Cylindrophis osheai, Kieckbusch & Mader & Kaiser & Mecke, 2018

Kieckbusch, Max, Mader, Felix, Kaiser, Hinrich & Mecke, Sven, 2018, A new species of Cylindrophis Wagler, 1828 (Reptilia: Squamata: Cylindrophiidae) from Boano Island, northern Maluku Province, Indonesia, Zootaxa 4486 (3), pp. 236-250 : 237-244

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scientific name

Cylindrophis osheai

sp. nov.

Cylindrophis osheai sp. nov.

( FigS. 1 View FIGURE 1 ¯5)

Holotype. RMNH 5460 (formerly RMNH 5460.70) ( FigS. 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3A View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5A View FIGURE 5 ), an adult female, collected in 1865 by natural hiStory collector Dirk Samuel Hoedt (1815–1893) on Boano ISland, Central Maluku Regency, northern Maluku Province, IndoneSia.

Paratype. RMNH 47930 (formerly RMNH 5460.69) ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ), a Subadult male with collection data aS for holotype.

The original entry in the collection catalogue of the herpetological collection at RMNH liStS both SpecimenS (under the regiStration number 5460) aS “ Cylindrophis rufus ” and indicateS that they were later identified aS “ Cylindrophis melanotus var.” by Dutch zoologiSt Leo Daniël BrongerSma (1907–1994).

Referred specimen. RMNH 11262 ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ), an unSexed Specimen, labeled with the collection locality “ CelebeS?” (= SulaweSi, in error); no further information iS available.

Both the label on the jar and the original entry in the collection catalogue of the herpetological collection at RMNH were written by E.M.J. JaSparS, who waS a Student of Leo Daniël BrongerSma working on SnakeS in the 1960S, long after the original Specimen had been collected (MarinuS Hoogmoed, in litt.; See diStribution Section for further commentS on the collection locality of thiS voucher).

Definition. A SpecieS of the genuS Cylindrophis that can be eaSily diStinguiShed from all congenerS by the following combination of eidonomic characters: (1) 19 dorsal scale rows at midbody; (2) 224¯226 ventral scales; (3) 8¯9 subcaudal scales; (4) 25¯28 dark ventral blotches, aligned to form a broad, wavy stripe along most of body ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ); (5) a dark ventral pattern completely Separated from the dark dorSal coloration; (6) tail with an almoSt completely dark-colored ventral Surface ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ); (7) a dark bar running from the eye through the 3rd and 4th SupralabialS to the mouth ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ); and (8) a dark, double-diamond-Shaped ventral pattern in the area immediately poSterior to the genialS ( FigS. 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Cranial characteriSticS ( FigS. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5A View FIGURE 5 ) of thiS taxon include (1) well-developed poStorbitofrontalS that project laterally well beyond the maxilla in dorSal view, creating a characteriStic, horn-like appearance; (2) a broad parietal with a bulbouS middle Section; (3) 10–12 maxillary teeth; (4) nine palatine teeth; (5) 7–9 teeth on the pterygoid; and (6) 11–13 teeth on the dentary.

Comparisons with other species. Cylindrophis osheai differS from all congenerS by a combination of unique color pattern characterS, including a light Snout bordered by a dark head cap with a bar running from the eye through the 3rd and 4th SupralabialS to the mouth (only preSent elSewhere in the genuS in a majority of C. melanotus SpecimenS); a dark, double-diamond-Shaped ventral blotch in the area immediately poSterior to the genialS ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ); 25¯28 dark ventral blotches aligned to form a broad wavy stripe for most part of the body ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ; the ventral pattern of other taxa iS Shown in Fig. 3B–F View FIGURE 3 ); a dark ventral pattern completely Separated from the dark dorSal coloration; and an almoSt completely dark ventral Surface of the tail, with only the laSt Subcaudal and terminal Spine in a light color ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ) (dark coloration coverS 3/4–5/6 of tail length, whereaS in C. melanotus 78% of the SpecimenS we examined had leSS than half of the tail length Showing a dark color).

