Pudica wandiquei, Andrade-Silva & Costa & Júnior, 2023

Andrade-Silva, B. E., Costa, G. S. & Júnior, A. Maldonado, 2023, Description of Pudica wandiquei n. sp. (Heligmonellidae: Pudicinae), a nematode found infecting Proechimys simonsi (Rodentia: Echimyidae) in the Brazilian Amazon, Brazilian Journal of Biology (e 248032) 83, pp. 1-5 : 2-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1519-6984.248032

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pudica wandiquei

sp. nov.

Pudica wandiquei n. sp. Figures 1 View Figure 1 and 2 View Figure 2 .

3.1. Description

General: Very small nematode, body coiled irregularly with two coils in both sexes. Round deirids close to excretory pore, both located halfway between nerve ring and esophagus-intestine junction. Cephalic vesicle present ( Figure 1A View Figure 1 ). Oral opening triangular, surrounded by small, thick ring. Four cephalic papillae, four external labial papillae, and two amphids in apical view ( Figure 1B View Figure 1 ).

Synlophe: Cuticle with longitudinal and uninterrupted ridges in both sexes. Ridges posterior to cephalic vesicle, extending close to copulatory bursa in male and anus in female. Females with eight ridges (careen, three dorsal, two ventral and one comarete), careen more developed and comarete larger than other ridges in mid-body. Careen poorly developed at infundibulum, with ridges of equal size. Axis of orientation is from right to left in both sexes ( Figure 2A, B, C View Figure 2 ). In male with eight ridges (careen, three dorsal, two ventral and one comarete), varying in size along body with careen more developed in the first third and comarete slightly larger than other ridges. In the median portion, more developed comarete; in posterior third, ridges decrease progressively in size ( Figure 2D, E, F View Figure 2 ).

3.2. Male (holotype and nine paratypes)

Body 2,110 [2,000 -2,430 (2,120 ± 120)] long and 60 [40-70 (60 ± 10)] wide at mid point. Cephalic vesicle 30 [25-31 (28 ± 2.5)] long and 20 [18-27 (23 ± 2.5)] wide. Nerve ring, deirids and excretory pore located at 90 [90-120 (105 ± 15)], 130 [80-185 (148 ± 59)], 170 [160-200 (176 ± 13)] from apex, respectively. Oesophagus 240 [200-262 (236 ± 16)] long. Bursa subsymmetrical, type 1-3-1, in both lobes ( Figure 1C View Figure 1 ). Ray 2 curved ventrally and shorter than ray 3. Rays 3, 4, 5 grouped, rays 6 long diverging at the base of the trunk, all reaching edge of caudal bursa. Rays 4 and 5 diverging at the distal ends. Rays 8 smaller than dorsal ray, arising from proximal portion of dorsal ray.Dorsal ray divided in to two branches the middle of the trunk. Each branch divided into two sub-branches, ray 9 (external) and ray 10 (internal). Filiform alate spicules, long, 350 [335-369 (352 ± 32)], with sharp tip extremity ( Figure 1D View Figure 1 ). Spicule: body length ratio 16.6%. Genital cone rounded. Papillae 0 and 7 not observed. Gubernaculum absent.

3.3. Female (allotype and nine paratypes)

Body 2,390 [2,070 -2,620 (2,290 ± 180)] mm long and 65 [50-90 (60 ± 20)] wide at mid point. Cephalic vesicle 31 [27-32 (29± 1.69)] long and 24 [22-27(23 ± 1.7)] wide.Nerve ring,deirids and excretory pore located at 87 [82-92 (87± 7)], 124 [113-135 (127 ± 15)] and 153 [130-177 (153 ± 33)], from apex, respectively. Oesophagus 245 [212-277 (244 ± 19)] long. Reproductive tract monodelphic. Vulva situated at 156 [120-158 (139 ± 16)] from caudal extremity.Vagina vera 49 [25-90 (54 ± 24)] long, vestibule 56 [35-85 (55 ± 21)] long, sphincter 37 [27-44 (34 ± 6)] long and 49 [43-51 (47 ± 8)] wide, and infundibulum 112 [40-120 (68 ± 27)] long. Uterus 158 [133-201 (161 ± 25)] long, containing 1- 4 eggs, 78 [62-80 (66 ± 7)] long and 25 [22-27 (23 ± 1)] wide. Uterus: body length 7.03%. Tail thin and conical, 110 [80-130 (100 ± 20)] long. Posterior extremity with two latero-ventral vulvar alae parallel to body (right and left), tapering past vulva ( Figure 1E View Figure 1 ).

3.4. Taxonomic summary

Type host: Proechimys simonsi Thomas, 1900 ( Rodentia , Echimyidae )

Site of infection: Small intestine.

Type locality: Nova Cintra (7.8149S, 72.6799W), municipality of Rodrigues Alves , Acre state, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Prevalence: 50% (5 of the 10 rodents collected).

Mean intensity: 130.6 (653 helminths in the 5 infected rodents).

Mean abundance: 65.3 (653 helminths in the 10 rodents collected).

Deposition of type specimens: Helminthological collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in Rio de Janeiro ( CHIOC). Holotype accession number CHIOC 38992 View Materials a (male); allotype accession number CHIOC 38992 View Materials b (female); paratype accession numbers CHIOC 38992 View Materials c (1 male and 1 female). All specimens are preserved in 70% ethanol.

Etymology: The species epithet is a tribute to José Wandique Fraga da Costa, a valuable and long-serving contributor to the Laboratory of the Biology and Parasitology of Wild Mammal Reservoirs ( LABPMR) at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Helminthological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute (Coleccion. Helmintologica del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz)













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