Hoplocampa crataegi ( Klug, 1816 )

Liston, Andrew, Prous, Marko & Vårdal, Hege, 2019, A review of West Palaearctic Hoplocampa species, focussing on Sweden (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), Zootaxa 4615 (1), pp. 1-45 : 15-16

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Hoplocampa crataegi ( Klug, 1816 )


Hoplocampa crataegi ( Klug, 1816)

Tenthredo (Allantus) crataegi Klug, 1816: 54 . Syntypes ♂ ♀, Berlin , lectotype ♀ here designated (GBIF-GISHym2447, images: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4724824), in ZMHUB. Type locality: Berlin ( Germany) . Paralectotype ♂ (GBIF-GISHym2446, images: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4724827), in ZMHUB.

Tenthredo luteola Serville, 1823: 50–51 . Syntype (s) ♂, most likely lost. Type locality: Soissons ( France). Primary homonym of Tenthredo luteola Klug, 1816 . Listed in synonymy of crataegi by Dalla Torre (1894).

Tenthredo luteola Lepeletier, 1823: 108 . Syntype (s) ♂, most likely lost. Type locality: Soissons ( France). Primary homonym of Tenthredo luteola Klug, 1816 .

Tenthredo verticata Serville, 1823: 50 . Syntypes ♂ ♀, most likely lost. Type locality: Soissons ( France). Synonymy with crataegi by Lacourt (2000: 106).

Tenthredo verticata Lepeletier, 1823: 108 . Syntypes ♂ ♀, most likely lost. Type locality: Soissons ( France). Primary hom- onym of Tenthredo verticata Serville, 1823 .

Additional description. Body length: 3.5–5.5mm. Clypeus narrowly and deeply emarginate. Pale body colour yellowish. Fore wing costa and M+Cu similarly coloured, and paler than Sc+R. Female: antennal flagellum completely black. Pedicel and/or scape partly or wholly pale [except in Sicily]. In Central and North European specimens, mesonotum usually entirely black, except for yellow posterior edge of mesoscutellum [but in Sicily completely black], and sometimes minute spots on lateral mesoscutal lobes, and head capsule with ocellar area and upper occipital area black [in Sicily more extensively black]. Pronotum yellow, except for black anterior angle [in Sicily nearly entirely black]. Mesepisternum entirely yellow [in Sicily entirely black]. Specimens from southern Europe (e.g. Portugal, France, Cyprus) may have mesonotum and head capsule nearly entirely pale. Furthermore, whereas northern and central European specimens have apical 0.5–0.7 of metatibia blackish on all surfaces, contrasting with completely pale yellow base, the metatibia of some southern females ( Portugal, Sicily, Cyprus) is completely pale. Valvulae 3 in dorsal view less than 2 × as long as basal width, tapering increasingly towards apex; yellow [except in Sicily; black]. Lancet: Fig. 79 View FIGURES 77–82 . Male: antenna completely yellow. Colour and variability of mesonotum and head as for female. All legs completely pale. Penis valve: Fig. 95 View FIGURES 94–107 .

Total number of specimens examined: 109.

Similar species. Because they both have Crataegus species as hosts, darker individuals of the highly variable crataegi might be confused with pectoralis . In direct comparison, they may be separated thus:


- Valvulae 3 in dorsal view less than 2 × as long as basal width, tapering increasingly towards apex; longest setae arise near middle ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 57–63 ). Lancet ( Fig. 79 View FIGURES 77–82 ): ventralmost ctenidial teeth well-developed on basal and middle annuli; middle sawteeth strongly hooked. [In Central and northern Europe: apical 0.5–0.7 of metatibia blackish on all surfaces, contrasting with completely pale yellow base; valvula 3 largely pale in lateral view; mesepisternum yellow; mesoscutellum at least partly yellow]..................................................................................................................................................................................... crataegi

- Valvulae 3 in dorsal view more than 2 × as long as basal width, evenly tapering; longest setae arise on apical 0.2–0.3 ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 57–63 ) Lancet ( Fig. 89 View FIGURES 89–93 ): completely without ctenidial teeth; middle sawteeth weakly hooked. [Metatibia at most slightly fuscous on extreme apex; valvula 3 entirely black; mesepisternum yellow above, black below; mesoscutellum completely black].......................................................................................... .. pectoralis


- mesoscutellum partly yellow, at least on posterior margin ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 71–76 ); antenna completely pale; propleuron anteriorly edged with black ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 33–38 ); penis valve: Fig. 95 View FIGURES 94–107 ......................................................... crataegi

