Pallioceratina Marek, 1998

Cichowolski, Marcela & Rustán, Juan José, 2020, Lamellorthoceratid cephalopods in the cold waters of southwestern Gondwana: Evidences from the Lower Devonian of Argentina, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (2), pp. 305-312 : 306

publication ID 10.4202/app.00699.2019

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scientific name

Pallioceratina Marek, 1998


Suborder Pallioceratina Marek, 1998

Remarks.—The assignment of the family Lamellorthoceratidae to a higher rank group lacks a general consensus. Initially treated as Michelinoceratida (= Orthoceratida) by Teichert (1961), Kröger (2008), followed by Klug et al. (2008a) and Pohle and Klug (2018), considered lamellorthoceratids as Lituitida based on the presence of epichoanitic deposits. Marek (1998), and thereafter Zhuravleva and Doguzhaeva (2004), included this family in the order Pallioceratida Marek, 1998 , arguing that the presence of a cameral mantle was responsible for the formation of the lamellar deposits, as well as the puncture connecting rings. Kröger (2008) considered the erection of a taxon based on a so-called physiological hypothesis to be invalid. In addition, he argued that longitudinal lamellae were present across disparate groups of cephalopods, and could not therefore be regarded as a unique character marking out the pallioceratids. As our material does not add new evidence to solve this dispute, we decided to follow the taxonomic scheme currently proposed by King and Evans (2019) for the future revised part K of the Treatise.

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