Acanthosoma giganteum Matsumura, 1913

Ishikawa, Tadashi, Saito, Masayuki U., Kishimoto-Yamada, Keiko, Kato, Toshihide, Kurashima, Osamu & Ito, Motomi, 2015, Inventory of the Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) in Komaba Campus of the University of Tokyo, a highly urbanized area in Japan, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 4981-4981 : 4981

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scientific name

Acanthosoma giganteum Matsumura, 1913


Acanthosoma giganteum Matsumura, 1913 View in CoL View at ENA


Type status: Other material. Occurrence: recordedBy: T. Ishikawa; individualCount: 1; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; otherCatalogNumbers: 2014-01531; Taxon: namePublishedIn: 1913; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Acanthosomatidae; genus: Acanthosoma; specificEpithet: giganteum; scientificNameAuthorship: Matsumura; Location: country: Japan; stateProvince: Tokyo; municipality: Meguro-ku; locality: The University of Tokyo Campus, Komaba. ; minimumElevationInMeters: 31; maximumElevationInMeters: 39; decimalLatitude: 35.66006; decimalLongitude: 139.68521; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Ishikawa; dateIdentified: 2013; Event: samplingProtocol: net sweeping; eventDate: 2013-10-30; Record Level: institutionCode: KMUT; collectionCode: IC GoogleMaps