Anastrepha brownsbergiensis Norrbom, 2021
publication ID | 10.11646/zootaxa.5044.1.1 |
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Plazi (2021-09-27 14:18:16, last updated 2023-11-08 03:56:49) |
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Anastrepha brownsbergiensis Norrbom |
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sp. nov. |
Anastrepha brownsbergiensis Norrbom View in CoL , new species
Figs. 3 View FIGURES 3–4 , 28–30 View FIGURES 19–30 , 76 View FIGURES 74–76 , 100 View FIGURES 98–120 , 123 View FIGURES 121–131
Diagnosis. Anastrepha brownsbergiensis can be distinguished from other species of Anastrepha by the following combination of characters: Setae red brown to dark red brown; face ventrolaterally gradually tapered; scutum entirely microtrichose; subscutellum and mediotergite without brown markings; wing with typical Anastrepha pattern and V-band separated from S-band; oviscape 5.96–6.64 mm long, 1.91–2.10 times as long as mesonotum; and aculeus tip 0.31–0.40 mm long, with distal 0.34–0.42 serrate. In the key of Zucchi et al. (2011) it runs to A. dissimilis Stone or A. duckei Lima, from which it differs in having longer terminalia (oviscape less than 4.3 mm long, less than 1.2 times as long as mesonotum in A. dissimilis and A. duckei ) and the aculeus tip less extensively serrate. It is also similar to A. macra Stone , from which it differs in having longer terminalia (oviscape less than 4.5 mm long, 1.25 times as long as mesonotum in A. macra ) and a broader aculeus tip (greater than 0.10 mm wide in A. brownsbergiensis vs. less than 0.10 mm in A. macra ).
Three sequences of A. brownsbergiensis ( MT672198 View Materials - MT672200 View Materials ), all from adults from Brownsberg, Suriname, were included in the COI barcode analysis of Moore et al. (in prep.) and formed a separate cluster within the fraterculus group. There are two unique sequences. The three sequences of A. brownsbergiensis formed a separate cluster (i.e., with a COI barcode gap), with a range in intraspecific K2P distance of 0.0–0.2%. The smallest interspecific K2P distance was 1.1% with an undescribed species (A. Peru-66). Two additional subsequently obtained COI sequences ( MZ702878 View Materials , MZ702879 View Materials ) from adult specimens from Brownsberg are identical to sequences MT672198 View Materials and MT672200 View Materials .
Description. Mostly orange. Setae red brown to dark red brown.
Head: Mostly yellow to orange, except ocellar tubercle brown. 3–5 frontal setae; 1–2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed or usually weak, rarely (1 specimen, USNMENT00875021) absent. Ocellar seta weak, 1.0–1.3 times as long as ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, straight or concave on dorsal two-thirds. Antenna not extended to ventral facial margin. Palpus in lateral view dorsally curved, evenly setulose.
Thorax: Mostly yellow to orange, most of scutum orange; with following areas white to pale yellow: postpronotal lobe and lateral margin of scutum bordering it; medial scutal vitta, ovoid posteriorly, extending laterally to slightly beyond acrostichal seta; sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture to posterior margin, including base of intra-alar seta; scutellum; dorsal margins of anepisternum and katepisternum; katepimeron; and most of anatergite and katatergite. Scutum without brown markings except often with diffuse pale or moderate brown spot medially on scuto-scutellar suture. Subscutellum and mediotergite entirely orange. Mesonotum 2.98–3.32 mm long. Postpronotal lobe, notopleuron, scutum and scutellum entirely microtrichose; scutal setulae orange at least medially, usually pale brown lateral to dorsocentral line; non-setulose on narrow, elongate postsutural sublateral area. Chaetotaxy typical for genus. Katepisternal seta weak, orange, one-fourth to half as long as anepisternal seta.
Legs: Entirely yellow to orange.
