Helochares lividus (Forster, 1771)
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4353.1.7 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FE581F19-7FAA-4F1F-B562-2718D4213237 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6017562 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/FC2F6B3F-FFD8-9025-6C8F-F8CCFB58D82F |
treatment provided by |
Plazi |
scientific name |
Helochares lividus (Forster, 1771) |
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Helochares lividus (Forster, 1771) View in CoL
Material. 18 AdUlT SpEcImEnS. COllEcTEd On 03/x/2012. "LAgOA dO CAIAdO"—PIcO ISlAnd. UTM: 26 S 390945 4257289; OnE AdUlT SpEcImEn . 20/Ix/2012. "LAgOA dO CAldEIrãO GrAndE"—SãO MIgUEl ISlAnd. UTM: 26 S 610277 4186665.
Habitat. Helochares lividus IS WIdESprEAd And lOcAllY AbUndAnT In nATUrAl pOndS, ESpEcIAllY In pOndS rIch In SIlTY SUbSTrATES (RIbErA et al. 1996b And DEnTOn 2013). ThE SpEcIES cAn AlSO bE fOUnd In ArTIfIcIAl EnVIrOnmEnTS SUch AS dITchES Or ArTIfIcIAl pOndS (DOnISThOrpE 1913; PIcAzO et al. 2010).
Azorean habitat. ThE SpEcIES hAS bEEn dETEcTEd In A lArgE VArIETY Of hAbITATS And EnVIrOnmEnTAl cOndITIOnS. IT hAS bEEn rEgISTErEd In TEmpOrArY And pErmAnEnT pOndS, lAkES And ArTIfIcIAl TAnk-WATEr, lOcATEd In nATIVE fOrEST And In ArEAS clOSE TO pASTUrElAndS, frOm 387 TO 912 m. A.S.l. ThE AQUATIc SYSTEmS hAd pH VAlUES rAngIng frOm 4.9 TO 9.9, ThE dISSOlVEd OxYgEn cOncEnTrATIOn rAngEd frOm 4.2 TO 10.7 10.7 mg L–1, WhIlE ThE ElEcTrIc cOndUcTIVITY prESEnTEd lOW VAlUES (frOm 28.8 TO 79.5 µS cm–1).
World distribution. ThIS SpEcIES hAS A WESTErn PAlEArcTIc dISTrIbUTIOn. IT IS prESEnT In EUrOpE, ASIA And NOrTh AfrIcA (GArrIdO-GOnzÁlEz et al. 1996; HAnSEn 1996; HAnSEn 2004; KArAmAn et al. 2008).
Azores distribution. ThE SpEcIES hAd OnlY bEEn prEVIOUSlY rEcOrdEd In TErcEIrA ISlAnd. WITh ThIS nEW rEcOrd, ThE ArEA Of dISTrIbUTIOn In ThE AzOrES ISlAndS ExpAndS TO PIcO And SãO MIgUEl ISlAndS (SEE FIg. 1 View FIGURE1 ).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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