MINUTILOBA, Davis & Gentili-Poole & Mitter, 2008

Davis, Steve R., Gentili-Poole, Patricia & Mitter, Charles, 2008, A revision of the Cossulinae of Costa Rica and cladistic analysis of the world species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154 (2), pp. 222-277 : 272-276

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00406.x

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name


sp. nov.


( FIGS 48, 49 View Figures 44–52 , 87, 88 View Figures 77–88 , 106 View Figures 101–106 , 127, 128 View Figures 125–130 , 144)

Male ( Fig. 48 View Figures 44–52 ): Forewing length: 16–18 mm.

Head: Antenna with shaft and rami cream; labial palpus brown dorsally, cream and light brown ventrally; frons brown, mixed with cream; vertex mostly dark rusty-brown, sometimes appearing fuscous, with some scales greyish tan basally and dark rusty-brown apically.

Thorax: Patagia same as vertex; tegula and dorsum creamy white, irrorated with fuscous; pleura creamy light brown; venter creamy light brown, mixed with creamy white and brown; a dark brown to greyish fuscous patch immediately behind head ventrally. Legs with femur and tibia cream, mixed with brown; tarsi brown and banded creamy white distally on each tarsomere. Forewing mostly brownish grey along basal three-quarters dorsally, with a pale brown area medially; a creamy white patch at base of wing; numerous short, transverse, fuscous striae throughout entire wing and along costal and inner margin, with a few thicker striae at basal quarter of wing; terminal patch light brownish tan, close to a pale yellow, to tan brown, with a fuscous border; an upcurved fuscous band on basal portion of terminal patch, traversing CuP and joining fuscous border; towards apex, a concave, fuscous band medially in terminal patch, with basal portion of band joining fuscous margin; a creamy white area immediately before terminal patch; fringe greyish brown to rustybrown; forewing mostly brown and light brown ventrally, mixed with cream; costal margin cream with brown transverse striae; terminal patch faint and with same pattern as in dorsal view, but colours lighter. Hindwing brown and light brown dorsally and ventrally, with venter mixed with cream; fringe banded brown and creamy white.

Abdomen: Brown to light brown dorsally; creamy light brown ventrally; A8 cream.

Male genitalia ( Figs 87, 88 View Figures 77–88 , 106 View Figures 101–106 ): Valva oblong and rounded apically; length of valva approximately 0.8¥ length of genital capsule; gnathos–uncus expanse approximately 0.3¥ length of genital capsule; saccular process forming a small cluster of blunt spines, with one larger spine; small rugosities immediately following this spiny cluster on lower terminal margin of valva; juxta process elongate; gnathos with bridge forming an elongate, subacute projection; bridge abruptly forming acute apex as viewed laterally; uncus somewhat narrow as viewed posterio-ventrally, with apex truncate and very shallowly bifurcate. Aedoeagus with rostellum short, straight, and apex slightly clubbed as viewed laterally; aedoeagus with rostellum gradually narrowing to subacute, rounded apex as viewed ventrally; vesica on one side covered with small spines, with opposite side bearing a rather small lobe.

Female ( Fig. 49 View Figures 44–52 ): Forewing length: 21–23 mm.

Head: Antenna with shaft and rami cream and brown; labial palpus cream, irrorated with fuscous; frons cream, irrorated with fuscous; vertex fuscous, with some scales light brown basally.

Thorax: Patagia fuscous; tegula greyish cream, irrorated with dark brown; dorsum creamy white, irrorated with dark brown; pleura creamy light brown; venter cream, mixed with greyish brown. Legs with femur and tibia cream and greyish brown; tarsi brown, banded with cream distally on each tarsomere. Forewing mostly brownish grey along basal threequarters dorsally; numerous short, transverse, greyish brown to fuscous striae throughout entire wing and along costal and inner margin; terminal patch with similar pattern as male, except patch a creamy tan colour; a greyish cream area immediately before terminal patch; fringe banded dark brown to fuscous and creamy white; forewing with scales creamy greyish brown ventrally, with slight gold lustre; numerous short, transverse, brown striae along costal margin; terminal patch similar to dorsal view, except curved bands not as prominent and blending into greyish brown of remainder of wing. Hindwing greyish brown with slight gold lustre dorsally and ventrally; fringe banded dark brown and cream.

Abdomen: Cream mixed with light brown dorsally and ventrally.

Female genitalia ( Figs 127, 128 View Figures 125–130 ): Sternite 8 enlarged, forming a quadrate sclerite below ostium and with elongate sclerotized areas leading to anterior apophyses; intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8 reduced and mostly membranous; ductus bursae elongate, approximately uniform in width along entire length and many longitudinal cuticular wrinkles and folds along basal half; corpus bursae short in length, approximately 0.5¥ length of bursa copulatrix, and small, not much wider than ductus bursae.