Wing ( Figs. 28–30 View FIGURES 19–30 ): Length 6.86–7.76 mm, width 2.83–3.19 mm, ratio 2.42–2.56. Apex of vein R 1 at 0.52–0.55 wing length, proximal to level of anterior end of crossvein r-m. Cell c 1.17–1.28 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 3.65–4.11 times as long as wide. Vein R 2+3 not sinuous. Crossvein r-m at 0.65–0.68 distance from bm-m to dm-m on vein M 1. Vein M 1 moderately strongly curved apically; cell r 4+5 at apex 0.99–1.08 times as wide as at level of dm-m, 0.84–0.89 times as wide as maximum subapical width. Cell cu a with distal lobe moderately long, length of cu a 1.50–1.62 times as long as anterior margin, lobe 0.67–0.96 times as long as vein CuA+CuP. Wing pattern mostly orange and moderate brown. C-band mostly orange, cells bc and c paler, cell c slightly darker proximally, pterostigma mostly moderate brown, distal margin of band in cells r 1 and r 2+3 narrowly brown, fork of vein Rs narrowly brown, and cell br usually with elongate irregular brown area in part anterior to cell bm and with triangular brown mark on distal margin of band. C-band and S-band connected or narrowly separated along vein R 4+5; if connected, hyaline marginal spot in cell r 1 subtriangular to subquadrate, with apex aligned proximal to crossvein r-m. Basal hyaline area in cell dm relatively large. Basal half of S-band relatively narrow, mostly orange, anterobasal margin mostly narrowly brown in cells br, r 1, and r 2+3, posterodistal margin narrowly brown anteriorly, more broadly posteriorly in cell m 4, extending to or slightly into lobe of cell cu a, with weak or no incision in cell m 4; distal section orange, with most of margins and part in cell r 4+5 moderate brown; moderately broad, at apex of vein R 2+3 0.55–0.60 times width of cell r 2+3, not extended to apex of vein M 1, without marginal hyaline areas; hyaline area proximal to apex of band extended to vein R 2+3. V-band with proximal arm relatively narrow, mostly brown, orange medially in cell r 4+5 and bordering anterior part of crossvein dm-m; separated from S-band along vein R 4+5; on posterior margin extended approximately four-fifths distance to vein CuA+CuP; distal arm brown except anteriorly, usually connected to proximal arm, rarely narrowly separated and not extended to vein R 4+5; hyaline area between arms of V-band and vein M 1 approximately half width of cell cell r 4+5.
Abdomen: Mostly orange, without brown markings.
Female terminalia: Oviscape usually 5.96–6.64 mm long, 1.91–2.10 times as long as mesonotum (in 1 aberrant female 5.48 mm, 1.69 times as long as mesonotum); red brown at least on middle third or penultimate fourth, dorsally sometimes extending narrowly basally, orange at least basoventrally; spiracle at basal 0.19–0.22. Eversible membrane ( Fig. 76 View FIGURES 74–76 ) with dorsobasal denticles in subtriangular pattern, with approximately 75 moderately long hooklike denticles in 6–7 V-shaped rows. Aculeus ( Fig. 100 View FIGURES 98–120 ) ventrally curved in lateral view, usually 5.96–6.62 mm long (in 1 female 5.40 mm), 0.96–1.03 times oviscape length; in ventral view base slightly expanded, triangular, 0.23 mm wide, shaft 0.12 mm wide at midlength; tip ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 121–131 ) 0.31–0.40 mm long, 0.06 times aculeus length, 0.11–0.13 mm wide at base, 0.13–0.14 mm preapically, 2.57–2.86 times as long as wide; in ventral view gradually tapered, distal 0.34–0.42 serrate, 0.63–0.73 times as wide as base; 0.06–0.08 mm wide in lateral view, 0.55–0.62 times ventral width. Spermathecae not examined.
Distribution. Anastrepha brownsbergiensis is known only from Suriname. We collected it only at Fredberg (1 specimen) and Brownsberg.
Biology. The host plants and other aspects of the biology of this species are unknown.
