Nesomyrmex hafahafa Csosz & Fisher
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Nesomyrmex hafahafa Csosz & Fisher |
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Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Formicidae
Nesomyrmex hafahafa Csosz & Fisher sp. n. Figs 22-24, Table 4
This Malagasy word “hafahafa” means weird, and refers to the unusual morphology of this species.
Type material investigated.
Holotype worker.CASENT0460666, collection code: BLF06010; MADG’R: Prov. Toliara, Forêt de Tsinjoriaky, 6.2 km 84° E Tsifota, 22°48'S, 43°25'E [- 22.80222N, 43.42067E], 70 m, 6-10.iii.2002 Fisher et al. (CAS)
Paratypes. Ten workers, a single gyne and two males with the same label data as the holotype under CASENT codes: CASENT0746771, BLF06010, (2w, CAS); CASENT0460667, BLF06010, (3w, CAS); CASENT0460668, BLF06010, (3w, CAS); CASENT0460669, BLF06010, (1q, CAS); CASENT0451364, “6019”, (2w, CAS); CASENT0451364, “6019”, (2m, CAS);
The list of 44 non-type individuals belonging to 25 nest samples of other material investigated is given in Table 1.
In key.
Description of workers.
Body color: yellow; brown. Body color pattern: body concolorous, only clava darker. Absolute cephalic size: 1062 [974, 1142] µm (n = 48). Cephalic length vs. maximum width of head capsule (CL/CWb): 1.224 [1.193-1.254]. Postocular distance vs. cephalic length (PoOc/CL): 0.388 [0.361, 0.406]. Postocular sides of cranium contour frontal view orientation: converging posteriorly. Postocular sides of cranium contour frontal view shape: broadly convex. Vertex contour line in frontal view shape: straight; slightly concave. Vertex sculpture: main sculpture rugose, ground sculpture areolate. Gena contour line in frontal view shape: feebly convex. Genae contour from anterior view orientation: converging. Gena sculpture: rugo-reticulate with areolate ground sculpture. Concentric carinae laterally surrounding antennal foramen count: present. Eye length vs. absolute cephalic size (EL/CS): 0.230 [0.212, 0.248]. Frontal carina distance vs. absolute cephalic size (FRS/CS): 0.316 [0.289, 0.333]. Longitudinal carinae on median region of frons count: present. Longitudinal carinae on medial region of frons shape: forked. Smooth median region on frons count: absent. Antennomere count: 12. Scape length vs. absolute cephalic size (SL/CS): 0.895 [0.861, 0.927]. Facial area of the scape absolute setal angle: setae absent, pubescence only. Median clypeal notch count: present. Median clypeal notch depth vs. absolute cephalic size (Cdep/CS): 0.022 [0.015, 0.029]. Ground sculpture of submedian area of clypeus: smooth. Median carina of clypeus count: present. Lateral carinae of clypeus count: present. Median anatomical line of propodeal spine an gle value to Weber length in lateral view: 55-60°. Spine length vs. absolute cephalic size (SPST/CS): 0.398 [0.355, 0.427]. Minimum spine distance vs. absolute cephalic size (SPBA/CS): 0.287 [0.257, 0.311]. Apical spine distance vs. absolute cephalic size (SPTI/CS): 0.543 [0.463, 0.607]. Propodeal spine shape: strongly bent. Apical distance of pronotal spines vs. absolute cephalic size (PSTI/CS): 0.724 [0.631, 0.776]. Metanotal depression count: absent. Dorsal region of mesosoma sculpture: areolate ground sculpture, superimposed by dispersed rugae. Lateral region of pronotum sculpture: areolate ground sculpture, superimposed by dispersed rugae. Mesopleuron sculpture: areolate ground sculpture superimposed by dispersed rugulae; areolate ground sculpture, superimposed by dispersed rugae. Metapleuron sculpture: areolate ground sculpture, superimposed by dispersed rugae. Petiole width vs. absolute cephalic size (PEW/CS): 0.307 [0.275, 0.357]. Anterodorsal spines on petiolar node angle of deviation from each other: 80°. Apical distance of anterodorsal spines on petiolar node vs. absolute cephalic size (NSTI/CS): 0.514 [0.473, 0.563]. Frontal profile of petiolar node contour line in lateral view shape: convex. Dorso-caudal petiolar profile contour line in lateral view shape: convex. Dorsal region of petiole sculpture: ground sculpture areolate, main sculpture dispersed rugose. Postpetiole width vs. absolute cephalic size (PPW/CS): 0.538 [0.494, 0.576]. Dorsal region of postpetiole sculpture: ground sculpture areolate, main sculpture dispersed rugose.
This species is widely distributed along the western forests of Madagascar (Fig. 13) between the 23rd and 20th southern latitudes.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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