Agathodesmus millaa, Mesibov, Robert, 2013

Mesibov, Robert, 2013, New species of Agathodesmus Silvestri, 1910 from Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae), ZooKeys 325, pp. 33-64 : 51-53

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scientific name

Agathodesmus millaa

sp. n.

Agathodesmus millaa View in CoL sp. n. Figs 8C, 8D


Male, Mt Fisher, 7 km SW of Millaa Millaa, Qld, Whiteing Road, 17°33'56"S, 145°33'47"E ± 500m, 1200 m a.s.l., 5 May 1983, G. Monteith and D. Yeates, QM berlesate 583, moss on rocks and logs; in 3 pieces in genitalia vial, QM S96054.


1 male, 1 stadium 5 male, details as for holotype, QM S96055.

Other material.


Diagnostic description.

Male with head + 19 rings. Colour in alcohol pale yellow. Male ca 7.5 mm long; ring 12 maximum diameter ca 0.5 mm, maximum width ca 0.6 mm. Metatergal tubercles in ca 10-12 irregular transverse rows, mainly without setae; metatergal setae short with slightly flared tips; lateralmost row of tubercles not enlarged, not forming pseudo-paranotum. Male leg 6 without coxal projection. Telopodite (Figs 8C, 8D) with pp curving posteriorly, anteroposte riorly flattened (wider in posterior view than lateral); at in oblique plane (facing posterolaterally), short, narrowly triangular, curving posterolaterally; dp directed posterobasally and laterally at base, a small, rounded, mediolaterally flattened tab arising on posterior surface just above (basal to) mab origin; mab divided into 2 lobes; lateral mab lobe terminating in basomedially curving, finger-like process; medial mab lobe curving medially, divided into broad medial and narrow, distally expanded lateral process with truncate distal margin; meb curving behind mab, divided near base into needle-like, basally directed medial process and long, broad lateral process curving medially and terminating in short, broad hook behind medial lobe of mab.


Known only from rainforest at the type locality on the Atherton Tableland in tropical north Queensland (Fig. 13A).


For the type locality, Millaa Millaa; noun in apposition.