Calisiomorpha, Heiss, 2016

Heiss, Ernst, 2016, New genera and species of Aradidae in Cretaceous Burmese Amber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (1), pp. 419-429 : 420-421

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5416610


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Calisiomorpha nov.gen.

Type species. Calisiomorpha yuripopovi nov.sp.

D i a g n o s i s: Recognized and distinguished from all Burmese amber flat bug taxa by the presence of a row of flat tubercles on the edge of deltg and vltg II-VII.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Macropterous, small, less than 4mm; surface of body with fine punctures, corium and paranota with small areolae; colouration stramineous, first and last tubercles of connexival edge, anterior and posterior margin of deltg and vltg II-VII brown.

H e a d: About as long as wide; clypeus apically enlarged and rounded, reaching apex of antennal segment II; antennae shorter than width of head, segments I-II of subequal length, IV longest; rostrum as long as head arising from an open atrium.

P r o n o t u m: About 3x as wide as long with lamellate paranota, lateral margins roundly converging anteriorly; disk with five longitudinal carinae, posterior margin concave.

S c u t e l l u m: About 1.5x as long as wide, lateral margins carinate, apex rounded; disk with a median carina which is bifurcate on anterior half.

H e m e l y t r a: Corium about as long as scutellum, lateral margins angularly produced; membrane hyaline with three distinct veins.

A b d o m e n: Of oval outline, lateral margin of connexival edge with a dorsal and a ventral row of four flat tubercles, their number reduced to two on deltg II; pattern of apodemal impressions difficult to discern, apparently 2:1:1.

V e n t e r: Sternites II-VII separated by sutures, no metasternal scent gland structures and spiracles discernible with certainty.

L e g s: Unarmed, tarsi two-segmented, claws with pulvilli.

E t y m o l o g y: The rows of flat expansions along connexival edge resemble those of the flat bug genus Calisius and the stem <morph-> (Greek) = shape.

D i s c u s s i o n: The anteriorly roundly enlarged clypeus is only shared by the extant subfamily Calisiinae and fossil genus Kachinocoris described from Burmese amber, however Calisiomorpha nov.gen. differs at once from Calisiinae by the short scutellum not covering the whole abdomen, the wide angulate corium and the exposed membrane lacking in Calisiinae ; from Kachinocoris by the presence of two rows of lateral tubercles on connexival margins, different pronotal structure and the macropterous alary condition. Its systematic placement is tentatively assigned to Calisiinae .


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











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