Arcanusa Wang, Chen & Wu

Wang, Mingqiang, Chen, Fuqiang, Zhu, Chaodong & Wu, Chunsheng, 2017, Two new genera and three new species of Epipaschiinae Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), ZooKeys 722, pp. 87-99 : 87-88

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scientific name

Arcanusa Wang, Chen & Wu

gen. n.

Arcanusa Wang, Chen & Wu gen. n.

Type species.

Arcanusa apexiarcanusa Wang, Chen & Wu, sp. n.


Arcanusa gen. n. differs from all known Epipaschiinae by the juxta of the male genitalia, which lateral lobes joined distally. The new genus is very similar to Lista Walker, 1859 based on the long hair-like scales at the base of the forewing and the similar pattern on both pairs of wings. In the male genitalia, the base of the sacculus is usually expanded and extended into a sclerotized spine or process, which is similar to that found in the genus Lista . However, the new genus can be distinguished by its dark scales on both wings while the species of Lista are covered with brighter scales. The new genus is also similar to Coenodomus Walsingham, 1888 in wing pattern and sclerotized process of the sacculus, but it can be distinguished easily by its filiform antennae in the male. In addition, the two genera have minute differences on the stalked R3-5 of the forewing.


Medium sized to Pyralidae (14.5-15.5 mm in forewing length). Head covered with dense scales; labial palpus upturned, third segment slender and obviously pointed; antenna filiform, male with a scape extension covered with dense scales. Forewing with distinct antemedial and postmedial lines. Hindwing with similar pattern as in forewing, but paler than forewing.

Venation (Fig. 22). In forewing, Sc reaching 1/2 of costa; R1 arising from 1/2 of upper margin of cell; R2 arising before upper angle of cell; R3-5 and M1 from upper angle of cell; R3+4 stalked with R5 at mid-length; M2 and M3 from lower angle of cell, CuA1 and CuA2 nearly parallel; 1A+2A anastomosed at base. In hindwing, Sc+R1 and Rs adjacent in middle of Sc+R1; Rs shortly stalked with M1; M2 and M3 separated from lower angle of cell; CuA1 and CuA2 nearly parallel; three A veins present.

Male genitalia. Uncus expanded. Gnathos pointed apically. Valval costa sclerotized; sacculus expanded at base, with a spine or process in middle. Juxta with two strongly sclerotized lateral lobes joined in apex. Phallus slender, slightly curved, spine-like cornuti present.

Female genitalia. Ovipositor expanded obviously. Apophysis anterioris lightly longer than apophysis posterioris. Antrum lightly sclerotized. Ductus bursae membranous. Corpus bursae rounded, signa consisting of two sclerotized incurved plates.


China, India (Fig. 24).


The generic name is derived from Latin “Arcanus” (= closed), in reference to the lateral lobes of juxta joined distally in male genitalia.

Key to species of Arcanusa Wang, Chen & Wu, gen. n.