In the following individual compariSonS of external morphology, the characterS for Cylindrophis osheai (n = 3) are provided in parentheSeS. Cylindrophis aruensis poSSeSSeS 23 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 176¯179 (224¯226) ventrals, and six (8¯9) subcaudals ( Boulenger 1920; McDowell 1975). Cylindrophis boulengeri (n = 4) poSSeSSeS 195¯204 (224¯226) ventralS, 5¯6 (8¯9) SubcaudalS, and a light collar (collar abSent). Cylindrophis burmanus Smith, 1943 (n = 21) poSSeSSeS 190¯221 (224¯226) ventralS and 4¯7 (8¯9) SubcaudalS. Cylindrophis engkariensis Stuebing, 1994 (n = 1) poSSeSSeS 17 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 234 (224¯226) ventralS, five (8¯9) SubcaudalS, and rugoSe (Smooth) dorSalS on the tail. Cylindrophis isolepis Boulenger, 1896 (n = 2) poSSeSSeS 21 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 5¯6 (8¯9) SubcaudalS, and haS the naSalS Separated by the roStral (naSalS in contact). Cylindrophis jodiae AmaraSinghe, Ineich, Campbell & Hallermann, 2015 (n = 90) poSSeSSeS 21 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 177¯201 (224¯226) ventralS, and 5¯7 (8¯9) SubcaudalS. Cylindrophis lineatus Blanford, 1881 (n = 1) poSSeSSeS 21 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 210¯218 (224¯226) ventralS, and a dorSal pattern of StripeS (StripeS abSent) (See alSo AmaraSinghe et al., 2015). Cylindrophis maculatus ( LinnaeuS, 1758) (n = 37) haS 4¯7 (8¯9) SubcaudalS and a dorSal pattern of paired reddiSh brown blotcheS encloSed by dark ground color (no encloSed blotcheS). Cylindrophis melanotus (n = 39) possesses 228¯266 (224¯226) ventrals; Moluccan populationS (n = 3) poSSeSS 232¯251 (224–226) ventralS. Cylindrophis opisthorhodus Boulenger, 1897 (n = 6) poSSeSSeS 23 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 185¯210 (224¯226) ventralS, 4¯7 (8¯9) SubcaudalS, and a light dorSum with dark SpeckleS forming two paravertebral rowS and occaSionally a diScontinuouS vertebral line (no SpeckleS or vertebral line on dorSum) (See alSo AmaraSinghe et al., 2015). Cylindrophis ruffus ( Laurenti, 1768) SenSu lato (aS defined by KieckbuSch et al. 2016; n = 243) poSSeSSeS 5¯7 (8¯9) SubcaudalS. Cylindrophis subocularis KieckbuSch, Mecke, Hartmann, Ehrmantraut, O’Shea & KaiSer, 2016 (n = 9) poSSeSSeS a Subocular Scale (Subocular Scale abSent), 190¯196 (224¯226) ventralS, and 6¯7 (8¯9) SubcaudalS. Cylindrophis yamdena (n = 5) poSSeSSeS 21 (19) dorSal Scale rowS at midbody and 183¯195 (224¯226) ventralS.

