Tingis Caenotingis bishopae, Guilbert & Guidoti, 2018

Guilbert, Eric & Guidoti, Marcus, 2018, New species and new records of Tingidae (Hemiptera. Heteroptera) from Thailand, Zootaxa 4482 (2), pp. 274-296 : 278-279

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.2.3

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scientific name

Tingis Caenotingis bishopae

sp. nov.

Tingis Caenotingis bishopae sp. nov.

( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 , 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Holotype. 1M, Prew Chanthaburi , 25.IV.1958, T.C. Maa coll., BPBM . Paratype. 1M, 3F, same data as holotype.

Description. Body densely pilose, brownish; pronotum, periphery of discoidal area, a transversal band across middle of costal and subcostal areas, sutural area darker; head, legs and body beneath dark brown. Body length, 3.74; width, 1.83.

Head narrow, densely pilose, hairs short, armed with five long and conical spines directed forwards; first two antennal joints pilose, stout. I, 0.22; II, 0.13; III, 0.94, IV, 0.5; bucculae two areolae wide, meeting in front but open; rostral canal relatively wide and straight, open behind; rostrum reaching middle of metasternum.

Pronotum long and strongly gibbose, pilose, tricarinate; medina carina riaised, uniseriate, the areolae rectangular and large, ending in front at the hood on top of the pronotum; lateral carinae wide, biseriate, the areolae large, adpressed onto the pronotum and almost touching median carina; calli absent; collar wide, not differentiated from the rest of pronotum, raised as to form a crest continued posteriorly by a hood on top of pronotum, long and narrow, somewhat cyst-like; paranota wide, four areolae wide at widest part, raised, partly adpressed onto the pronotum except opposite humeri where forming an acute angle; areolae on pronotum, lateral carinae and paranota beset with small hairs, directed towards the center.

Hemelytra wider than pronotum, narrowed posteriorly; costal area wide, mostly triseriate, except on middle part where darker and four areolae wide, the areolea smaller, posteriorly biseriate and uniseriate at apex; subcostal area narrower than costal area, uniseriate, some extra areolae at widest part near apex of discoidal area, the areolae beset with hairs directed towards the centre; discoidal area longer than half the hemelytra, five areolae wide at widest part, the areolae like the one of subcostal area; sutural area six areolae wide at widest part.

Comments. This species is similar to T. beesoni but differs by the hood situated on the top of the pronotum. And while it is usually situated at the level of the collar, the paranota and lateral carinae much wider, the discoidal area five areolae wide (not six) and the costal area is triseriate (not biseriate).

The subgenus Caenotingis Drake was raised for Tingis beesoni Drake from Burma ( Drake 1928). The areolae beset with hairs on the pronotum, paranota, lateral carinae, discoidal and subcostal area are characteristic of the subgenus and also shared with the species described above. The subgenus Caenotingis differs from the other Tingis subgenera, as the characters cited are shared only by T. beesoni and the species described above, however, further analysis should be done before suggesting a new combination.

Etymology. This species is named in honor to the Bernice Bishop Museum which allowed the loan of an extremely rich collection of Tingidae specimens.


USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum


Bishop Museum

















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