Boronia section Inornatae Duretto & Heslewood, 2023

Duretto, Marco F., Heslewood, Margaret M. & Bayly, Michael J., 2023, A molecular phylogeny of Boronia (Rutaceae): placement of enigmatic taxa and a revised infrageneric classification, Australian Systematic Botany 36 (2), pp. 81-106 : 104

publication ID 10.1071/SB22019


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scientific name

Boronia section Inornatae Duretto & Heslewood

sect. nov.

Boronia section Inornatae Duretto & Heslewood , sect. nov.

Type: Boronia inornata Turcz.

Differs from the other sections of Boronia by the having the following combination of characters: glandular, verrucose branchlets, 3(5)-foliolate leaves, a terminal inflorescence of 1(–3) flowers, imbricate sepals, imbricate petals, glabrous stamens, and seeds that are microscopically tuberculate.

Hairs simple. Branches, including cortex, not articulated (continuous) at nodes, glandular–verrucose. Leaves opposite– decussate, imparipinnate. Inflorescence terminal, 1(–3)- flowered; peduncles absent; bracts and bracteoles persistent. Sepals imbricate in bud, persistent. Petals imbricate in bud, without or with a minute subterminal apiculum on the abaxial surface, multiveined from base, caducous. Staminal filament glabrous, swollen and verrucose towards apex, with tip terminal. Stigma minute, not wider than style. Seed minutely tuberculate, glossy; hilum adaxial, linear, not in a groove; embryo unknown.

A section of two species: Boronia coriacea (SW WA) , B. inornata (SW WA, SA; two subspecies).

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