Eupolybothrus appeninigenus mesobius, R. V. Chamberlin, 1952

R. V. Chamberlin, 1952, On the Chilopoda from Turkey, Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 17, pp. 183-258 : 215-217

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Teodor (2013-10-10 13:18:13, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-30 02:09:47)

scientific name

Eupolybothrus appeninigenus mesobius

subsp. n.

Eupolybothrus appeninigenus mesobius subsp. n.

Brownish yellow, with a conspicuous median dorsal black stripe.

Articles of antennae above 33 (tip of both broken off in the type specimen). Ocelli 1+3,4,3, the single ocellus not large but the caudal ocelius of top series very large.

Prosternal teeth 7+7; median interval V-shaped; porodont spiniform at base, apical portion setiform.

Ventral spines of penult legs, 0,1,3,2,1, dorsal 1,0,3,2(1),2.

Ventral spines of anal legs usually 0,1,3,2,1, less often 0,1,3,3,1; dorsal, 1,0,3,1,0; claws 2. The coxae nearly always unarmed, laterally, but the male may have a lateral spine on the anal coxae. Last three pairs of coxae dorsally armed. Dorsal spines of leg I 0,0,3,2,2; ventral, 0,0,3,3,2.

Genital sternite in male caudally truncate or rather, the caudal margin a little incurved, each side convex with corners oblique as shown in Fig. 17. Caudal margin of tergite 15 as shown in Fig. 18.

In the male the femur of anal legs with the usual swelling on mesal side at distal end proximad of the dorsal spine and bearing there a fine-pore sieve that is in length less than half the diameter of the, joint; the area free of principal pores from one-third to one fourth the length of the joint. Femur with dorsal furrow as in sternethus but in addition a narrow longitudinal sulcus ectad of it and extending nearly to distal end.

Length, about 30 mm.

Localities: Acipayam ( S.W. Anatolia ), one male taken in Oct., 1945 .

Honozdagi ( S.W. Anatolia ), 2,000 m., one male taken in Feb., 1945 .

Tefenni-Dirmil ( S.W. Anatolia ), several males and females, Oct., 1946 .

Denizli ( S.W. Anatolia ), several males and females taken in July 1947 .

Ödemis ( Izmir ), one male taken in Sept., 1944 .

Pamukkale, near Denizli ( S.W. Anatolia ), a female, Nov., 1945 .

Intermediate in some respects between E. appeninigenus sens. str. and E. appenigenus bilselii . The genital sternite of the male is in form like that of the latter but lacks the swellings on dorsal side and has the marginal setae of the same length throughout instead of having the middle ones much shorter. On the other hand, the caudal margin of tergite 15 of male is like that of appeninigenus sens. str.