Distribution: Known only from Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Holotype: ♂; COSTA RICA: GUANACASTE: Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Estación Pitilla , 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, 700 m: 19–22.vi.1993, G. Carballo ( INBio).

Paratypes: COSTA RICA: CARTAGO: Turrialba, Grano de Oro, Chirripo , 1120 m: 1 ♀, vii.1993, P. Campos ( INBio) . GUANACASTE: Estación Cacao, SW side Volcán Cacao, Parque Nacional Guanacaste , 1000– 1400 m: 1 ♀, v.1992, D. H. Janzen & W. Hallwachs ( INBio) . Estación Maritza, W. side Volcán Orosi , 600 m: 1 ♀, v.1988, GNP Biod. Survey, slide USNM 85654 About USNM ( USNM) . Estación Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, Parque Nacional Guanacaste , 700 m: 1 ♂, 19–23.vi.1993, slide USNM 85631 About USNM , 2 ♂, vi.1994, slide USNM 96033 About USNM , 1 ♂, 9–14.vii.1993, P. Rios, Gredy, Diego, Carlos (estudiantes), slides USNM 85652 About USNM , 85783 About USNM , 96079 About USNM ( INBio, USNM) . GUATEMALA: Chajel , 1 ♂, viii., Schaus & Barnes, slide USNM 85607 About USNM ( USNM) .

Host: Unknown.

Flight period: May to August.

Etymology: Derived from the Latin ‘minutus’ meaning ‘little’ or ‘small’ and ‘lobus’ meaning ‘a rounded projection or protuberance’. Cossula minutiloba refers to the relatively small size of the lobe emanating from the vesica in the aedoeagus of the male genitalia.

Discussion: As discussed under C. longirostrum , C. minutiloba is superficially identical to both longirostrum , which also occurs in Costa Rica, and magnifica , which does not. Cossula minutiloba differs from both species in possessing a much smaller, naked lobe on the vesica of the aedoeagus ( Fig. 88 View Figures 77–88 ). The vesica must be everted during dissection in order to examine the lobe. The vesical lobe is much larger and densely covered with piliform spines in both longirostrum and magnifica .


During the course of this study three species represented only by single females were found not to agree with any previously identified females. Because many species of Cossulinae that share similar wing patterns can only be identified with certainty on the basis of male genital characters, or are known only from male specimens, it has not been possible to associate these females with possibly conspecific males. Descriptions and illustrations are provided to assist any future effort to determine their relationships.


( FIGS 50 View Figures 44–52 , 129, 130 View Figures 125–130 , 144)

Female ( Fig. 50 View Figures 44–52 ): Forewing length: 21 mm.

Head: Antenna creamy white; labial palpus brown dorsally, irrorated with cream, and cream with some light brown ventrally; frons cream, irrorated with brown; vertex creamy white, irrorated with brown.

Thorax: Patagia same as vertex; dorsum creamy white with some rusty-brown areas; tegula creamy white, irrorated with greyish brown; pleura creamy white, cream and light brown; venter mostly brown with some cream; legs with femur and tibia mixed with creamy white, cream and brown; tarsi brown, banded cream distally on each tarsomere. Forewing creamy white and light golden cream dorsally, with numerous grey, transverse striae along entire width of wing; the three most apparent and largest of these striae located basally, medially and post-medially along wing; subcostal region white and golden cream and mostly lacking striae; numerous short, transverse, grey and dark brown striae along costal margin; two dark brown to fuscous spots subterminally; wing mostly grey from subterminal spots to termen; three faint brown spots along CuP, located at basal third of wing, medially, and immediately before subterminal spots; fringe light brown and cream; forewing mostly light brown ventrally, with some cream; numerous short, transverse, brown striae along costal margin. Hindwing cream and light brown dorsally and ventrally; fringe cream and light brown.

Abdomen: Cream, creamy white and light brown dorsally and ventrally.

Female genitalia ( Figs 129, 130 View Figures 125–130 ): Sternite 8 enlarged and divided along the middle; intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8 fused to sternite 8, forming two broad, sclerotized, flattened lobes on either side of the ductus that project outward; ostium enclosed by two lobes that are slightly compressed laterally; ductus bursae short; corpus bursae circular, approximately 0.4¥ length of bursa copulatrix.

Distribution: Known only from the province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

Material examined: COSTA RICA: PUNTARENAS: Rancho Quemado, Península de Osa , 200 m: 1 ♀, xi.1991, F. Quesada, slide USNM 96041 About USNM ( INBio) .

Host: Unknown.

Flight period: November.

Discussion: As indicated by the lateral compression of the ductus bursae in the female genitalia and by the results of the phylogenetic analysis, this unique specimen is a member of Biocellata .