- mesoscutellum completely black ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 27–32 ); basal flagellomeres fuscous above ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 27–32 ); propleuron entirely pale ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 27–32 ); penis valve: Fig. 105 View FIGURES 94–107 ........................................................................ pectoralis

Life history. Host plants: Crataegus spp. ( Pschorn-Walcher & Altenhofer 2000). Liston (2007) thought that crataegi is mainly attached to C. monogyna , rather than C. laevigata , but this was based solely on observations on visits by adults to the respective inflorescences. Brischke (1883, caption to Plate IV) reared adults from C. laevigata (= oxyacantha). More recently, two larvae extracted from fruits of C. monogyna were identified by COI barcoding as crataegi .

Distribution. Southern and Central Europe, including Britain and Ireland; North to Denmark ( Taeger et al. 2006) and southern Sweden; Turkey, Morocco ( Lacourt 1999), and Caucasus ( Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev 1995).

Occurrence in Sweden: published records: Skåne ( Thomson 1871, Andersson 1962, Benander 1966), Småland, Gotland ( Thomson 1871). Material examined: Skåne, Småland, Öland, Gotland, Hälsingland.

Specimens examined. France: Corsica; 1♀ ( ZSM); mainland ; 2♀ (DEI-GISHym11414) ( SDEI) . Germany: 69♀ 25♂, 16.04–07.06; Bavaria; Berlin; Brandenburg (DEI-GISHym83583, 83584); Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ; Rhineland-Pfalz ; Saxony (SDEI, ZSM). Italy: Sicily; 1♀ (DEI-GISHym19238) ( SDEI) . * Portugal: Leiria; 1♀, Leira 6 km ESE, 175 m asl, + 39.71276°N - 8.70976°E, 01.05.2012, leg. Blank, Jacobs, Liston & Taeger ( SDEI) GoogleMaps . Viséu; 2♂ (DEI-GISHym31784), Nelas 4 km SE, 180 m asl, + 40.50140°N - 7.82295°E, 03.05.2012, leg. Blank, Jacobs, Liston & Taeger ( SDEI) GoogleMaps . Guarda; 1♂, Seia 9 km NNW, 350 m asl, + 40.47853°N - 7.76223°E, 06.05.2012, leg. Blank, Jacobs, Liston & Taeger ( SDEI) GoogleMaps . Braga; 1♀, Terras de Bouro 10 km NE, 630 m asl, + 41.76297°N - 8.19114°E, 10.05.2012, leg. Blank, Jacobs, Liston & Taeger ( SDEI) GoogleMaps . Sweden: Skåne; 1♀ ( NHRS- HEVA000006528 ) , Ystad , + 55.42873°N + 13.81955°E, 13.06.1936 ( NHRS) GoogleMaps . 1♂, Esperöd ( MZLU) . 1♀, Rings- jön, leg. Muchardt ( NHRS) . 2♀ (NHRS-HEVA000003416, NHRS-HEVA000006529), Ven , + 55.90919°N + 12.69814°E, 19.06.1946, leg. Lundblad ( NHRS) GoogleMaps . Småland ; 1♂ (NHRS-HEVA000006530), leg. Boheman ( NHRS) . 1♀, Hultsfred, Kloster Gård , 100 m., + 57.49700°N + 15.87100°E, 31.05.2013, leg. Liston, Prous & Taeger ( SDEI) GoogleMaps . Öland; 1♀ (NHRS-HEVA000006531), Högby , + 57.16667°N + 17.01667°E, 06.1907, leg. Wirén ( NHRS) GoogleMaps . Gotland; 3♂ (NHRS-HEVA000006532–6533, -6538), leg. Boheman ( NHRS) . Hälsingland ; 4♂ ( NHRS- HEVA000006534–6537 ) , Kyrkbytjärn, Los , + 61.72488°N + 15.16921°E, 27.06.1942, leg. Lundblad ( NHRS) GoogleMaps .


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Lund University














Hoplocampa crataegi ( Klug, 1816 )

Liston, Andrew, Prous, Marko & Vårdal, Hege 2019

Tenthredo luteola

Serville, A. J. G. 1823: 51

Tenthredo luteola

Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, A. & Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, A. 1823: 108

Tenthredo verticata

Lacourt, J. 2000: 106
Serville, A. J. G. 1823: 50

Tenthredo verticata

Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, A. & Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, A. 1823: 108

Tenthredo (Allantus) crataegi

Klug, F. 1816: 54
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