Bosminidae Baird, 1845 sensu Sars, 1865

Escalante, Patricio De Los Rios & Kotov, Alexey A., 2015, A checklist of Branchiopoda (Anostraca and Cladocera) of Chilean continental waters, Zootaxa 4027 (3), pp. 366-388 : 372-373

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Bosminidae Baird, 1845 sensu Sars, 1865


Family Bosminidae Baird, 1845 sensu Sars, 1865 View in CoL View at ENA

(32) Bosmina (Bosmina) longirostris ( O.F. Müller, 1776) (described as Lynceus longirostris O.F. Müller, 1776 ). Riñihue lake (39° 49' S; 72° 19' W) ( Villalobos 1994); El Plateado Reservoir (33° 04' S; 71° 39' W) (Ramos et al. 2008); Illahuapi lake (40° 16' S; 72°18' E) ( Galarce et al. 2013). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). It is a really cosmopolitan taxon, populations of which are usual in the Andes and souther portion of Chile (AAK, unpublished). Bosmina (Eubosmina) coregoni Baird, 1857 . Lago Maravilla (51° 13' S; 72° 45' W) ( Ekman 1900).

Representatives of the subgenus Bosmina (Eubosmina) Seligo, 1900 are absent in South America, they are replaced by taxa from the subgenus B. ( Liederobosmina ) Brtek, 1997. This taxon was proposed to replace B. ( Neobosmina ) Lieder, 1957 which was found to be a homonym of earlier proposed insect genus ( Brtek 1997; Kotov et al. 2009). According to Paggi's (1979) outline of the " Neobosmina " species differentiation, Ekman's (1900, Fig. 20) population belongs to B. huaronensis .

(33) Bosmina (Liederobosmina) chilensis Daday, 1902 (syn. Neobosmina chilensis ). Villarica lake ( Daday 1902); Many lakes in Chile ( Löffler 1961); Chungará lake (18° 15' S; 69° 10' W) Villarrica lake (39° 16' S; 72° 07' W), Calafquén lake (39° 31' S; 72° 08' W) ( Berrios & Sielfeld 2000); Escondido lake (45° 49' S; 72° 40' W) ( De los Ríos 2004); Pocuro (32° 53' S; 70° 398' W); Pichilafquén (39°16' S; 72° 07' W); Pellaifa lake (39° 30' S; 71° 57' W), Riñihue lake (39° 49' S; 72° 19' W), Ranco lake (40° 12' S; 72° 22' W), Puyehue lake (40° 39' S; 72° 30' W), Bonita lagoon (40° 53' S; 72° 52' W), Llanquihue lake (41° 07' S; 72° 50' W), Todos los Santos lake (41° 46' S; 73° 15' W) ( Löffler 1961); Natri lake (42°47' S; 73°50' W), Tarahuin lake (42°43' S; 73° 45' W), Tepuhueico lake (42°37' S; 73°58' W), Huillinco lake (42° 40' S; 73°57' W), Cucao lake (42° 38' S; 74°40' W) ( Villalobos et al. 2003b); Elizalde lake (45° 46' S; 72° 55' W), General Carrera lake (45° 50' S; 72° 00' W) ( De los Ríos and Soto 2007); Del Toro lake (51° 12' S; 72° 38' W) (Campos et al., 1994); Juncos (51° 01' S; 72° 52' W), Jovito (51° 02' S; 72° 54' W), Paso (51° 02' S; 72° 55' W), Redonda (51° 02' S; 72° 55' W), Larga (51° 02' S; 72° 55' W), Cisnes (51° 02', 72° 55' W) (Soto & De los Ríos 2006); Isidoro lagoon (50° 57' S; 72° 53' W), Guanaco lagoon (51° 01' S; 72° 50' W), Monserrat lagoon (51° 07' S; 72 °47' W), Vega del Toro pools (51° 07' S; 72° 40' W), Kon Aikén pools (52° 50' S; 71° 10' W), Porvenir pool (52° 50' S; 70° 10' W) ( De los Ríos 2005); Tinquilco lake (39°19' S; 71° 43' W) ( De los Ríos-Escalante et al. 2010). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). South American representatives of B. ( Liederobosmina ) were comprehensively revised by Paggi 1979), who found B. chilensis as a well-defined taxon distributed in the southern half of South America ( Paggi 1979).

(34) Bosmina (Liederobosmina) hagmanni Stingelin, 1904 (= Neobosmina hagmanni ( Stingelin, 1904) = Eubosmina hagmanni (Stingelin, 1904)) . Calafquén lake (39° 31' S; 72° 08' W), Pucuró lake (40° 18' S; 72° 10' W) ( Löffler 1961); Chungará lake (18° 14' S; 69° 09' W) ( Domínguez 1973); Plateado reservoir (33° 04' S; 71° 39' W) ( Domínguez & Zúñiga 1976); Rapel reservoir (34° 10'S; 71° 29' W) ( Zúñiga & Araya 1982); Catapilco reservoir (32° 38' S; 71° 27' W), Rungue reservoir (33° 01' S; 70° 54' W), Peñuelas lagoon (33° 09' S; 71° 32' W), Orozco reservoir (33° 14' S; 71° 25' W), Yeso reservoir (33° 39' S; 70° 07' W), Negra lagoon (33° 39' S; 70° 08' W), Aculeo lagoon (33° 50' S; 70° 55' W), Lanalhue lake (37° 55' S; 73° 19' W), Lleulleu lake (38° 08' S; 73° 19' W), Caburgua lake (39° 07'S; 71° 47' W), Huilipilún lake (39° 08' S; 72° 10' W), Panguipulli lake (39° 41'S; 72° 15' W), Neltume lake (39° 47' S; 71° 59' W), Pirihueico lake (39° 56' S; 71° 48' W), Atravezado lake (45° 45' S; 72° 54' W), La Paloma lake (45° 55' S; 72° 15' W) ( Araya & Zúñiga 1985). Listed for Chile by Villalobos (2006). This species was originally described within the genus Bosmina (see Stingelin 1904), later transferred to the genus Eubosmina by Deevey & Deevey (1971), then to the subgenus Neobosmina ( Paggi 1979) . Due to the aforementioned replacement of Neobosmina by Liederobosmina , now B. hagmanni must be regarded as a member of the latter. It is a widely ditributed taxon in the Americas ( Paggi 1979; De Melo & Hebert 1994).

(35) Bosmina (Liederobosmina) huaronensis Delachaux, 1918 . Not recorded in Chilean literature, but definitively present in many localities in Chile (A.A. Kotov, unpublished). A taxon which is widely ditributed in the Americas ( Paggi 1979; De Melo & Hebert 1994; Elías-Gutiérrez et al. 2008).















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