Asymmetrella longitubulosa Gorochov, 2022

Gorochov, A. V., 2022, Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 15: Asymmetrella gen. n., Zvenellomorpha and Ultratrella from Madagascar, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (3), pp. 218-229 : 219-222

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.31.3.02

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Asymmetrella longitubulosa Gorochov

sp. nov.

Asymmetrella longitubulosa Gorochov , sp.n.

Figs 1–15 View Figs 1–9 View Figs 10–27 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype — ♂, Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Moramanga Distr., Analamazaotra Forest Station near Andasibe Vill ., ~ 900 m, on leaf of bush in forest at night, 8–20.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN) . Paratypes: 1 ♂, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) ; 1 ♂, same province and district, ~ 10 km NW of Andasibe Vill., Torotorofotsy Forest Reserve , ~ 1000 m, on leaf of small tree in forest at night, 22.II– 11.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN) .

DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). Body coloration light greyish with numerous darker marks: eyes light yellowish brown with four longitudinal brownish grey stripes; upper half of epicranium with a pair of dark brown lines along dorsal edges of antennal cavities, a few brown areas along anterior edge of pronotal disc, and several small brown to dark brown spots near rostral apex and on epicranial dorsum between eyes as well as on genae under eyes; mouthparts very light with barely darkened areas on two apical segments of maxillary palpi and on apex of labrum; antennae light with a few dark marks on dorsal half of scape, rather numerous darkish and lightish spots on proximal third of flagellum, and almost uniformly light brown rest of flagellum; pronotum also light with several dark brown spots on disc ( Figs 1–4 View Figs 1–9 ); pterothorax and abdomen light brown with brown transverse band on last abdominal tergite as well as a few lateral marks on anal plate (as in Fig. 10 View Figs 10–27 ); legs light grey with rather sparse small brown to dark brown spots on fore femora and tibiae as well as with larger similar spots on middle and hind femora, tibiae and tarsi; tegmina with semitransparent dorsal field having whitish and light grey marks, and with whitish lateral field having light greyish brown veins and large areas on membranes between Sc branches (areas between proximal half of Sc and dorsal field greyish brown with whitish crossveins; Figs 5–8 View Figs 1–9 ); hind wings light yellowish grey; cerci light with numerous small dark marks on proximal parts and somewhat less numerous slightly darkened spots on other cercal parts. Outer tympanum almost 1.2 times as long as width of fore tibia and rather wide (fore tibia approximately 1.4 times as wide as this tympanum); inner tympanum slightly smaller but similar in shape ( Figs 5–6 View Figs 1–9 ). Tegmina: dorsal field with 4–5 oblique veins (two medial ones almost straight, others more or less curved) and with longitudinal mirror which clearly longer than diagonal vein and than apical area as well as having one obliquely transverse dividing vein; lateral field with 12–13 oblique and slightly curved branches of Sc ( Figs 7–8 View Figs 1–9 ). Anal and genital plates as in Fig. 10 View Figs 10–27 ; genitalia with rather high and short epiphallus having six apical tubercles (a pair of ventroapical ones, and two pairs of dorsoapical tubercles: larger distal pair and smaller but more acute subdistal one) and small notch between them, with large arcuate rachis having strongly widened proximal part and thin (spine-like) apical part, with hook-like distal parts of elongate ectoparameres, and with asymmetrically V-shaped formula having a pair of semisclerotized plates dorsally and characteristic heavily sclerotized ribbon anteriorly ( Figs 11– 13, 15 View Figs 10–27 ); spermatophore as in Fig. 14 View Figs 10–27 .

Variations. Paratype from Torotorofotsy Forest Reserve with less numerous darkened spots on head dorsum and on pronotal disc (these pronotal spots partly fused with each other and forming a pair of arcuate lateral stripes on disc) as well as without distinct darkenings on abdominal apex (i.e. on last tergite and anal plate). Other paratype with dorsum of head and pronotal disc slightly darkened (small darkened spots on these surfaces almost indistinct), lateral pronotal lobes having rather numerous darkened dots, legs less distinctly spotted (these spots smaller, lighter, more numerous and forming almost finely reticular pattern on outer surfaces of hind femora; thus, these femoral surfaces looking only slightly darkened), tegmina having slightly shorter basal area ( Fig. 9 View Figs 1–9 ), and genitalia practically lacking anterior sclerotized ribbon of formula.

Female unknown.

Length in mm. Body 14–15.5; body with wings 15.5– 16.5; pronotum 2.7–2.9; tegmina 10.5–12; hind femora 11– 12.5.

COMPARISON. The new species differs from the other related taxa by the characters given in the generic diagnosis.

