Mimesthes Marseul, 1872

Bologna, Marco A., Amore, Valentina & Pitzalis, Monica, 2018, Meloidae of Namibia (Coleoptera): taxonomy and faunistics with biogeographic and ecological notes, Zootaxa 4373 (1), pp. 1-141 : 42

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4373.1.1

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Plazi (2018-01-17 07:56:52, last updated 2024-11-29 09:55:12)

scientific name

Mimesthes Marseul, 1872


Genus Mimesthes Marseul, 1872

The genus was revised by Bologna (2000b), who described also the first instar larvae. The two Namibian species belong to two distinct groups.

Mimesthes maculicollis Marseul, 1872 ( Fig. 2V View FIGURE 2 )

Distribution. Southern Namibia and western South Africa

Material examined and literature records. [Karas] Lüderitz: Aus , 26.6667°S 16.2667°E (JP); near Aus, 26.6667°S 16.2667°E (JP); C13, 20 km S Aus, 26.84238°S 16.31281°E (CB); Kaukasib Riverbed, Diamond Area 1, 26.8833°S 15.4167°E ( Bologna 2000b; CB; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Namukluft 88, 27.8000°S 16.8667°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Obib dunes E, 28.0333°S 16.6167°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps . Keetmanshoop Rural : D608, 95.5 km S Keetmanshoop, 27.37944°S 18.22418°E (CB). Karasburg: C12, 33 km W Grunau, 27.71095°S 18.33073°E (CB); Warmbad, Ortmansbaus 120, 28.3000°S 18.7000°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; 3 km S of Gamchab River, 28.3167°S 17.4000°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; C10, 23 km N Velloorsdrif, 28.52194°S 19.18402°E (CB); Eendoorn 106, 28.7333°S 18.9667°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN). Oranjemund: Boom River course, kloof W, 21 km N of Orange River (ENE of Rosh Pinar ), 27.8500°S 17.0333°E ( SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Rosh Pinah , 27.8833°S 16.8333°E ( Bologna 2000b; NHP) GoogleMaps ; 10 km NW Rosh Pinah , 27.9000°S 16.7000°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Rosh Pinah , 27.9333°S 16.7833°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; 2 km ENE Rosh Pinah , 27.9333°S 16.7833°E ( SMWN) GoogleMaps ; 3 km NW Rosh Pinah , 27.9667°S 16.7833°E ( SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Boom River course, 4 km N of Orange River (ENE of Rosh Pinah ), 28.0083°S 17.0500°E ( SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Sendelingedrift, Diamond Area 1, 28.1167°S 16.8333°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Obib Dunes , 28.1667°S 16.8000°E ( Bologna 2000b; NHP; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Daberas, Diamond Area 1, 28.2000°S 16.8167°E ( SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Skilpadberg, Diamond Area 1, 28.4500°S 16.6500°E ( SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Skilpadberg, Diamond Area 1, 28.4333°S 16.6500°E ( Bologna 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps ; Hohenfels, Diamond Area 1, 28.5000°S 16.6167°E ( Bologna, 2000b; SMWN) GoogleMaps .

Other records: Namib Sand Sea desert (Seeely 2012); Namibia ( Bologna 2000a; Pitzalis et al. 2014).

Remarks. Probable syntypes of this species were examined at MNHN.

Mimesthes nigricollis Kaszab, 1981 ( Fig. 2W View FIGURE 2 )

Distribution. Southwestern Namibia (endemic).

Material examined and literature records. [Karas] Lüderitz: Sargdeckel, Klinghardt Mts., 27.4000°S 15.6833°E ( Bologna 2000b; CB; NHP; SMWN); Obib Dunes E, 28.0333°S 16.6167°E ( Kaszab 1981; Bologna 2000b; SMWN); Rooilpel, Schakalsberge, 28.2500°S 16.6500°E (SMWN). Oranjemund: South Namib, Obib Dunes, 28.1667°S 16.8000°E ( Kaszab 1981; Bologna 2000b; CB; NHP; SMWN).

Other records: Namibia ( Bologna 2000a) .

Remarks. Several paratypes of this species were examined at NHP and CB.

Bologna, M. A. (2000 b) Revision of the mylabrine genus Mimesthes Marseul, 1872 (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Europeran Jourmal of Entomology, 97, 75 - 84. https: // doi. org / 10.14411 / eje. 2000.015

Bologna, M. A. (2000 a) Biodiversity of the Meloidae (Coleoptera) of the Brandberg Massif (Namibia). In: Kirk-Spriggs, A. H. & Marais, E. (Eds.), Daures-Biodiversity of the Brandberg Massif, Namibia. Cimbebasia, Memoir 9, 201 - 208.

Kaszab, Z. (1981) Faunistische und taxonomische studien uber Meloiden (Coleoptera). Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis Hungarici, 73, 159 - 181.

Marseul, S. A. de (1872) Monographie des Mylabrides. Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences de Liege, 363 - 662, 9 pls.

Pitzalis, M., Amore, V., Montalto, F., Luiselli, L. & Bologna, M. A. (2014) Rarity of blister beetles in Southern Africa correlates with their phylogeny and trophic habits, but not body size. European Journal of Entomology, 111, 529 - 535. https: // doi. org / 10.14411 / eje. 2014.058

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. A. Prionotolytta binotata; B. Prionotolytta eremita; C. Prionotolytta hayekae; D. Prionotolytta melanura; E. Prionotolytta streyi; F. Prolytta coriacea; G. Prolytta namibensis; H. Prolytta pseudolucida; I. Cyaneolytta affinis; J. Cyaneolytta depressicornis; K. Cyaneolytta granulipennis; L. Cyaneolytta maculifrons; M. Cyaneolytta resplendens; N. Epicauta designata; O. Epicauta ovampoa; P. Epicauta rufifrons; Q. Epicauta velata; R. Psalydolytta gessi; S. Psalydolytta lorigera; T. Actenodia chrysomelina; U. Actenodia mirabilis; V. Mimesthes maculicollis; W. Mimesthes nigricollis; X. Paramimesthes namibicus; Y. Namylabris adamantifera.













