Homoneura (Homoneura) simianshana Chen & Li, 2024

Chen, Xulong, You, Pengyan, Li, Wenliang & Zhang, Zhisheng, 2024, Seven new species of the subgenus Homoneura Malloch (Diptera, Lauxaniidae, Homoneura) from Jiangjin District, southwestern Chongqing, China, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 45-80 : 45-80

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1206.124892

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scientific name

Homoneura (Homoneura) simianshana Chen & Li

sp. nov.

Homoneura (Homoneura) simianshana Chen & Li sp. nov.

Figs 61–65 View Figures 61–65 , 66–70 Chinese name: 四面山同脉缟蝇 View Figures 66–70

Type material.

Holotype: ♂, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Simianshan Natural Reserve , Dawopu , 28 ° 34 ' 11.28 " N, 106 ° 20 ' 26.96 " E, 1007 m, 6. IX. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen. GoogleMaps Paratypes: 3 ♂♂, same data as holotype; 4 ♂♂ 1 ♀, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Simianshan Natural Reserve, Zhengqiangou, 28 ° 36 ' 59.54 " N, 106 ° 26 ' 25.88 " E, 1273 m, 14. VI. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen; 4 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Simianshan Natural Reserve, Tudiyan, 28 ° 37 ' 23.62 " N, 106 ° 24 ' 4.02 " E, 1128 m, 7. IX. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen; 1 ♂, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Simianshan Natural Reserve, Qinjiagou, 28 ° 37 ' 6.32 " N, 106 ° 23 ' 53.40 " E, 1131 m, 15. VII. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen; 1 ♂, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Simianshan Natural Reserve, Zhenzhutan, 28 ° 35 ' 50.74 " N, 106 ° 25 ' 25.70 " E, 1226 m, 15. VII. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen; 1 ♂, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Simianshan Natural Reserve, Dahonghai, 28 ° 35 ' 34.27 " N, 106 ° 26 ' 34.93 " E, 1144 m, 15. VII. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Dayuandong National Forest Park, Diaojiaolou, 28 ° 52 ' 16.19 " N, 106 ° 15 ' 18.47 " E, 759 m, 8. IX. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen; 1 ♂, China, Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Dayuandong National Forest Park, Diaojiaolou, 28 ° 53 ' 5.89 " N, 106 ° 15 ' 42.18 " E, 731 m, 13. VII. 2022, leg. Xulong Chen.


The specific name refers to the type locality Simianshan Natural Reserve.


Basal margin of brown apical spot on R 2 + 3 at same vertical level as crossvein dm-cu; brown apical spots on R 2 + 3, R 4 + 5, and M 1 slightly confluent. Male tergites 2–5 with brown posterior margin. Surstylus inwardly curved apically in posterior view. Postgonite consisting of a pair of asymmetric sclerites, furcated in lateral view.


Male. Body length 8.6–8.8 mm, wing length 8.5–8.6 mm.

Head (Fig. 61 View Figures 61–65 ) yellow. Frons as long as wide and parallel-sided; ocellar triangle yellow, ocellar seta developed, slightly longer than anterior fronto-orbital seta, anterior fronto-orbital seta shorter than posterior fronto-orbital seta. Gena ~ 1 / 6 height of eye. Antenna yellow, first flagellomere ~ 2.0 × longer than high; arista black except brown at base, long plumose, with longest ray slightly shorter height of first flagellomere. Proboscis pale yellow; palpus yellow.

Thorax (Fig. 64 View Figures 61–65 ) yellow, with gray pruinosity. 0 + 3 dorsocentral setae, anteriormost postsutural dorsocentral seta far from scutal suture, acrostichal setulae in ten irregular rows. Legs yellow. Fore femur with nine posterior dorsal setae, four posterior ventral setae. and ctenidium with 18–20 short setae; fore tibia with one dorsal preapical seta and one short apical ventral seta. Mid femur with five anterior setae and one apical posterior seta; mid tibia with one dorsal preapical seta and three strong apical ventral setae. Hind femur with several weak anterior ventral setae and one preapical anterior dorsal seta; hind tibia with one dorsal preapical seta and one short apical ventral seta. Wing (Fig. 62 View Figures 61–65 ) slightly yellow, basal margin of brown apical spot on R 2 + 3 at same vertical level as crossvein dm-cu; brown apical spots on R 2 + 3, R 4 + 5, and M 1 slightly confluent and forming pale brown area between apical spots on R 2 + 3, R 4 + 5, and M 1; brown median spot on R 4 + 5 separated from brown cloud-like spot on crossvein dm-cu; subcostal cell pale brown apically; four short hairs present at base of R 4 + 5, costa with 2 nd (between R 1 and R 2 + 3), 3 rd (between R 2 + 3 and R 4 + 5), and 4 th (between R 4 + 5 and M 1) sections in proportion of 5.5: 1.5: 1; r-m before middle of discal cell; ultimate and penultimate sections of M 1 in proportion of 1: 1; ultimate section of CuA 1 ~ 1 / 8 of penultimate. Haltere yellow.

Abdomen (Fig. 65 View Figures 61–65 ) yellow, tergites 2–5 with brown posterior margin. Male genitalia (Figs 66–70 View Figures 66–70 ): syntergosternite circular, with a trapeziform ventral process and with several dorsal setulae. Epandrium broad in lateral view; surstylus long digitiform in lateral view, inwardly curved apically in posterior view. Hypandrium H-shaped. Pregonite long digitiform and curved apically in ventral view, postgonite consisting of a pair of asymmetric sclerites, furcated in lateral view. Phallus curved backwards in lateral view. Phallapodeme as long as phallus.

Female. Body length 8.8 mm, wing length 8.5–8.6 mm.


China (Chongqing).


The new species resembles Homoneura (Homoneura) shunhuangshana in the habitus, mesonotum with acrostichal setulae in ten rows, basal margin of brown apical spot on R 2 + 3 at same vertical level as crossvein dm-cu and tergites 2–5 each with brown posterior margin [see Chen and Li 2022: figs 7 B – E], but it can be distinguished from the latter by the following: fore femur with nine posterior dorsal setae, four posterior ventral setae; mid femur with five anterior setae; brown apical spots on R 2 + 3 shorter, as long as 1 / 2 length of ultimate section of M 1; brown median spot on R 4 + 5 behind middle point of distance between r-m and dm-cu. In H. (H.) anadaequata , fore femur with eight posterior dorsal setae, six posterior ventral setae; mid femur with six or seven anterior setae; brown apical spots on R 2 + 3 longer, at least 2 / 3 length of ultimate section of M 1; brown median spot on R 4 + 5 at middle point of distance between r-m and dm-cu [see Chen and Li 2022: fig. 7 B, C].


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