ETYMOLOGY. This species name consists of the Latin prefix “longi-“ (long) and the Latin word “tubulosa” (tubular) due to a very long tube of the spermatophore.

Genus Zvenellomorpha Gorochov, 2004 View in CoL NOTE. In this genus, some rather different species are here included. They are divided into three groups. The first group includes one species having its general appearance more or less similar to that of Asymmetrella View in CoL gen. n., but its male genitalia are very similar to those of Zvenellomorpha View in CoL s. str., whereas those of Asymmetrella View in CoL gen. n. are more similar to the male genitalia of Ocellotrella . Possibly the above-mentioned similarity to Asymmetrella View in CoL gen. n. is connected with a similar mode of life: the both sit on the leaves of bushes or trees at night but probably on the bark of branches and trunks at daytime (the similarity in their general appearance, therefore, may be due to the same way of simulating the unevenness of the bark). The second and third groups have a very similar general appearance (without any simulating the bark unevenness) but a rather different structure of the male genitalia. These groups are here described as subgenera (see the subgeneric key below).


1. Body moderately large (lengths of pronotum 3.6 mm); all ocelli distinct (significantly convex), medium-sized (approximately equal to each other in size) and almost round ( Fig. 28 View Figs 28–37 ); pronotum strongly narrowing to head, strongly depressed dorsoventrally and with slight but distinct longitudinal keels on lateral lobes (these keels more or less similar to those of Asymmetrella View in CoL gen. n.; Figs 31, 33 View Figs 28–37 ); outer and inner tympana well developed ( Figs 29–30 View Figs 28–37 ); fore and middle femora as well as middle tibiae somewhat widened and strongly depressed laterally(they more strongly depressed than even in Asymmetrella View in CoL gen. n. and with keel-like dorsal longitudinal edges on femora; Figs 31– 33 View Figs 28–37 ); male tegmina with well developed stridulatory apparatus having large longitudinal mirror in dorsal field ( Fig. 32 View Figs 28–37 ); male genitalia having rather long ventroapical epiphallic lobules and bifurcate dorsoapical epiphallic processes, long ectoparameres and rachis, and formula almost as in Asymmetrella View in CoL gen. n. with long anterior sclerotized ribbon but completely symmetrical ( Figs 34–36 View Figs 28–37 ) .............. ........................................ Euzvenellomorpha subgen.n.

— Body moderately small (lengths of pronotum 2.1–3.4 mm); all ocelli poorly distinct (insignificantly convex), but middle ocelli medium-sized or small as well as barely or slightly elongate, and median ocellus small and round or obliterate ( Figs 42–43 View Figs 38–46 , 49 View Figs 47–59 ); pronotum slightly narrowing to head, moderately depressed dorsoventrally and without keels on lateral lobes ( Figs 38–39, 42–43 View Figs 38–46 , 47–48 View Figs 47–59 ); fore and middle femora as well as middle tibiae not widened and slightly depressed laterally as well as without dorsal keels on femora ( Figs 38–39, 42–43 View Figs 38–46 , 47–48, 56 View Figs 47–59 ); male tegmina with partly reduced stridulatory apparatus having medium-sized or moderately small mirror of different shape in dorsal field ( Figs 40–41 View Figs 38–46 , 51, 56 View Figs 47–59 ); male genitalia rather diverse ( Figs 16–23, 25–26 View Figs 10–27 , 52–54 View Figs 47–59 ) ................. 2

2. Median ocellus very small and round or obliterate; outer and inner tympana well developed; male genitalia similar to those of Euzvenellomorpha subgen.n. but with distinctly shorter rachis and anterior sclerotized ribbon of formula (this ribbon in shape of rather wide but poorly distinct semimembranous plate; Figs 16–23, 25 View Figs 10–27 ) .......... .................................................... Zvenellomorpha View in CoL s. str.

— Median ocellus obliterate; inner tympanum well developed, but outer one obliterate; male genitalia with rather short but hook-like ventroapical epiphallic lobules and almost non-bifurcate dorsoapical epiphallic processes, ectoparameres and rachis much shorter than in Euzvenellomorpha subgen.n., and formula more similar to that of this subgenus than to that of Zvenellomorpha View in CoL s. str. ( Figs 26 View Figs 10–27 , 52–54 View Figs 47–59 ) ........................ Azvenellomorpha subgen.n.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum












Asymmetrella longitubulosa Gorochov

Gorochov, A. V. 2022


Gorochov 2022


Gorochov 2022


Gorochov 2022


Gorochov 2021


Gorochov 2004


Gorochov 2004


Gorochov 2004
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