Rhynchopsilopa magnicornis Hendel

Zhang, Junhua, Yang, Ding & Mathis, Wayne N., 2012, A review of the species of Rhynchopsilopa Hendel from China (Diptera, Ephydridae), ZooKeys 216, pp. 23-42 : 34-35

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scientific name

Rhynchopsilopa magnicornis Hendel


Rhynchopsilopa magnicornis Hendel View in CoL Figs 33-39

Rhynchopsilopa magnicornis Hendel 1913: 96 [Taiwan. Kankau, Paroe, N Paiwan District; ST ♂ & ♀, DEI]. - Cogan and Wirth 1977: 330 [Oriental catalog]. - Mathis and Zatwarnicki 1995: 48 [world catalog].

Rhynchopsilopa rugosiscutata de Meijere 1916: 267 [Indonesia. Java: "G. Ungaran"; HT ♂, ZMA]. - Wirth 1968: 43 [synonymy].


Face brownish, epistome yellowish; palpus yellowish, short, distally stout; mesonotum metallic bluish violet, with sparse squamose pubescence; sutural dc absent; legs dark brown, forecoxa, tibiae, extreme apices of femora, and tarsomeres 1-4 yellowish; wing slightly brownish; costal vein index 0.33, M vein index 2.2; haltere whitish ( Wirth 1968).


Male body length: 1.7-1.8 mm; wing length: 2.8-3.0 mm.

Head shiny black, with blue reflections. Setulae and setae of head black. Lateral vt as long as medial vt; 1 pair of strong oc; 1 pair of proclinate orb. Face and palpus yellow, the latter stout at apex; epistoma yellow. Gena with 1 strong seta. Arista with 8-9 dorsal rays.

Thorax shiny black, with blue reflections; mesonotum with long and numerous setulae. Thoracic setulae and setae black. 1 pair of posts dc, sutural dc absent; 2 rows of acr long and numerous; posterior npl as long as anterior npl; katepisternal seta weaker than anepisternal seta; 1 weak sa, 1 strong ia; scutellum with 2 pairs of sc, apical sc stronger than lateral sc. Forecoxa yellowish, mid and hind coxae brownish yellow; femora dark brown; tibiae and tarsomeres 1-4 yellowish, tarsomere 5 dark (Figs 33-35). Forefemur with strong pv, about two times longer than width of forefemur; mid femur with a row of strong av. Costal vein index 0.33, M vein index 2.2. Wing brownish yellow, veins brown. Haltere yellow.

Abdomen shiny black, with blue reflections. Abdomen with long and numerous setulae. Male genitalia (Figs 36-39): epandrium in lateral view (Fig. 37) slightly wide, bearing long setae on ventral 2/3 along posterior margin; cercus in posterior view (Fig. 36) narrowly hemispherical; presurstylus greatly reduced; postsurstylus in posterior view (Fig. 36) robust, broader basally, thereafter unevenly tapered to pointed apex, medial margin deeply sinuous, in lateral view (Fig. 37) with basal half roughly triangular, slightly tapered ventrally, ventral half bearing a long, narrow process extended from anteroventral angle of basal portion, forming a long, slightly curved process from ventroanterior margin of basal portion, with a posterior knob at juncture of basal and ventral portions along porterior margin; aedeagus in posterior view (Figs 36, 39) narrowly elongate, more so than postsurstylus, ventrally extended process nearly straight; phallapodeme in lateral view (Fig. 37) transversely elongate with long extended, more or less evenly thick keel; subepandrial plate in ventral view (Fig. 38) subquadrangular; hypandrium in ventral view (Fig. 38) hourglass-like, with anterior margin broadly rounded, in lateral view (Fig. 37) deeply pocket-like, bowl shaped.

Specimens examined.

3♂♂, India: Meghalaga Nongph-Forest, 25-28 Apr 1980, A. Freidberg (CAU).


China (Taiwan), India, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Malaysia, Philippines (Mindanao, Tawi Tawi), Thailand.