( FIGS 51 View Figures 44–52 , 131, 132 View Figures 131–134 , 144)

Female ( Fig. 51 View Figures 44–52 ): Forewing length: 28 mm.

Head: Antenna whitish cream; labial palpus a mixture of creamy white and brown dorsally and ventrally; frons a mixture of creamy white and brown; vertex rusty-brown to fuscous.

Thorax: Patagia a mix of cream, light rusty-brown and fuscous; dorsum and tegula mostly creamy white, irrorated with light and dark brown; tegula with a metallic grey patch; pleura brown to creamy brown; venter light, creamy and dark brown. Legs a mixture of light, cream and dark brown, irrorated with white; a creamy white band at basal and distal end of first tarsomere on all legs. Forewing mostly a light brownish grey dorsally, with few fuscous scales at base as well as a small fuscous patch at base along CuP; a large white and tan spot, with a small patch of fuscous, at terminus of discal cell; terminal patch mostly fuscous and dark greyish brown, with inner patch margin tan and brown; fringe a mixture of light and dark brown; forewing brown ventrally. Hindwing brown dorsally, with a slightly lighter brown ventrally; fringe a mixture of light and dark brown.

Abdomen: Mostly brown with some grey dorsally and ventrally.

Female genitalia ( Figs 131, 132 View Figures 131–134 ): Sternite 8 smooth and triangular; intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8 forming two laterally compressed lobes through which the ostium bursae opens; ductus bursae elongate and sinusoidal, wider near ostium and becoming slightly narrower towards corpus bursae; corpus bursae rather small and ovoid, approximately 0.4¥ length of bursa copulatrix.

Distribution: Known only from the La Selva Biological Preserve, Heredia, Costa Rica.

Material examined: COSTA RICA: HEREDIA: La Selva Biological Station, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui , 40 m: 1 ♀, v.1986, M. M. Chavarria, slide USNM 85653 About USNM ( INBio) .

Host: Unknown.

Flight period: May.

Discussion: As suggested by its placement in the phylogenetic analysis ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ), as well as its similar colour, wing pattern and genital morphology, this female appears to be closely related to C. coerulescens . Although the specimen is in rather poor condition, it differs superficially from coerulescens in possessing narrower forewings. Several structural differences from coerulescens in the female genitalia were also noted. Cossula coerulescens has a shorter, smaller corpus bursae, a much longer and enlarged ductus bursae, and lacks the swelling at the ostium present in this unknown female.


( FIGS 52 View Figures 44–52 , 133, 134 View Figures 131–134 , 144)

Female ( Fig. 52 View Figures 44–52 ): Forewing length: 23 mm.

Head: Antenna cream and brown; labial palpus brown dorsally and mostly creamy white ventrally; frons a mixture of light browns, irrorated with creamy white; vertex fuscous.

Thorax: Patagia fuscous; tegula and dorsum white, irrorated with brown and fuscous; pleura a mixture of brown and cream, with some white along base of forewing; venter a mixture of browns and cream; a dark brown patch below labial palps ventrally. Legs a mixture of different shades of brown and creamy white, lighter brown mesally; tarsi brown, banded with cream distally on each tarsomere. Forewing a mix of different shades of brown dorsally, mostly light brown, mixed with cream; several short, transverse, fuscous striae dispersed throughout wing, with few striae along costal and inner margins; base of wing cream; an elongate fuscous line beginning at base of discal cell and migrating towards inner angle; wing mostly cream from terminal half up to terminal patch; terminal patch with fuscous outer and inner margins; outer margin consisting of a contiguous thick, wavy patch that reaches the wing termen between M 2 and M 3, and again between CuA 1 and CuA 2; fringe mostly dark brown; forewing mostly brown and cream ventrally; terminal patch with same pattern as dorsal view, but more uniformly brown and faded in appearance. Hindwing mostly brown and cream dorsally and ventrally; fringe light brown.

Abdomen: Light brown and cream dorsally; mostly cream ventrally with some light brown.

Female genitalia ( Figs 134 View Figures 131–134 , 144): Sternite 8 smooth, reduced and triangular, and with a swelling present at ostium opening; intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8 forming two compressed lobes on either side of ostium; ductus bursae short, slender and sinusoidal; corpus bursae elongate, approximately 0.5¥ length of bursa copulatrix, narrow at beginning of ductus bursae and becoming wider apically.

Distribution: Heredia, Costa Rica.

Material examined: COSTA RICA: HEREDIA: El Ceibo , 10 km SE La Virgen, 450–550 m: 1 ♀, 14.iii.2003, M. E. Epstein, slide USNM 85675 About USNM ( USNM) .

Host: Unknown.

Flight period: March.

Discussion: This female belongs in Cossula , as indicated by the compressed lobes in the genitalia formed by the intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8 around the ostium and the results of the phylogenetic analysis ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ).


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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