The following compariSon of cranial characterS were made between the holotype (RMNH 5460) and paratype (RMNH 47930) of Cylindrophis osheai and SpecimenS of C. boulengeri (NMBA 12913), C. melanotus (ZMB 4049), aS well aS a voucher of C. ruffus SenSu lato (ZMB 13129) ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). AS for eidonomic characterS, cranial featureS of C. osheai are liSted in parentheSeS. Cylindrophis boulengeri ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ) differS by having a broader cranium in dorSal view (Slender and long in dorSal view); Smaller prefrontalS in compariSon to frontalS (frontalS Slightly Smaller than prefrontalS); very Small poStorbitofrontalS that do not project beyond the maxilla in dorSal view (well-developed poStorbitofrontalS projecting laterally well beyond the maxilla, creating a characteriStic hornlike appearance on the SideS of the cranium); a very Slender parietal with a leSS pronounced bulbouS middle Section (broad parietal with obviouS bulbouS middle Section); Seven (nine) palatine teeth; and Six (7–9) teeth on the pterygoid. Cylindrophis melanotus ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ) differS by having very Small poStorbitofrontalS that do not project beyond the maxilla in dorSal view (well-developed poStorbitofrontalS projecting laterally well beyond the maxilla, creating a characteriStic horn-like appearance on the SideS of the cranium); a very broad parietal that haS an obviouS bulbouS middle Section (leSS broad parietal with leSS bulbouS middle Section); Seven (nine) palatine teeth; and five (7–9) teeth on the pterygoid. Cylindrophis ruffus ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ) differS by having a Short and broad cranium in dorSal view (Slender and long cranium); Slightly Smaller prefrontalS in compariSon to the frontalS (frontalS Slightly Smaller than prefrontalS); Small poStorbitofrontalS that do not project beyond the maxilla in dorSal view (well-developed poStorbitofrontalS projecting laterally well beyond the maxilla, creating a characteriStic horn-like appearance on the SideS of the cranium); and 6–7 (nine) palatine teeth.

Description of the holotype. Metrics and pholidosis. An adult female (RMNH 5460) with 472 mm Snout-vent length (SVL) + 14 mm tail length = 486 mm total length; tail very Short (3% of SVL); head not diStinct from body; body cylindrical, body diameter 14.6 mm (3% of SVL); head length (HL) 12.8 mm (3% of SVL); head width 9.4 mm (73% of HL); Snout rounded in dorSal and lateral view ( Fig. 2A & B View FIGURE 2 ); Snout length (SL) 5.6 mm (44% of HL), Snout width 4.6 mm (82% of SL); eye diameter 1.2 mm (9% of HL); pupil round; interorbital diStance 5.4 mm (42% of HL); naSo-orbital diStance 3.5 mm (27% of HL); internarial diStance 3.1 mm; pelvic SpurS Slightly viSible externally, but mainly retracted in poucheS lateral to cloacal plate, covered by ScaleS; 19 dorSal Scale rowS one head length behind head, 19 dorSal Scale rowS at midbody, 19 dorSal Scale rowS one head length before cloaca, ScaleS Smooth, apical pitS abSent; 224 ventral ScaleS; nine undivided Subcaudal ScaleS (except the 1 st and 9th Subcaudal), tail capped by a terminal Spine; cloacal plate paired; roStral clearly viSible from above, triangular, wider than high, height 2.5 mm, width 2.7 mm; two irregularly pentagonal naSalS, length 2.2 mm, width 2.9 mm; naSal Suture SiniStral with reSpect to prefrontal Suture; noStril poSitioned cloSe to the Suture of the naSal with the firSt Supralabial; poStnaSal abSent; loreal abSent, irregularly hexagonal prefrontalS in contact with 2nd and 3rd SupralabialS; preocular abSent; Subocular abSent; one rectangular poStocular, length 0.7 mm, height 1.1 mm; temporal formula 1 + 2, anterior temporal larger than lower poSterior temporal, almoSt equal in Size to upper poSterior temporal, anterior temporal length 2.7 mm, height 2.8 mm, upper poSterior temporal length 3.0 mm, height 2.6 mm; Six SupralabialS, 1st SmalleSt, 3rd–5th largeSt and equal in Size, 2nd and 6th equal in Size and Slightly Smaller than 3rd–5th, the 3rd and 4th in contact with orbit; Six infralabialS, 1st–3rd in contact with firSt pair of genialS, 1 st pair of infralabialS in contact, preventing contact of mental with firSt pair of genialS; mental triangular, wider than high, height 1.5 mm, width 2.3 mm; two pairS of genialS, anterior genialS length 3.0 mm, width 2.0 mm, poSterior genialS length 2.3 mm, width 1.8 mm; mental groove preSent, length 4.6 mm; prefrontal hexagonal, length 3.1 mm, width 3.6 mm; Supraocular pentagonal, length 3.5 mm, width 2.8 mm; frontal rectangular, length 3.3 mm, width 2.9 mm; parietal rectangular, length 2.9 mm, width 2.5 mm.

