Asteriza tainosa Shin , Chaboo & Clark

Shin, Chulwoo, Chaboo, Caroline S. & Clark, Shawn M., 2012, Revision of the endemic Hispaniolan genus Asteriza Chevrolat, 1836, with description of two new species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Ischyrosonychini), Zootaxa 3227, pp. 34-53 : 45-47

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Asteriza tainosa Shin , Chaboo & Clark

sp. nov.

Asteriza tainosa Shin, Chaboo & Clark , new species

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the coloration and swollen maxillary and labial palpi. The elytra ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURES 4 – 6 , 47–48 View FIGURES 47 – 54 ) are mainly tan with black punctures and the anterolateral angle of the male elytra is less acute than in other species. Maxillary palpomeres III–IV ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 34 – 37 ) and labial palpomere III (Fig. 38) are more swollen than in other Asteriza species. The frontoclypeus (Fig. 30) is finely and shallowly punctate, brown, and usually divided by a mesal sulcus.

Description. Adult: Male (n=85) length 9.0–9.5 mm, width 7.0–8.0 mm; female (n=110) length 10.0–11.5 mm, width 8.0–9.0 mm. Body oval, slightly discontinuous between pronotum and elytra, broadest at middle bulging area of elytra; profile ( Figs. 16–17 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ) hemispherical, highest at middle of elytra. Head entirely concealed in dorsal view; gena and subgena (Fig. 30) pale brown to brown. Maxillary palpomere III as long as broad; palpomere IV swollen, 1.5 times broader than long ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 34 – 37 ). Labial palpomere III 1.5 times as long as broad; ligula with apex slightly angled (Fig. 38). Frontoclypeus finely and shallowly punctate, brown, usually divided by mesal sulcus (Fig. 30). Pronotum ( Figs. 42–43 View FIGURES 42 – 46 ) hemispherical in dorsal view with postero-medial angle; dorsum smooth and shiny; anterior margin slightly convex, translucent; lateral margin broader posteriad, slightly depressed with edges curved upward; yellow blotch pattern of pronotum more extensive than in other species. Thoracic sterna ( Figs. 43, 46 View FIGURES 42 – 46 ) shiny, black, medially flattened. Elytra tan, with each puncture and closely surrounding area black ( Figs. 47– 48 View FIGURES 47 – 54 ). Legs shiny, reddish brown, with trochanters and proximal half of femora black ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4 – 6 ). Spermatheca falcate with inner margin curved; part near opening more sclerotized than in other Asteriza species (Fig. 67).

Type material. Holotype: Male. Dominican Republic: Prov. Independencia: Sierra de Bahoruco, North Slope, 13.5 km S.E. Puerto Escondido, N 18˚12’18, W 71˚31’08 W, Alt 1807 m, May 22–23 2004, C. Young, J. Fetzner, J. Rawlins, C. Nunez, Broadleaf Pinus , dense woodland, hand collecting ( CMNH). Paratypes (192 specimens): Dominican Republic: Prov. Independencia: Rd191 Around Caseta No. 1, Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruce, 1,239 m, 18˚ 16 0 38 N, 71˚ 32’ 691 W. 11–12 XII 2003, D. Perez, R. Bastardo, B. Hierro ( AMNH: 1 male, 2 females); Sierra de Bahoruco, North Slope, 13.5 km SE, Puerto Escondido, 18˚12’18 N, 71˚31’08 W, Alt 1807 m, May 22–23 2004, C. Young, J. Fetzner, J. Rawlins, C. Nunez, Broadleaf Pinus , dense woodland, hand collecting ( CMNH: 11 males, 16 females); Prov. Moncion Prov.: Manoncito, Santiago Rodriguez, R.D. 25 V 1980 ( MHND: 41 males, 49 females); Prov. Monte Cristi: 5–9 km N. Villa Elisa 26 V 1992, col. M.C. Thomas ( MHND: 2 males; FSCA: 1 male, 2 females); 5 km N. Villa Elisa 3 VI 1994, col. M.C. Thomas, ( FSCA: 1 male); Prov. Puerto Plata: La Ceiba, Luperon, Rd. 21 XI 1981, col. Marcano ( MHND: 1 male); Prov. Sabaneta: Los Ingenitos, Santiago Rodriguez r. d. 6 VII 1980 ( MHND: 5 males, 8 females); Rio Gurabo Stgo Rdguez R.D. 5 VII 1980, col. Marcano ( MHND: 1 male); Gurabo, Santiago Rodriguez, R.D. 5 VII 1980, col. Mota-Aquino ( MHND: 5 males, 8 females); Sabana Las Caobas, STGO, R. D. 25 V 1980, col. Marcano, Abud-Mota and Reaynoso-Aquino ( MHND: 7 males, 10 females); Sabana Las Caobas, STGO, R. D. 6 VII 1980, col. Marcano, Abud-Mota and Reaynoso-Aquino ( MHND: 2 female); Prov. Santiago: D: 1 male); Gurabo, Santiago Rodriguez, R.D. 5 VII 1980, col. Mota-Aquino ( MHND: 5 males, 8 females); Sabana Las Caobas, STGO, R. D. 25 V 1980, col. Marcano, Abud-Mota and Reaynoso-Aquino ( MHND: 7 males, 10 females); Sabana Las Caobas, STGO, R. D. 6 VII 1980, col. Marcano, Abud-Mota and Reaynoso-Aquino ( MHND: 2 female); Prov. Santiago: S.J. Matas, Canafistol, Rd 25 V 1980, col. Marcano ( MHND: 1 male); La Celestina S.J. Matas,, Rd. 30 VIII 1980 col. Marcano ( MHND: 1 female); Prov. Valverde: El Cereado, Valverde, R.D. 2 I 1982, col. Marcano ( MHND: 2 males, 2 females); Haiti: Prov. Sud-Est Massif de La Selle Morne d’Enfer 1850 m, 15 V 1984, M.C. Thomas ( FSCA; 1 male, 1 female); Parc National La Visite vicinity park headquarter, 1880 m, 23 V 1984, col. M.C. Thomas ( FSCA: 3 males, 8 females); Parc National La Visite between Park headquarter & Morne d’Enfer, 14 V 1984, M.C. Thomas ( FSCA: 1 female).

Etymology. The species epithet is derived from the name Taínos, the original tribal inhabitants of Hispaniola before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World ( Saunders 2005).


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