Antireicheia demirei, Grebennikov, Vasily V., Bulirsch, Petr & Magrini, Paolo, 2009

Grebennikov, Vasily V., Bulirsch, Petr & Magrini, Paolo, 2009, Discovery of Antireicheia in Cameroon with description of four new species and discussion on phylogeny and distribution of endogean Reicheiina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritinae: Clivinini), Zootaxa 2292, pp. 1-14 : 4-5

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.275299


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Antireicheia demirei

sp. nov.

Antireicheia demirei View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 )

Type material. Holotype ( MNHN) male labelled "OKU, 2900 m / Ft de Podocarpus/ 5– 9 –XI–[19]75// lavages de/ terre// Mission Cameroun / C.N.R.S. RCP 318/ Octobre-Novembre 1975" Paratypes ( MNHN, PBC, PMC): 5 males, 5 females with the same data as HT.

Description. Body rusty yellow-brown, antennae, mouthparts and legs slightly paler ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ); length 2.70– 3.00 mm (HT 2.75 mm, mean 2.85 mm, n=11). Head with ocular part of genae not protruded, eye remnant discernable as small, whitish unfacetted field in anterolateral margin of slightly vaulted genae; genal posterior angles broadly rounded; supraantennal plates separated from genae by moderately deep and broad furrow; vertex without reticulation; antennomeres 6–10 slightly longer than broad; antennal length 0.83 mm (HT). Pronotum with sides moderately rounded, slightly attenuated anteriorly; anterior angles blunt, not protruded anterad; ratio of pronotal length to width 1.02–1.08 (HT 1.05, mean 1.04); ratio of pronotal width to head width 1.53–1.61 (HT 1.54, mean 1.56). Elytra ovate, strongly broadened, maximum width distinctly before middle; base strongly sloping; humeri indistinct, broadly rounded; lateral channel moderately broad, not narrowed apicad; reflexed lateral margin with 3–4 long, slightly prominent humeral teeth; striae 1–3(4) slightly depressed, lateral ones consisting of sparse punctures; median striae (especially 1–4) finely and irregularly punctate in basal two third, lateral ones (especially 6–7) very fine; all striae gradually disappearing apicad; latero-apical part smooth; elytral intervals flattened, third interval without DSP; ratio of elytral length to width 1.61–1.69 (HT 1.62, mean 1.64); ratio of elytra length to pronotal length 1.99–2.09 (HT 2.01, mean 2.03); ratio of elytral width to pronotal width 1.25–1.32 (HT 1.31, mean 1.28). Aedeagus with median lobe ( Figs. 2, 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ) 0.64 mm long (HT); parameres as in Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 5 . Stylomeres as in Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 .

Differential diagnosis. Antireicheia demirei is the largest among four Cameroonian species with the body length varying between 2.70 and 3.00 mm; none of other Cameroonian Antireicheia are known to exceed 2.45 mm.

Etymology. Patronymic, named in honor of the species collector, Philippe Bruneau de Miré (Paris, France).


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