, bearing conspicuous tuft of long setae apically, ventral posterior rim laterally sinuous, medially U-shaped, shallow, without tuft of dense setae projecting ventro-medially. Dorsal posterior rim broadly V-shaped.

Description. Male genitalia. Genital capsule ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ) with apex clearly less than two times wider than base over dorsal rim insertion, posterolateral angles acute, projecting caudally, bearing conspicuous tuft of long setae apically; ventral posterior rim laterally sinuous, medially U-shaped, shallow, without tuft of dense setae projecting ventro-medially; dorsal posterior rim broadly V-shaped. Proctiger elongate, with apical portion narrower than base. Phallus ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) with exterior pair of conjunctival processes elongate, finger-like, of similar diameter throughout entire length. Internal conjunctival processes with hook-like apical portion strongly sclerotized. Parameres ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ) with finger-like process located laterad, slightly curved caudally, apical lobe clearly much broader at apex than at base.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). Valvifers VIII greatly reduced, partially covered by abdominal segment VII, semicircular, with mesial margins contiguous. Valvifers IX fused, elongate trapezoid, mesially with projection on each posterolateral angle. Laterotergites IX rectangular, elongate, not surpassing apices of laterotergites VIII, rounded at apices. Sternite X quadrate. Laterotergites VIII somewhat triangular with rounded angles, flat at base. Internal genitalia as in generic description ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ).

Measurements (♂, n = 7 / ♀, n = 4). Total body length: 13.05–18.36/14.02–17.40; abdominal width at hemelytral base: 7.16–9.78/7.45–9.90; maximum abdominal width: 6.65–11.2/7.45–11.60; head length: 1.72–2.32/1.81–1.9; width of head (including eyes): 2.94–3.94/2.94–3.60; anterior head width: 1.96–2.82/2.11–2.50; interocular distance: 1.76–2.46/1.81–2.20; pronotal length: 3.20–3.38/3.33–3.90; maximum pronotal width: 8.04–11.12/8.14–10.40; scutellar length: 5.39–7.8/5.69–7.20; scutellar width at base: 4.31–6.14/4.41–5.29.

Variation. There is a considerable size variation between individuals of the two sexes; females are considerably larger than males (see Measurements). The colouration of the specimens vary from straw yellow specimens with only inconspicuous minute dark brown markings to specimens with prominent dark brown colouration on pronotum, scutellum, clavus and endocorium forming vaguely delimited longitudinal stripes (see Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 & 6 View FIGURE 6 ).

Etymology. The specific name refers to Dobby the house-elf from Harry Potter’s novelistic (and later cinematographic) series, by J. K. Rowling, who was a loving character with which many members of the first author’s generation have grown up with. Noun in apposition.

Distribution. Cambodia!, Thailand!.


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