Type data. Holotype ♀ ( USNM USNMENT00875024 ), SURINAME: Brokopondo: Brownsberg Nature Park , [Witti Creek trail, 4.94615°N 55.1798°W, 441 m,] trap BNP-ML-19, [17 Jul –] 18 Sep 2017, A. Gangadin GoogleMaps . Paratypes: SURINAME: Brokopondo: Brownsberg Nature Park , 4°56’23.937”N 55°10’18.855”W, trap BNP- ML-45, 22 Jul–21 Aug 2016, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00875023 ) GoogleMaps ; Brownsberg Nature Park , edge of old orchid garden, 4.94826°N 55.18102°W, 488 m, trap BNP-ML-12, 8–20 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( NZCS) GoogleMaps ; Brownsberg Nature Park, Irene Val trail, 4.9584°N 55.19082°W, 333 m, trap BNP-ML-23, 19 Mar–8 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT01526574 ) GoogleMaps ; Irene Val trail, 4.95606°N 55.1894°W, 349 m, trap BNP-ML-25, 12 Feb–14 Apr 2018, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( NZCS) GoogleMaps ; Brownsberg Nature Park, Leo Val trail, 4.95284°N 55.18799°W, 319 m, trap BNP-ML-28, 15 May–21 Jun 2016, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( NZCS) GoogleMaps ; Leo Val trail, 4.95234°N 55.18755°W, 472 m, trap BNP-ML-29, 15 May–21 Jun 2016, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( FSCA) GoogleMaps ; same, 9–18 Apr 2017, 1♀ ( FSCA) ; Browns- berg Nature Park, Mazaroni top trail, 10 m before end, 4.95125°N 55.17612°W, 457 m, trap BNP-ML-01, 8–20 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT01526573 ) GoogleMaps ; Brownsberg Nature Park, Witti Creek trail, 4.94555°N 55.17842°W, 411 m, trap BNP-ML-17, 9–19 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( FSCA) GoogleMaps ; Witti Creek trail, 4.94615°N 55.1798°W, 441 m, trap BNP-ML-19, 19 Mar–8 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00875022 ) GoogleMaps ; same, 11 Feb–15 Apr 2018, 1♀ ( USNMENT01355372 ) ; Witti Creek trail, 4.94624°N 55.18075°W, 426 m, trap BNP- ML-21, 12 Feb–15 Apr 2018, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( MAAHF) GoogleMaps ; Witti Creek trail, 4.94641°N 55.18143°W, 461 m, trap BNP-ML-22, 21 Apr–21 May 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( MAAHF) GoogleMaps ; Witti Creek trail, 4.94162°N 55.1745°W, 336 m, trap BNP-ML-42, 12 Feb–15 Apr 2018, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT01527085 ) GoogleMaps ; Witti Creek trail, near mark 0.8 km, 4.94452°N 55.17768°W, 377 m, trap BNP-ML-15, 19 Mar–8 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00875025 ) GoogleMaps ; same, 2 Sep–15 Oct 2018, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT01355865 ) ; Witti Creek trail, next to mark 1.1 km, 4.94265°N 55.17566°W, 340 m, trap BNP-ML-41, 19 Mar–8 Apr 2017, A. Gangadin, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00875021 ) GoogleMaps ; same, 11 Feb–15 Apr 2018, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT01556852 ) ; Fredberg , trap FB-ML-05, 1 Mar 2020, A. J. Hielkema, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT01556800 ) .
Etymology. The name of this species is derived from Brownsberg Nature Park, where the type specimens were collected.
Comments. This species is tentatively included in the fraterculus species group based on molecular evidence. In a preliminary phylogenetic analysis using anchored hybrid enrichment (Wiegmann et al., in prep.), A. brownsbergiensis is in a large cluster with other species of the fraterculus group, and in the COI analysis of Moore et al. (in prep.) the three sequences of A. brownsbergiensis form a cluster within the fraterculus group. It does not have lateral brown markings on the subscutellum or mediotergite which are present in most species of the fraterculus group. Its partially serrate aculeus is consistent with this classification, but that character is not unique to the fraterculus group.
Zucchi, R. A., Uramoto, K. & Souza-Filho, M. F. de (2011) Chave ilustrada para as especies de Anastrepha da regiao Amazonia brasileira. In: Adaime da Silva, R., Lemos, W. P. & Zucchi, R. A. (Eds.), Moscas-das-frutas na Amazonia brasileira: Diversidade, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Embrapa Amapa, Macapa, pp. 71 - 90.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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