Androsiphonia adenostegia Stapf

Lagrange, Flavien, Martínez, Camila & Rio, Cédric Del, 2024, Seed morphology of the paleotropical tribe Paropsieae (Passifloraceae, Malpighiales), and paleobotanical implications, European Journal of Taxonomy 943, pp. 1-23 : 5

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2583


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scientific name

Androsiphonia adenostegia Stapf


Androsiphonia adenostegia Stapf View in CoL

Figs 1A View Fig , 2 View Fig

Material examined

IVORY COAST • Province de l’Attié , Alépé; 1907; A.J.B. Chevalier 17461; P [ P04772166 ] ! • Bassin du Haut-Nuon , Pays des Diolas , entre Kuankoulé et Danané; 7 Apr. 1909; A.J.B. Chevalier 21194; P [ P04772168 ] !.

Seed description

Seeds are ca 6.0–9.0 mm long, 6.0–8.0 mm wide and 5.0– 5.5 mm thick, oblong to nearly circular, wider than thick. The surface is completely smooth, dark brown, with visible hairy tegument. The apex is blunt, rounded with a small depression. The base is rounded. The margin is entire. The integuments are reduced to a single cellular layer.


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants

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