Hoplolaimus bachlongviensis, Nguyen, Tien Huu, Bui, Quang Duc & Trinh, Phap Quang, 2015

Nguyen, Tien Huu, Bui, Quang Duc & Trinh, Phap Quang, 2015, Description of Hoplolaimusbachlongviensis sp. n. (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae) from banana soil in Vietnam, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 6523-6523 : 6523

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scientific name

Hoplolaimus bachlongviensis

sp. n.

Hoplolaimus bachlongviensis   ZBK sp. n.


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: sex: female; behavior: migratory ectoparasite on banana roots; Taxon: family: Hoplolaimidae; genus: Hoplolaimus; Location: island: Bach Long Vi; stateProvince: Hai Phong; county: Vietnam; verbatimCoordinates: 20°07'52.8"N, 107°43'56.6"E; Identification: identificationID: BLV-4050-1 GoogleMaps Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: sex: female; behavior: migratory ectoparasite on banana roots; Taxon: family: Hoplolaimidae; genus: Hoplolaimus; Location: island: Bach Long Vi; stateProvince: Hai Phong; county: Vietnam; verbatimCoordinates: 20°07'52.8"N, 107°43'56.6"E; Identification: identificationID: BLV-4050-2 GoogleMaps



(Table 1; Figs 1, 2, 3)

Body slightly curved ventrally, rarely C-shaped, cylinder, vermiform, tapering slightly at both ends. Lip region offset, usually bearing 4 distinct annuli, sometimes 3 annuli, basal ring of lip region with 6 longitudinal striations (Figs 1a, 3a, b). Cuticular annulation prominent. Lateral field reduced and represented by the interruption of body annuli as a single incisures, but often indistinct (Figs 1e, 3d). Stylet large and strong with prominent tulip-shaped basal knob represented by three anterior projection, DGO about 4 µm behind spear base (Figs 1a, 3a). Metacorpus ovate with well-developed, sclerotized valve. Pharyngeal glands with 6 nuclei (Fig. 3a). Distinct nerve ring encircling isthmus. Excretory pore situated within range from level of nerve ring to level of esophago-intestineal valve or even somewhat more posterior. Hemizonid distinct large, two annules in length, located about seven annules behind Excretory pore (Figs 1b, 3a). Hemizonion located 8-10 annules posterior to hemizonid. Phasmids (scutella) anterior and posterior to vulva, large and conspicuous (Figs 1e, 3d). Vulva prominent, transverse slit at mid-body; epiptygma absent (Figs 1c, d, 3c). Ovaries two, outstretched (amphidelphic), spermatheca empty (Fig. 2a). Intestine not overlapping rectum (Figs 1f, 3e, f). Tail short, rounded, shorter than the anal body diameter, usually with 9-13 annuli (Figs 1f, 2b, 3e, f).


Hoplolaimus bachlongviensis sp. n. is characterized by lip region set off, lateral field reduced, represented by a single incisure on the body, but often indistinct, Pharyngeal glands with six nuclei, excretory pore prominent and located seven annules anterior to hemizonid, epiptygma absent, intestine not overlapping rectum, male absent.


The species is named after the geographic location, Bach Long Vi Island of Vietnam.


Males: Unknown

Type material

Female holotype and seven female paratypes deposited in the nematode collection of the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet str., Hanoi, Vietnam. Accession numbers: IEBR.Nema4050-1 (one female hoplotype); IEBR.Nema4050-2 (8 female paratypes).