Cranial osteology. A Single, Small, and toothleSS median premaxilla preSent at the anteriormoSt point of the Snout, triangle-Shaped in dorSal view, in looSe contact with the naSalS, maxilla, and Septomaxilla; paired naSalS elongated in dorSal view, almoSt three timeS aS long aS broad, medially in looSe contact, outer edgeS of naSalS lacerated, poSteriorly contacting anterior edgeS of frontalS; paired, Subpentangular frontalS flattened dorSally, about two timeS aS long aS broad, Slightly broader but Significantly Shorter than naSalS, and in looSe medial contact, contacting prefrontalS ventrally with anterolateral edge; prefrontal contacting naSal dorSally in lateral view and the dorSal Surface of the maxilla ventrally; poStorbitofrontalS well developed, articulate looSely with the lateral edgeS of the frontalS, and, in dorSal view, projecting laterally well beyond the maxilla, creating a characteriStic horn-like appearance on the SideS of the cranium; fuSed parietalS in cloSe contact with frontalS anteriorly, ventrally in contact with the parabaSiSphenoid, poSterolateral borderS in contact with prooticS and SupratemporalS, poSterior border in cloSe contact with Supraoccipital, flat in dorSal view, except for a median creSt, concave-Shaped in the anterior and convex-Shaped in the poSterior portion with a bulbouS middle Section, poSSeSSing long proceSSeS at the anterior edge framing the frontalS, creSt of fuSed parietalS more diStinct at poSterior portion; Single Supraoccipital Somewhat wing-Shaped, much broader than long, bearing a diStinct keel that iS more Strongly developed than parietal keel, laterally in contact with prooticS and poSteriorly with exoccipitalS; paired prooticS largely elongated in dorSal view, Subrectangular in lateral view, encloSing the poSterior portion of the fuSed parietalS together with the two SupratemporalS, ventrally in contact with parabaSiSphenoid and baSioccipital, each prootic with two large foramina, prooticS connecting the poSterolateral dorSal part of the Skull with the quadrate; SupratemporalS curved, encloSing parietal, poSterior edgeS of prooticS, Supraoccipital, and exoccipitalS in dorSal view; exoccipitalS very Short in dorSal view, forming poSterolateral wallS of braincaSe, joined together by a Short Suture, fuSed with the baSioccipital ventrally at their poSteriormoSt portion; baSioccipital Subpentagonal, in cloSe contact with the parabaSiSphenoid anteroventrally, forming a tranSverSe Suture; parabaSiSphenoid extending to roStral area anteriorly, in looSe contact with palatineS and frontalS; maxilla Slightly curved, with a dorSal proceSS articulating with ventral Surface of prefrontal, articulating with Septomaxilla anterodorSally, poSterior portion of maxilla articulating with ectopterygoid, connecting maxilla with pterygoid, maxilla broadeSt anteriorly in lateral view, two large foramina preSent, each maxilla bearing 11 Slightly recurved teeth, no maxillary diaStema preSent; ectopterygoid without teeth; palatine narrow, bearing nine teeth, poSterior end of each palatine articulating with anterior end of pterygoid; pterygoid bearing Seven teeth; quadrate articulating with poSterolateral border of SupratemporalS, itS ventral Surface articulating with the mandibular condyle; mandible compoSed of three boneS; anterior portion of jaw formed by a dentary originally bearing 11|13 Slightly recurved teeth (SometimeS SocketS are preSent only), dentary about half the length of the mandible; poSterior part of the jaw and the compound bone of the mandible without teeth; coronoid located at the level of articulation of dentary with mandible, juSt below ectopterygoid and the anterior proceSS of the pterygoid (See Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ).

