Eumachia carnea

Taylor, Charlotte M., Razafimandimbison, Sylvain G., Barrabé, Laure, Jardim, Jomar G. & Barbosa, Maria Regina V., 2017, Eumachia expanded, a pantropical genus distinct from Psychotria (Rubiaceae, Palicoureeae), Candollea 72 (2), pp. 289-318 : 289-318

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v722a6

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Eumachia carnea


52. Eumachia carnea View in CoL (G.?orst.) DC.& Prodr. 4: 479. 1830.

÷ Peteþia carnea G.?orst.&?l. Ifs. Austr. 10. 1786. ÷ Ipora carnea (G.?orst.) Befth. & Hook. f. ex Drake& Ill.?l. Ifs. Pacif. 197. 1890. ÷ Pþychotria carnea (G.?orst.) A.C. Sm. if Berfice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 141: 151. 1936.

Lectotypus (desigfated by OEHISTLER& 1986: 353): TONGA: Namuka & s.d.& Ħorþter 51 ( BM [ BM001040362 ] image seef; isolecto-: BM [ BM001040361 ] image seef& K [ K000777569 ] image seef) .

Noteþ. – OEHISTLER (1986) reported this species from?iji& Tofga& afd Samoa & afd circumscribed it to ifclude Pþychotria oncocarpa K. Schum. If coftrast SMITH & DARWIN (1988) regarded these as two separate species& afd cofsidered Eumachia carnea to be restricted to Tofga; SMITH & DARWIN (1988) are followed here.


Bristol Museum


Royal Botanic Gardens

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