Granulopolis Belokobylskij, 2024

Belokobylskij, Sergey A. & Manukyan, Andranik R., 2024, First reliable fossil record of the subfamily Rhysipolinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): a new subgenus and species of the genus Rhysipolis Foerster, 1863 from Baltic amber, Zootaxa 5448 (4), pp. 591-600 : 593-594

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5448.4.10

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scientific name

Granulopolis Belokobylskij

subgen. nov.

Subgenus Granulopolis Belokobylskij , subgen. nov.

Type species. Rhysipolis (Granulopolis) simutniki Belokobylskij, sp. nov.

Etymology. Named after “granulate” (Latin for “granular”) and part of the generic name of the genus Rhysipolis , because its mesoscutum and scutellum covered by granulate sculpture. Gender is masculine.

Description. Head ( Figs 1B, F, G View FIGURE 1 ) transverse. Vertex smooth. Occipital carina complete, upper distinct, below not fused with hypostomal carina, distinctly removed from it and separately reaching lower margin of head capsule near mandible ( Figs 1B, E View FIGURE 1 ). Ocelli medium-sized, arranged in obtuse triangle with base large that its sides. Frons weakly concave. Eyes relatively large, oval, glabrous. Clypeal suture almost indistinct. Malar space short or medium length; malar suture present but shallow or very shallow. Mandibles short and thick. Maxillary palpus 6-segmented; labial palpus 4-segmented; all segments elongated.

Antenna ( Figs 1A, C, D View FIGURE 1 ) slender, filiform, multisegmented. Scape rather short and wide; pedicel short. First flagellomere subcylindrical, straight and with several rhinaria (multiporous sensillum). Apical segment acuminated apically and with distinct spine.

Mesosoma ( Figs 1E, F View FIGURE 1 ) not depressed. Pronotal neck relatively short. Mesoscutum relatively highly and curvedly elevated above pronotum. Notauli distinct, complete and following to posterior margin of mesoscutum, fused posteriorly with short but distinct medial furrow. Mesoscutum and scutellum rather weakly and densely granulate. Prescutellar furrow long, with distinct medial carina. Prepectal carina distinct and complete. Precoxal sulcus present, short and wide, almost straight. Propodeum mainly rugose-reticulate; lateral tubercles absent.

Wings ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Fore wing pterostigma relatively long and wide. Radial (marginal) cell wide, not shortened; metacarp (1-R1) longer than pterostigma. Radial vein (r) arising weakly before middle of pterostigma. Second radiomedial (submarginal) cell relatively long and tetragonal. Discoidal (discal) cell petiolate anteriorly, petiole (1-SR) relatively long. Recurrent vein (m-cu) weakly antefurcal, weakly convergent posteriorly with basal vein (1-M). Nervulus (cu-a) postfurcal. Parallel vein (CU1a) not interstitial, arising from posterior one-third of the vein (3-CU1) closed brachial (subdiscal) cell posteriorly. Brachial vein (CU1b) present and closed brachial (first subdiscal) cell distally. Transverse anal veins (2A and a) absent. Hind wing. Nervellus (cu-a) present and closed rather long submedial (subbasal) cell; first abscissa of mediocubital vein (M+CU1) only weakly shorter than second abscissa (1-M) Recurrent vein (m-cu) always present and straight.

Legs ( Figs 1A, H View FIGURE 1 , 2C View FIGURE 2 ) relatively narrow and long. Hind coxa elongated, suboval, without ventro-basal tubercle. Hind femur widened. Hind tibia slender. Tarsal claw small and simple.

Metasoma ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Tergites of metasoma relatively well sclerotised and distinctly protruding each behind each; tergite behind first one without separated laterotergites; their spiracles situated on border of dorsal and lateral surfaces of second and third tergites, or in upper third or half of lateral surface of fourth and following tergites. First metasomal tergite with distinct dorsope, always striate-rugose. Acrosternite of first segment weakly elongated, about 0.4 × as long as tergite. Suture between second and third tergites present but very fine. Ovipositor ( Figs 1I View FIGURE 1 , 2C View FIGURE 2 ) medium length, apically with shallow dorsal notch and distinct ventral serration. Ovipositor sheath slender.

Comparative diagnosis. The differences between subgenera of the genus Rhysipolis are shown in the key below.

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