Apsolidium falconerae, O’Loughlin, 2007

O’Loughlin, P. Mark, 2007, New cucumariid species from southern Australia (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida: Cucumariidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 64, pp. 23-34 : 24

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scientific name

Apsolidium falconerae

sp. nov.

Apsolidium falconerae View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 1a View Figure 1 , 2a View Figure 2 , 3a–d View Figure 3 , 4a View Figure 4

Material examined. Holotype: Australia, Victoria, Western Port, Phillip I., Cat Bay , shallow sublittoral, covered with detrital material (held by tube feet), attached to undersurface of rock, C. Handreck, 7 Mar 1995, NMV F109375 About NMV .

Description. Body length 34 mm, maximum width 15 mm (preserved; tentacles excluded, partly withdrawn); body rounded dorsally, flat ventral sole, tapering from wide high oral end to lower narrow anal end; wide dorso-anterior oral end; short dorso-posterior rounded blunt anal cone; dorsal and lateral body wall thin, densely calcareous, rough, small irregularly distributed scales evident, not overlapping; ventral body wall distinctly thin semi-trunslucent sole with ossicles evident, irregularly oval, tapering posteriorly, rounded not acute junction with ventro-lateral body wall, peripheral series of tube feet; 9 dendritic tentacles, 8 large, 1 small ventral; radial and interradial calcareous ring plates wide posteriorly with central deep notch, radially tapering anteriorly to blunt columnar projection, interadially to thick point, heights of plates subequal; small tube feet scattered closely over dorsal and lateral surfaces; large tube feet ventrally, continuous peripheral irregular series 5-wide, mid-ventral radial series 2–4 wide; single dorsal madreporite near vascular ring, irregular short-branched form, less than 1 mm long; single ventral polian vesicle; gonad tubules unbranched; longer respiratory tree branch extends half coelom length; longitudinal muscles thin, flat, retractor muscles branch off in mid-body.

Ossicles. Dorsal and lateral body wall and tube feet with multilayered ossicles (small scales), buttons, cups, tube foot endplates, tube foot perforated support plates: multilayered ossicles up to 896 μ m long; buttons irregular, thick, knobbed, perforated, 104–192 μ m long, most small, some with secondary layer developments, some intergrading with multilayered ossicles; complex bluntly spinous cups, basal cross, branching from rim to close over cup to varying extents, 112–144 μ m long; small endplates, up to 184 μ m diameter, smallest perforations centrally; tube foot support plates irregularly oval, perforated, denticulate on 1 margin, sometimes curved, typically 160 μ m long. Ventral tube feet with endplates, support plates, narrow plates: endplates up to 280 μ m diameter, small perforations centrally, large peripherally; support plates elongate, bent or curved, perforated, denticulate on 1 margin, typically 256 μ m long. Sole with plates and cups: plates perforated, thick, knobbed, single-layered, variably oval to narrowly elongate, up to 400 μ m long; cups rare, 80 μ m long, thin-walled, shallow, denticulate margin, denticulations slightly globose. Tentacles with rods, narrow plates, small plates, lacking rosettes: rods thick, straight or curved, large lateral perforations, small terminal perforations, up to 296 μ m long (intergrade with narrow plates); narrow plates bent or curved, thick, few central and distal perforations, margin thickly denticulate, up to 200 μ m long; small plates tentacle dendritic branch endplates, thin-walled, perforated, irregularly oval, cupped or curved, marginally finely denticulate, typically 56 μ m long.

Colour. Live: body white dorsally and ventrally; tentacle dendritic branches yellow (pers. comm. Clarrie Handreck). Preserved: body and tentacle dendritic branches white; tentacle trunks and oral disc with dark brown flecking.

Distribution. Victoria, Western Port, Phillip I., Cat Bay; 0– 1 m.

Etymology. Named for Audrey Falconer (Marine Research Group of Victoria), in appreciation of her dedication to marine invertebrate studies on the coast of Victoria, and especially for her contribution to photography in this work.

Remarks. The genus Apsolidium O’Loughlin and O’Hara, 1992 was described for 3 southern Australian species: A. alvei , A. densum , A. handrecki . Apsolidium falconerae sp. nov. shares the distinctive diagnostic characters of the genus. The body form and cup ossicle form distinguish A. falconerae from the other 3 species. None of the other 3 species has a body form that tapers distinctly from anterior to posterior, or has dorsal and lateral body wall cups with an extensively developed rim that creates variably closed cups. A. falconerae also lacks the tentacle rosette ossicles of each of the other 3 species. It is assumed here that the single small ventral tentacle of A. falconerae is exceptional and would normally be a pair.


Museum Victoria

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