Calotelea foveata Rajmohana & Debnath, 2024

Debnath, Rupam, Rajmohana, Keloth & Peter, Abhilash, 2024, New species and new combination in Calotelea Westwood, 1837 (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) from India, European Journal of Taxonomy 968, pp. 200-218 : 206-209

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.968.2729

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scientific name

Calotelea foveata Rajmohana & Debnath

sp. nov.

Calotelea foveata Rajmohana & Debnath sp. nov.

Fig. 3 View Fig , Table 1 View Table 1


As per key to species of Calotelea by Kamalanathan et al. (2022), C. foveata Rajmohana & Debnath sp. nov. is keyed to C. brevinotaularis Veenakumari & Popovici, 2022 . But C. foveata can be distinguished by notauli indicated as a pit anteriorly (in C. brevinotaularis , notauli prominent and present in anterior half), a lateral pronotal area with irregular reticulate sculpture, without any carina (in C. brevinotaularis , anterodorsally, dorsomedially and posterodorsally carinate but medially and posteroventrally smooth), a comparatively less elongate metasoma, only 3.2× as long as wide (in C. brevinotaularis , 3.7× as long as wide); a mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus foveolate (in C. brevinotaularis , smooth) and a pronotal cervical sulcus foveolate (in C. brevinotaularis , smooth).


The species is named ‘ foveata ’ after its foveolate sulci.

Type material

Holotype INDIA • ♀; Kerala, Konnakkad, Kasargod ; 12.3672° N, 75.3733° E; 125 m a.s.l.; 7 Jan. 2013; Rajmohana leg.; yellow pan trap; ZSI/WGRC/IR.INV.26853 . GoogleMaps

Paratype INDIA • ♀; Kerala: Mangaladevi, Periyar Tiger Reserve ; 9.4631° N, 77.2287° E; 1340 m a.s.l.; 4 Sep. 2015; Nikhil leg.; yellow pan trap; ZSI/WGRC/IR.INV.26854 GoogleMaps .



MEASUREMENTS. Length of body = 1.61–1.66 mm (n = 2).

COLOR. Body predominantly dark brown to black except legs and T2–T4 light brown; eyes and ocelli silvery. Antenna light brown except claval segments being brownish black. Wings hyaline.

HEAD. 1.2× as wide as high, 1.1 × as high as long, with evenly coriaceous sculpture throughout including frons, vertex and gena, very sparely setose; vertex smoothly curved to occiput; occipital carina and hyperoccipital carina absent; IOS 0.4× of HW. POL> LOL> OOL in ratio of 109:66:11; OOL 0.4× OD; central keel 0.4 × HH; frontal depression absent; eyes glabrous; malar region coriaceous; malar sulcus smooth and with uniform width; gena and post gena with same sculpture as vertex. Radicle elongate, 0.3× of A1; A1 4.1× as long as wide; A2 2.0× as long as A3; proportions of length to medial width of A1 to A6 (162:39), (71:35), (34:21), (35:25), (25:24), (20:24); clava 5-merous, 4.1× as long as wide.

MESOSOMA. L:W = 33:27; mesoscutum with same sculpture and setosity as head; mesoscutellum smooth; skaphion smooth; notauli indicated anteriorly as pit; mesoscutum nearly subequal in length and width; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not foveolate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus foveolate towards tegula; mesoscutellum smooth and shiny, 2.3 × as wide as long; scutoscutellar sulcus foveolate laterally, medially smooth; posterior scutellar sulcus complete, foveolate; anterior margin of metascutellum and metanotal trough foveolate; metascutellar lamina absent; posterolateral corners of metascutellum without projections; anteromedial corners of propodeum without projections; lateral propodeal carina distinct, bordered by irregular fovae; epomial carina distinct; lateral propodeal area with irregular reticulate sculpture; pronotal cervical sulcus foveolate; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus foveolate; netrion present; netrion sulcus foveolate with 5 foveae; mesopleural carina present; mesopleural pit distinct; prespecular sulcus foveolate and foveae with uniform diameter; mesepimeral sulcus complete, foveolate and foveae with uniform diameter; femoral depression smooth; episternal sulcus smooth; postacetabular sulcus smooth; metapleural sulcus present as smooth furrow, anterodorsally sulcate; posterodorsal metapleural sulcus sulcate; paracoxal sulcus smooth; metapleural carina distinct.

MACROPTEROUS. Fore wing (L:W = 10.5:2.9) 3.6× as long as wide; m: st: pm = 4:3:14; microtrichia small. Hind wing 5.0 × as long as wide.

METASOMA. L:W = 97:30; pedunculate; T1 0.7 × of T2 length, with smooth dorsal horn, rest of T1 with strong longitudinal costae; T2 almost as long as T3, 0.9× of T3 length, transverse, basally costate, rest striate reticulate except posterior smooth margin, sublaterally sparsely setose; rest of tergites with coriaceous sculpture except posterior smooth margin, laterally and sublaterally sparsely setose; proportions of length to width of T1 to T5 (15.1:15), (20:20.5), (20.5:28.5), (17.7:29.9), (11.3:21.4); ovipositor not extruded.




Host unknown.


Kerala ( India).


Nil, except minor difference in body length (see the description above).















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