Hurdchila alia, Guilbert & Guidoti, 2018

Guilbert, Eric & Guidoti, Marcus, 2018, New species and new records of Tingidae (Hemiptera. Heteroptera) from Thailand, Zootaxa 4482 (2), pp. 274-296 : 279-280

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.2.3

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scientific name

Hurdchila alia

sp. nov.

Hurdchila alia sp. nov.

( Figs 7 View FIGURE 7 , 8 View FIGURE 8 )

Holotype. 1M, Pakchong , 100m, NE of Bangkok , 3.XII.1957, J.L. Gressitt coll., BPBM.

Description. Body whitish, except centre of discoidal and sutural areas and apex of hemelytra clear brownish, antennae, legs yellowish, body beneath and hind tarsi brownish. Body length, 3.17; width, 1.33.

Head armed with five short and slender spines, directed forwards; bucculae biseriate, closed in front; first and second antennal joints stout, third and fourth long and slender, antennal joints measurements. I, 0.13; II, 0.10; III, 0.97; IV, 0.40; rostral canal straight and narrow; rostrum extending beyond metasternum and reaching third abdominal segment.

Pronotum long and gibbose, tricarinate, carinae all pronotum long, raised, foliate, uniseriate, areolae subquadrate and rather large; collar raised as to form a hood, long and narrow, some six areolae long, hood and median carinae almost continuous; paranota wide, seven areolae wide at widest part, reflexed and resting onto the pronotum, except the outer margin erected and following lateral carinae, the inner row separated from the outer rows turned in as to appear ridged-like, also with a transversal ridge separating two convex areas opposite humeri, the anterior one longer than the posterior one.

Hemelytra a little wider than pronotum; costal area regularly biseriate, the areolae subquadrate and larger than on other areas; subcostal area narrower than costal area, biseriate, the areolae small; discoidal area longer than half the hemelytra, six to seven areolae wide at widest part; sutural area large, seven areolae wide at widest part.

Comments. The combination of characters distinguishes this new species from the other Hurdchila species. The hood of H. alia is as big as the one of H. togularis Drake & Poor and as high as the median carina. The hood of H. mira Drake & Poor and H. lewisi (Scott) is smaller and less elevated than the median carina. The pronotal carinae are as narrow as on H. lewisi , but less elevated than the one of H. mira and H. togularis . Hurdchila alia and H. togularis have a longitudinal depression on the paranota and a transversal ridge, while H. lewisi and H. mira have convex paranota without such depression and ridge. The costal area of H. alia is biseriate all along, with regular rows of subquadrate areolae. It is biseriate in H. togularis but the size of the areolae is irregular. The hemelytra of H. alia are not slightly narrowed opposite to the apex of discoidal area like it is in the other species.

Hurdchila species have a restricted distribution. Hurdchila togularis is known from Vietnam and Hainan. Hurdchila mira is known from Hainan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, Laos, and Vietnam. Hurdchila lewisi is known only from the type from Japan.

Etymology. The name of this new species refers to one of the latin translations of “different”.


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