Amiota uniacuminis, Jones & Grimaldi, 2022

Jones, Lance E. & Grimaldi, David A., 2022, Revision Of The Nearctic Species Of The Genus Amiota Loew (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 (458), pp. 1-181 : 79-80

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scientific name

Amiota uniacuminis

sp. nov.

Amiota uniacuminis View in CoL , sp. nov.

Figures 36C–D View FIG ; 39B, C, G, K–M, R View FIG ; 89A View FIG

DIAGNOSIS: Medium-sized fly (ThL 1.09–1.32 mm); dark brown, legs dark yellow; characteristic markings of postpronotal lobe and face faded, marking on wing base less so; cheek relatively deep (EL/CW 8.57–10.60); similar to other species in complex, including A. biacuminis and A. forceps (defined under A. biacuminis ), but differing from them by the following: epandrium nearly semicircular in terminal view (vs. narrowed dorsally in A. biacuminis and A. forceps ); outer paraphysis with tapered, pointed upper lobe, extended well beyond level of lower lobe, lower lobe with distal end slightly expanded with 2 small points; hypandrium with prominent, wrinkled, median lobe at apex (vs. pair of such lobes in A. biacuminis ), apex not deeply notched (vs. notched in A. forceps ); surstylus with shorter prensisetae (~1/2 length in other species).

DESCRIPTION: Medium-sized fly (ThL 1.09– 1.32 mm); dark brown, legs dark yellow. Katepisternum lighter than remaining pleuron. Markings on postpronotal and face faded, marking on wing base less so comparatively. Frons dark brown dorsally; light brown ventrally, concentrated in ventrolateral corners. Cheek relatively deep (EL/CW 8.57–10.60), white posteriorly. Palp brown. Tergites 1 and 2 lightly colored. Arista: Medium, plumose; longest branch D2; A.R. 0.38; 5 dorsal branches decreasing in length apicad, 4 short ventral branches; aristal trunk with medium-length microtrichia along entire length. Male genitalia: Epandrium wide, virtually semicircular in terminal view; dorsally complete, ventral margin grading with membrane below region. Cercus pendulous, slightly crescentic, faintly grading into membrane dorsally. Surstylus with setulae on ventral half; 12 prensisetae, apices blunt, closely spaced, the innermost medial 4 slightly more spaced; prensisetae relatively short. Subepandrial sclerite well developed, compressed laterally; subepandrial appendage present, nearly triangular in full terminal view, with pointed, nipplelike tip. Outer paraphysis with upper lobe extended well beyond level of lower lobe, upper lobe tapered, pointed; lower lobe with distal end slightly expanded with 2 small points, several scattered sensilla near base. Inner paraphysis lost. Aedeagal apodeme rectangular, width 0.80× length, each margin faintly concave. Hypandrium of uniform thickness, inner margin more sclerotized; apex with a flat, rounded, slightly wrinkled lobe. Ejaculatory apodeme relatively small, half the length of the epandrium, stalk straight. Head and thorax measurements: (n = 3; Am 254, 255, 1511) FL/ FW 0.60 (0.54–0.66), EL/EW 1.30 (1.25–1.35), EL/CW 9.72 (8.57–10.60), FML/FMW 0.23 (0.19–0.26), PR /RR 0.48 (0.40–0.55), ThL 1.19 (1.09–1.32 mm).

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype: male: 14 mi. SW. El Salto, Dgo. [Durango] MEX., [23.786449, -105.597725], 8000′, June “26” 1964, J.F. McAlpine, attracted to man, Am 1511, [glued directly to pin, dissected]. Deposited in the Canadian National Collection ( CNC). GoogleMaps Paratype: 14 mi. SW. El Salto, Dgo. [Durango] MEX., 8000′, June “26” 1964, J.F. McAlpine, attracted to man, 1♂ (Am 1412*, CNC).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Mexico: Guerro: 30 klm. N. Chilpancingo, July 1952, leg. M. Wasserman and W.B. Heed, 2266.19, 2♂ (Am 254*, 255*, AMNH).

ETYMOLOGY: Formed from Latin uni - for “one” and acuminis for “point.” In reference to the pointed lobe at the apex of the hypandrium.

DISTRIBUTION: Amiota uniacuminis is known to inhabit a wide swath of Mexico, from Durango and Guerro State.

COMMENTS: This species exhibits the characteristic behavior of attraction to the eyes and face common to many Amiota .


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


American Museum of Natural History













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