Argyresthia (Argyresthia) subzonata, Liu, Tengteng, Wang, Shuxia & Li, Houhun, 2017

Liu, Tengteng, Wang, Shuxia & Li, Houhun, 2017, Review of the genus Argyresthia Hübner, [1825] (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea: Argyresthiidae) from China, with descriptions of forty-three new species, Zootaxa 4292 (1), pp. 1-135 : 53-54

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.827746

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Plazi (2017-07-15 08:03:52, last updated 2024-11-26 00:33:45)

scientific name

Argyresthia (Argyresthia) subzonata

sp. nov.

42. Argyresthia (Argyresthia) subzonata , sp. nov. ( Figs. 52 View FIGURES 52 – 59 , 120 View FIGURES 120 – 125 , 176 View FIGURES 174 – 177 , 232 View FIGURES 221 – 232 , 278 View FIGURES 277 – 279 )

Description. Adult ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 52 – 59 ) wingspan 15.5̄16.0 mm. Head yellowish white. Labial palpus yellowish white, mixed with fuscous laterally. Antenna with scape yellowish white, pecten yellowish fuscous; flagellum yellowish white, ringed with black. Foreleg with femur, tibia and tarsus blackish fuscous on inner surface, remainder yellowish white; midleg mostly yellowish white, femur gray on outer surface, tibia gray on distal part, second to fifth tarsomeres mostly yellowish fuscous except blackish fuscous distally; hindleg mostly yellowish white, tarsus blackish gray on each tarsomere distally. Thorax yellowish white, with two longitudinal black streaks laterally; tegula yellowish white. Forewing ratio 4.8; yellowish white; costa with about 10 black dots, black dot before middle largest; longitudinal blackish-gray band overlaid with yellow from near base of costa extending obliquely outwards to upper margin of cell, and from there to apex, distal half distinctly curved; dorsum with a large more or less broad U-shaped black pattern, starting from near base below fold, extending obliquely inward to basal 1/5 of wing on dorsum, continuing from basal 1/5 to 3/7 along dorsum, then obliquely outward to distal 1/5 of cell, intersecting preceeding longitudinal band; slender black dorsal band from middle of wing to tornus, dotted with black above, produced to a spot at tornus; cilia yellowish white on costa and around apex, gray on termen. Hindwing and cilia uniformly gray. Abdomen silvery gray dorsally, yellowish white ventrally.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 120 View FIGURES 120 – 125 , 176 View FIGURES 174 – 177 , 232 View FIGURES 221 – 232 ): Tuba analis shorter than width of valva. Socius covered with 13̄14 scale-like setae, bearing two long setae posteriorly ( Fig. 232 View FIGURES 221 – 232 ). Gnathos inflated distally, with nine long thick setae apically. Valva elongate oval, widest at base, narrowed towards apex, rounded apically, dorsal margin straight; a clump of thick setae in disc near ventral margin, with sparser similar setae in distal area. Saccus half width of valva, triangular, truncate apically. Phallus arched in distal 7/11, 3.7 times as long as width of valva ( Fig. 176 View FIGURES 174 – 177 ). Second sternite with about 10 micro-setae in each row; eighth sternite Y-shaped. Coremata present.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 278 View FIGURES 277 – 279 ): Ovipositor 2.5 times as long as eighth segment. Anterior apophysis 3/5 length of posterior apophysis, bifurcate at distal 2/5; branch bifurcate a second time, with dorsal branch extending to lamella postvaginalis, ventral branches fused, forming ventral margin of ostium bursae. Lamella postvaginalis nearly trapezoidal. Antrum funnel-shaped, 2/5 length of eighth segment. Ductus bursae densely spinulate near and before opening of ductus seminalis; ductus seminalis originating from middle of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae oval, with dense micro-denticles, sparser anteriorly; signum with band-shaped basal plate slightly narrowed basally, slender horns slightly curved inward, water caltrop-shaped, anterior margin convex medially.

Type material. CHINA: Holotype, Ƌ, Lulang Town (29.74°N, 94.73°E), Linzhi County, Xizang Autonomous Region, 3065 m, 4.viii.2010, leg. Houhun Li et al., slide no. LTT12338 GoogleMaps . Paratype: 1♀, Dianchanggou (29.65°N, 94.37°E), Bayi Town , Linzhi County, 3470 m, 6.viii.2010, leg. Houhun Li et al., slide no. LTT12339 GoogleMaps .

Distribution. China (Xizang).

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by the forewing having a longitudinal blackish-gray band overlaid with yellow near the costa and a more or less U-shaped black pattern arising from the dorsum.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin subzonatus, meaning below the zone, referring to the curved longitudinal band of the forewing.

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FIGURES 52 – 59. Adults of Argyresthia spp. 52, A. (Argyresthia) subzonata, sp. nov., ♀, paratype; 53, A. (A.) pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller]), ♀; 54, A. (A.) pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller]), ♀; 55, A. (A.) brockeella (Hübner), collected from Shanxi Province, ♀; 56, A. (A.) brockeella (Hübner), collected from Xizang, ♀; 57, A. (A.) ivella (Haworth), ♀; 58, A. (A.) basistriata, sp. nov., ♀, paratype; 59, A. (A.) retinella Zeller, ♀. (Scales = 2.0 mm)

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FIGURES 120 – 125. Eighth sternite and male genitalia excluding phallus of Argyresthia spp. 120, A. (Argyresthia) subzonata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12338, holotype; 121, A. (A.) pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller]), slide no. LTT 12722; 122, A. (A.) brockeella (Hübner), slide no. LTT 12548; 123, A. (A.) ivella (Haworth), slide no. LTT 12270; 124, A. (A.) basistriata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12271, paratype; 125, A. (A.) retinella Zeller, slide no. LTT 12717. (Scales = 0.2 mm)

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FIGURES 174 – 177. Phallus of Argyresthia spp. 174, A. (Argyresthia) aphoristis Meyrick, slide no. LTT 12348; 175, A. (A.) triangulata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12362, paratype; 176, A. (A.) subzonata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12338, holotype; 177, A. (A.) pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller]), slide no. LTT 12722. (Scales = 0.2 mm)

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FIGURES 221 – 232. Socii of Argyresthia spp. 221, A. (Argyresthia) decurtata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12334, paratype; 222, A. (A.) minutisocia, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12438, holotype; 223, A. (A.) scalprata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12134, holotype; 224, A. (A.) grammosacca, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12439, paratype; 225, A. (A.) campylotropa, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12443, holotype; 226, A. (A.) punctuata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12534, holotype; 227, A. (A.) trochaula Meyrick, slide no. LTT 12335; 228, A. (A.) chlorella, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12337, holotype; 229, A. (A.) subrimosa Meyrick, slide no. LTT 12713; 230, A. (A.) aphoristis Meyrick, slide no. LTT 12348; 231, A. (A.) triangulata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12362, paratype; 232, A. (A.) subzonata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12338, holotype. (Scales = 0.1 mm)

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FIGURES 277 – 279. Female genitalia of Argyresthia spp. 277, A. (Argyresthia) triangulata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12091, paratype; 278, A. (A.) subzonata, sp. nov., slide no. LTT 12339, paratype; 279, A. (A.) pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller]), slide no. LTT 12724. (Scales = 0.5 mm)















