Akmolina sp.

Holmer, Lars E. & Biernat, Gertruda, 2002, Urban and Peri-urban small and medium-size Enterprise Development for sustainable Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47 (1), pp. 141-156 : 155

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Akmolina sp.


Akmolina sp.

Fig. 12A, C, D View Fig .

Material.—Total of 1 dorsal and 1 ventral valve. Figured ventral valve: RM Br133836 (W = 0.57, L = 0.50); dorsal valve RM Br133836 (W = 0.57, L = 0.58, WI = 0.22, LI = 0.08).

Remarks.—This unnamed species is similar to Akmolina olentensis in having a flattened dorsal valve with a narrow, triangular pseudointerarea and in lacking a dorsal median ridge. A single ventral valve is also similar to that of A. olentensis . Precise specific discrimination of these shells remains unclear in the absence of further material.

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