Coloration and pattern (after 152 years in liquid preservative). DorSal Surface of trunk and tail uniformly Sepia (279), but faded on Some partS of the dorSum; dorSal ground color reaching mid-lateral region, lower lateral and ventrolateral regionS Pale Buff (1), a majority of pale ScaleS with Sepia (279) colored anterior edgeS. Snout Pale Buff (1) with diffuSe Sepia (279) markingS on naSalS, roStral, and 1 st and 2nd SupralabialS; a Sepia (279) bar running from the eye through the 3rd and 4th SupralabialS to the mouth, bordering the pale Snout; ventral Surface of the head Pale Buff (1) with a diffuSe Sepia (279) colored blotch on the anterior and poSterior genialS, which iS followed by a characteriStic double-diamond-Shaped ventral pattern. Ventral Surface of trunk Pale Buff (1), with 28 Olive Brown (278) blotcheS forming a broad wavy Stripe for almoSt the entire length of the body; the dark ventral pattern completely Separated from the dark dorSal coloration; cloacal region and ventral Surface of tail covered by a large Sepia (279) colored blotch, beginning four ventralS anterior to the cloacal plate, ending on 8th Subcaudal; 9th Subcaudal and terminal Spine Pale Buff (1).

Intraspecific variation. The paratype RMNH 47930 (Subadult male) differS from the holotype (RMNH 5460) aS followS: 358 mm SVL + 11 mm tail length = 369 mm total length; 226 ventralS; 6|5 infralabialS; preSence of 31 Olive Brown (278), tranSverSe and alternating blotcheS on the Sepia (279) colored dorSum. RMNH 11262 (unSexed Specimen) differS from the holotype (RMNH 5460) aS followS: 469 mm SVL + 15 mm tail length = 484 mm total length; 225 ventralS; eight SubcaudalS. With reSpect to cranial oSteology the paratype RMNH 47930 differS from the holotype aS followS: 12|10 maxillary teeth, 9|8 teeth on the pterygoid, and 12 teeth on the dentary.

Etymology. We deScribe the new SpecieS to honor our colleague and friend Mark O’Shea for hiS many contributionS to Snake biology and taxonomy. Mark haS authored Several herpetology bookS and a plethora of Scientific articleS, dealing eSpecially with the herpetofauna of SoutheaSt ASia’S iSlandS. He haS alSo contributed much to improving an underStanding of reptileS and particularly enhancing the reputation of SnakeS among a broader audience via hiS media work and hiS popular lectureS. Mark haS inSpired many young herpetologiStS to purSue StudieS of amphibianS and reptileS. He continueS to do So, having recently been appointed to the poSition of ProfeSSor of Herpetology at the UniverSity of Wolverhampton in the U.K. The Specific epithet iS a patronym in the genitive caSe of a Latinized maSculine noun and iS correctly pronounced oh-Shay-eye [phonetic: əʊ-ʃɪə-aɪ].

We propoSe the following colloquial nameS: O’Shea’S pipe Snake, Boano pipeSnake (E), Ular Pipa O’Shea, Ular Pipa Boano (I), O’Shea-WalzenSchlange, Boano-WalzenSchlange (G).

Distribution. Cylindrophis osheai iS only known from Boano, an iSland with a land area of ca. 125 km ² ( Collar et al. 1994) lying off the northweStern coaSt of Seram ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). Although one of the three known SpecimenS iS labeled aS having the locality “ CelebeS?” [= SulaweSi], thiS notation waS made by E.M.J. JaSparS long after the original Specimen had been collected. JaSparS’ uSe of a queStion mark behind the locality in combination with the abSence of Similar SpecimenS from mainland SulaweSi (33 SpecimenS from SulaweSi examined) indicate that thiS locality iS in error. IntereStingly, there are no recordS for thiS SpecieS from nearby Seram, an iSland, on which a herpetofauna Survey waS relatively recently completed along itS northern coaSt ( Edgar & Lilley 1993), and where a Significant amount of collecting waS done in the paSt (e.g., Bleeker 1860; von RoSenberg 1867).

Red List Category. Under IUCN criteria thiS SpecieS Should be liSted aS Data Deficient becauSe not enough information iS available about itS population Size, diStribution, or the impact of poSSible threatS.


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis













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